Yegor Altman

Yegor Altman
Born (1975-04-22)April 22, 1975
Moscow, Russia
Alma mater Stockholm School of Economics
Occupation President of AltCommunication Group

Georgiy (Yegor) Ilyich Altman (Russian: Георгий Ильич Альтман); born on April 22, 1975, Moscow is a three times winner of the "Media Manager of Russia", an ex-adviser, a ex-former Deputy Director General of the management company United Media (radio station Business FM), a founder Advertising Syndicate HIDALGO, a founder and a current President of the advertising agency AltCommunication Group. He is also the Head of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), the Vice-President of the Russian Association of Communication Agencies (RACA). Altman is a founder and President of the Igor Vulokh Creative Legacy Foundation. Yegor is founder of Altmans Gallery – the first art-boutique of lithographs in Moscow (Russia) and Tel Aviv (Israel). Besides, he is a producer, a collector, an author and an organizer of art projects in the field of contemporary art.


Pedagogical education ("History"), core education - International Institute of Advertising ("Advertising") and management education - Stockholm School of Economics ("Strategic Business Management, Marketing")

Work in the media industry

Altman has been in media for more than 20 years since 1991. He started his career on one of the first Moscow cable TV channels (Lefortovo TV). At different times he held senior positions in advertising production company NAST, Trading House Hidalgo, Stolichnaya Vechernaya Gazeta, PH Moskovskie novosti. He participated in marketing strategies development: VTB 24, Vnesheconombank, Gazprombank, Renaissance investment Management, Aton Capital, Antigrippin Maximum, TEZ-tour, Forex Club, Econika. «Our home is Russia». He also took part in creation of such successful projects as Kommersant-Weekend, portal, series of programs on the Silver Rain Radio and Echo of Moscow. He is one of the founders and former president of the Advertising Syndicate HIDALGO. Since 2015 he has been the president of the advertising agency AltCommunication Group.

Radio Business FM

Business FM is the first business conversational radio in Russia where the global tendencies of economic development are discussed. The radio station is the first one that fulfilled the concept of Breaking News, Stream News: the news is broadcast live right after their appearance in the information agencies feed or after development occurred in the world. It is the first example of a continuous stream of news in the business media of Russia. Yegor Altman is one of the founders and former shareholder of the management company United Media (radio Business FM, portal, radio "98 hits"). Together with Dmitriy Solopov and Daniil Kupsin he stood at its origin. Also he participated in the launching of Business FM radio stations network in Saint Petersburg, Ufa and other cities. In 2009, he became an owner of Business FM radio station in Kaliningrad and Sovetsk. Business FM radio station was recognized as one of the most successful projects on the Russian media market. On March 5, 2015, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs awarded Business FM as the best Russian media in business journalistic. Earlier in 2010, Business FM was awarded with the same Award nominated in “Best Business Media of Russia”. In 2012, Altman became a producer and a hero of the book “Hooligans in business: the story of Business FM success”. The book is the first Russian business case on the media business establishment (“Hooligans in business: the story of Business FM success”).

Advertising agency

The Advertising Syndicate HIDALGO was Russian full service agency has founded in 1996. The company’s headquarters is situated in Moscow. AltCommunication Group – an advertising Agency that was formed by reorganization of the management structure of an Advertising Syndicate HIDALGO. The company founded by Yegor and Kristina Altman, Olga Schneiderman in 2015. AltCommunication Group is a member of the association of communication agencies of Russia. The agency is among a top ten largest independent Russian media agencies in terms of purchasing advertising on the results of 2014 ( and a TOP-30 of global rating of media agencies Qualitative Evaluation RUSSIA. AltCommunication Group is and participant of the Transworld Advertising Agency Network, which includes over 50 agencies worldwide. It is also an official representative of the Quadric International Agency in Russia and countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Among the clients of the agency are the largest international and Russian companies. They include VTB group of companies, pharmaceutical company Pfizer, developer company Capital Group, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Bank “FK Otkrytie” and others.

Art projects

Yegor Altman initiated the idea to create a series of author’s porcelain painted under designs of cultic abstractionist Igor Vulokh. Together with Altman, the Russian-Israeli artist Michail Grobman created a series of collector’s plates in a second wave avant-garde style.

