Wind power in New Mexico

Macho Springs Wind Farm
Caprock Wind Ranch
Roosevelt Wind Farm
Wind power projects in New Mexico
  Under construction

Wind power in New Mexico has the potential to generate more than all of the electricity consumed in the U.S. state of New Mexico.

Installed capacity and wind resources

The 250 MW capacity Roosevelt wind farm started operation in December 2015. The plant sells electricity to Southwestern Public Service.[1]

The following table compares the growth in wind power installed nameplate capacity in MW for New Mexico and the entire United States since 2001.[2]

Year New Mexico US
2001 1 4,275
2002 1 4,685
2003 206 6,370
2004 266 6,725
2005 406 9,149
2006 496 11,603
2007 496 16,819
2008 497 25,170
2009 597 35,159
2010 700 40,180
2011 750 46,919
2012 778 60,007
2013 778 61,108
Installed capacity by state as of 2016 (animated map of installed capacity growth)
Average annual wind power density map for New Mexico at 50m above ground

A 2010 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory showed that New Mexico has the potential to install up to 492,083 MW of wind power nameplate capacity, generating 1,644,970 GWh annually.[3][4] For comparison, New Mexico consumed 23,060 GWh of electricity in 2016, and 20,639 GWh in 2005.[5][6]

Wind generation

New Mexico Wind Generation in 2016
New Mexico Wind Generation (GWh, Million kWh)
Year Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2011 2,089 183 186 210 248 235 203 118 92 113 159 206 145
2012 2,276 219 213 220 193 194 188 124 120 131 198 182 234


See also


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