
Wurmbea dioica in Paddys Ranges State Park, Australia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Liliales
Family: Colchicaceae
Genus: Wurmbea

See text

  • Anguillaria R.Br.
  • Anguillaraea T.Post & Kuntze
  • Onixotis Raf.
  • Skizima Raf.
  • Dipidax Lawson ex Salisb
  • Neodregea C.H.Wright
Wurmbea inusta, a species from South Africa
This specimen might be Wurmbea spicata, Cedarberg South Africa
Wurmbea stricta. This species used to be classified first in the genus Dipidax, then in Onixotis. This specimen photographed near Hermon in the Western Cape, but the species occurs widely in seasonally wet regions in fynbos.

Wurmbea is a genus of perennial herbs in the family Colchicaceae, native to Africa and Australia. There are about 50 species, with about half endemic to each continent.

Recently the circumscription of the genus Wurmbea has been increased to include Onixotis punctata and Onixotis stricta.[1]

African species accepted by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families as of January 2015 are:[2][3]

  • Wurmbea angustifolia B.Nord. – E. Zimbabwe to S. Africa
  • Wurmbea burttii B.Nord. – Lesotho to KwaZulu-Natal
  • Wurmbea capensis Thunb. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea compacta B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea dolichantha B.Nord. – W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea elatior B.Nord. – S. Africa
  • Wurmbea elongata B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea glassii (C.H.Wright) J.C.Manning & Vinn. – S. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea hiemalis B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea inusta (Baker) B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea kraussii Baker – S. Africa
  • Wurmbea marginata (Desr.) B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea minima B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea monopetala (L.f.) B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea punctata (L.) J.C.Manning & Vinn. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea pusilla E.Phillips – Lesotho to KwaZulu-Natal
  • Wurmbea recurva B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea robusta B.Nord. – S.W. Cape Province
  • Wurmbea spicata (Burm.f.) T.Durand & Schinz – Cape Province
  • Wurmbea stricta (Burm.f.) J.C.Manning & Vinn. – Cape Province
  • Wurmbea tenuis (Hook.f.) Baker – Tropical & S. Africa
  • Wurmbea variabilis B.Nord. – Cape Province

Australian species accepted by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families as of January 2015 are:[2]

  • Wurmbea australis (R.J.Bates) R.J.Bates – South Australia
  • Wurmbea biglandulosa (R.Br.) T.D.Macfarl. – S.E. Queensland to SE. Australia
  • Wurmbea calcicola T.D.Macfarl. – S.W. Australia
  • Wurmbea centralis T.D.Macfarl. – Central & S. Australia
  • Wurmbea cernua T.D.Macfarl. – S. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea citrina (R.J.Bates) R.J.Bates – S.E. Australia
  • Wurmbea decumbens R.J.Bates – South Australia (Eyre Peninsula)
  • Wurmbea densiflora (Benth.) T.D.Macfarl. – Western Australia
  • Wurmbea deserticola T.D.Macfarl. – W. & Central Australia
  • Wurmbea dilatata T.D.Macfarl. – W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea dioica (R.Br.) F.Muell. – S.W. & S.E. Australia
  • Wurmbea drummondii Benth. – S.W. Australia
  • Wurmbea fluviatilis T.D.Macfarl. & A.L.Case – N.W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea graniticola T.D.Macfarl. – S.W. Australia
  • Wurmbea inflata T.D.Macfarl. & A.L.Case – W. Central Western Australia
  • Wurmbea inframediana T.D.Macfarl. – W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea latifolia T.D.Macfarl. – S.E. Australia
  • Wurmbea monantha (Endl.) T.D.Macfarl. – W. & S.W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea murchisoniana T.D.Macfarl. – W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea nilpinna R.J.Bates – South Australia
  • Wurmbea odorata T.D.Macfarl. – W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea pygmaea (Endl.) Benth. – WS.W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea saccata T.D.Macfarl. & S.J.van Leeuwen – N.W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea sinora T.D.Macfarl. – S.W. & S. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea stellata R.J.Bates – South Australia
  • Wurmbea tenella (Endl.) Benth. – Western Australia
  • Wurmbea tubulosa Benth. – WS.W. Western Australia
  • Wurmbea uniflora (R.Br.) T.D.Macfarl. – S.E. Australia


  1. Manning, John (2008). Field Guide to Fynbos. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. ISBN 978-1-77007-265-7.
  2. 1 2 "Search for Wurmbea". World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 2015-01-18.
  3. "Wurmbea". African flowering plants database. Retrieved 2008-11-01.
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