Igor Vulokh Creative Legacy Foundation

Igor Vulokh Creative Legacy Foundation was founded by Yegor Altman and the artist’s family after his death. The Vulokh Foundation (for short) was created to support and development of projects dedicated to the life and creative work of the cultic artist. Together with collectors and in cooperation with the world largest museums and galleries, the Foundation often holds exhibitions of Igor Vulokh’s works. In 2008, at the ART4.RU Museum there was a large-scale exhibition coincided with the 70th anniversary of the artist Igor Vulokh. The exhibition has shown more than 120 paintings and sheets of graphics. Yegor Altman was an idea initiator and exhibition organizer. In 2013, with Altman’s active engagement the retrospective exhibition of classic Russian abstraction by Igor Vulokh was opened at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. In 2015, a personal exhibition “REPATRIATION” was held in the Cultural Foundation EKATERINA. At its core were 43 works that had been returned to Russia from Germany a year earlier. The first art-repatriation was held featuring Altman and Igor Vulokh’s family. 23 years later the artist’s works were handed over to the Igor Vulokh Creative Legacy Foundation.

In 2015, together with his wife Kristina, Egor Altman founded Altmans Gallery in Moscow, which is focused on the most famous names prints. The gallery displays genuine art works of Marc Chagall, Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Andy Warhol, Takashi Murakami, Fernand Léger and others. In March 2016, the first exhibition dedicated to Marc Chagall’s prints, named My life, was opened. At the core of the composition were colored and black-and-white lithographic printings of the artist. For the first time ever Chagall’s graphics of his famous “Bible series”, antique story, and works dedicated to Paris, Vitebsk and child memories of the artist were displayed within the framework of one exhibition. In September 2016, the gallery held an exhibition “The artist draws a film. Yarbusova and Norstein” that coincided with the 75th anniversary of the artist. The exposition of the exhibition included works dedicated to animated cartoons, such as The hedgehog in the Fog, Tale of Tales, Heron and Crane, The Overcoat. The exhibition was attended by over 9 thousand people. In spring 2017, an exhibition of Salvador Dali “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” took place in the Gallery, which was confined to 185-years of Lewis Carroll. The exhibition was prepared together with one of the most prestige galleries in the world of arts – gallery MAISON D’ART in Monte-Carlo. Besides the gravures, etchings and sculptures to “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” the exhibition included also original artist’s graphics of “Tarot cards” series. In spring 2017 Egor and Kristina Altman founded Altmans Gallery in Tel Aviv.

Charitable work

Within Marc Chagall’s exhibition “My life” in spring 2016 in cooperation with Russian Jewish congress a charitable auction of works of Marc Chagall and Russian musician Andrey Makarevich was a great success. All the money was transferred to the Jewish vulnerable families with children. Also in spring 2017, within the framework of social partnership of the Gallery, +1 project and platform “And all for one” there was an evening, which witnessed a charitable auction. All the money was transferred to the accounts of four charitable organizations: Program of charitable assistance to severely ill children “Line of Life”, Charitable Fund of art community support “Artist”, Program “Ski of dream” for ICP children rehabilitation, and Charitable Fund of Konstantin Khabensky that helps children with oncology and other severe cerebrum diseases.


Yegor Altman is a three times winner of the "Media Manager of Russia". In 2008 and 2012, the award had been given for creation of the unique format of the first business radio and dynamic development of Business FM radio station, and for the idea and producing of Russia's first book ( "Hooligans in business : the story of Business FM success") on the media business establishment. In 2016, Yeagor Altman won the “Head of the PR agency in advertising and marketing communication” award for continuous and progressive financial growth of the company on the background of advertising market stagnation. In 2012, Altaman was awarded with the diploma "The year with Kommersant" for the development of the idea of "Kommersant of a year", which first took place in the summer 2011 as part of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. In 2010, he became one of the "Main persons of the advertising market" according to the results of the 20th anniversary version In 2007, he entered the top five CFOs media business according to PH "Kommersant".


1. ↑ Biography: Yegor Altman. // Vedomosti Person 2. ↑ Atlas of media managers: Yegor Ilyich Altman // Atlas of media. 3. ↑ Russians entered to the network of international PR agencies // RBC. Morning.-May 18, 2012


  • ^[n1] Biography: Yegor Altman.
  • ^[n2] Atlas of media managers: Yegor Ilyich Altman.
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