
In the Book of Mormon, the Zoramites (/ˈzɔːr.ʌm.ts/[1]) were one of three major Nephite sects, existing during the administration of Alma the Younger as the High Priest over the Church of God (Alma 4:4). Zoram, the leader of this group, is first mentioned in Alma 30:59 as being the head of a people who "had separated themselves from the Nephites", and were responsible for the death of Korihor.


The Book of Mormon describes a time when the Nephite nation was still recovering from a bloody civil war initiated by the rebellion of Amlici, a follower of the Nehor sect, who after losing a popular election to be made king, made an alliance with the Lamanites. Therefore, when Zoram settled his people in Antionum near a large body of Lamanites, there grew considerable concern that the Zoramites would make a similar pact and bring about another war (Alma 31:4).


Instead of sending armies to destroy the group, Alma attempts to preach to the people in order to bring them back into the Church of God. Alma's success among a portion of the people unfortunately sparks the very rebellion that he was seeking to prevent. His converts become refugees in the land of Jershon where the king of the Ammonites gives them asylum. Because of the Ammonites' refusal to surrender the converts, the Zoramites join with the Lamanites, and the Amalekites, and go to war (Alma 43:4, Alma 43:6). The Nephite armies rout the Zoramites, Amalekites and Lamanites into retreat, and finally to surrender.

Zoramite religion

Zoramites were Nephite dissenters. After becoming rebellious and prideful they broke away from the Nephite population and created their own community. Alma, fearing that the Zoramites would join forces with the Lamanites and stir them up into anger against the Nephites, decided to go unto them and preach repentance. Alma left the Nephites and traveled to the Zoramite city: He was surprised by what he found there. Every week the Zoramites would meet at their synagogue to worship their God. One by one they would get upon a tower called the Rameumptom (Alma 31:21) and say a memorized prayer to God thanking him for making them better than the Nephites, and stating that there was to be no Christ. As they prayed upon the tower they would hold their hands up toward heaven. when they finished their prayers, they would continue about their day, not talking about God until they met again the next week.

Alma had little success preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the Zoramites until he came across a group of poor Zoramites who had been expelled from their synagogues because of their poverty. Alma found that they had been humbled by their brethren and were ready to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Alma taught them about faith, prayer, the atonement, humility, and Christ. When the poor Zoramites were converted unto the Lord, they were expelled by the Zoramites and fled to Nephite lands.

The Zoramites are identified as an apostate sect from the true Church of God. The doctrines and practices of the Zoramites are described by Alma as follows:


  1. LDS.org: "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zōr´um-īt»(s)
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