World Internet Project

The World Internet Project (WIP) is a collaborative intellectual endeavor among a number of academic institutions to study the social, economic and political impact of the Internet.


The World Internet Project was founded in 1999 at the UCLA Center for Communication Policy (now the USC Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future) and was founded with the NTU School of Communication Studies in Singapore and the Osservatorio Internet Italia at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy.[1] Its purpose was to study the impact of the Internet in national and international communities.

Based at universities and research institutes around the world, the WIP conducts detailed research, generates a wealth of publications and holds annual conferences looking at the impact of these new technologies. The WIP carries out detailed panel surveys that aim to study how the Internet is used in people's everyday lives and what implications this has.[2] Each member institution conducts regular sample surveys of internet use and non-use in the its country, including a series of core questions agreed-upon by the WIP. The critical defining characteristics of this research are that it is longitudinal, enables cross-country comparison and includes both internet users and non-users.[3]

The WIP publishes international and national reports on Internet usage and behaviors based on these survey results. The reports are available on the WIP website and on each member institution's website.


List updated March 17, 2014


  1. "About". World Internet Project. Retrieved 18 March 2014.
  2. "World Internet Project". The Oxford Internet Institute. Retrieved 18 March 2014.
  3. "World Internet Project (Australia)". ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation. Retrieved 18 March 2014.
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