

IDT WinChip Marketing sample
Produced From 1997 to 1999
Marketed by IDT
Designed by Centaur Technology
Max. CPU clock rate 180 Mhz to 266 Mhz
FSB speeds 60 MT/s to 100 MT/s
Min. feature size 0.35 µm to 0.25 µm
Instruction set x86 (IA-32)
Microarchitecture Single, 4-stage, pipeline in-order execution
CPUID code 0540h, 0541h, 0585h, 0587h, 058Ah, 0595h
Cores 1
L1 cache 64 KiB (C6, W2, W2A and W2B)
128 KiB (W3)
L2 cache Motherboard dependent
L3 cache none
Successor Cyrix III
Core name(s)
  • C6
  • W2, C6+
  • W2A
  • W2B
  • W3
Brand name(s)
  • WinChip

The WinChip series was a low-power Socket 7-based x86 processor designed by Centaur Technology and marketed by its parent company IDT.



The design of the WinChip was quite different from other processors of the time. Instead of a large gate count and die area, IDT, using its experience from the RISC processor market, created a small and electrically efficient processor similar to the 80486, because of its single pipeline and in-order execution microarchitecture. It was of much simpler design than its Socket 7 competitors, such as AMD K5/K6 and Intel Pentium, which were superscalar and based on dynamic translation to buffered micro-operations with advanced instruction reordering (out of order execution).


WinChip was, in general, designed to perform well with popular applications that didn't do many (if any) floating point calculations. This included operating systems of the time and the majority of software used in businesses. It was also designed to be a drop-in replacement for the more complex, and thus more expensive, processors it was competing with. This allowed IDT/Centaur to take advantage of an established system platform (Intel's Socket 7).


The WinChip 2A added fractional multipliers and adopted a 100 MHz front side bus to improve memory access and L2 cache performance.[1] It also adopted a performance rating nomenclature instead of reporting the real clock speed, similar to contemporary AMD and Cyrix processors.

Another revision, the WinChip 2B, was also planned. This featured a die shrink to 0.25 μm, but was only shipped in limited numbers.[2]

A third model, the WinChip 3, was planned as well. This was meant to receive a doubled L1 cache, but the W3 CPU never made it to market.[2]


Although the small die size and low power-usage made the processor notably inexpensive to manufacture, it never gained much market share. WinChip C6 was a competitor to the Intel Pentium and Pentium MMX, Cyrix 6x86, and AMD K5/K6. It performed adequately, but only in applications that used little floating point math. Its floating point performance was simply well below that of the Pentium and K6, being even slower than the Cyrix 6x86.[3]

The WinChip2 was revised to strengthen floating point performance considerably, being over 50% faster than its predecessor in certain fpu-related benchmarks. it also added a 3DNow! processing unit making it the only non-AMD cpu on socket7 to support 3DNow! instructions. Nevertheless, it's still quite a bit slower than AMD K6-2 in most aspects and, more importantly, couldn't clock remotely as high as the K6-2.[4] This successor targeted the Intel Pentium II, Cyrix MII, and AMD K6-2 processors as competitors.


The industry's move away from Socket 7 and the release of the Intel Celeron processor signalled the end of the WinChip. In 1999, the Centaur Technology division of IDT was sold to VIA. Although VIA branded the processors as "Cyrix," the company initially used technology similar to the WinChip in its Cyrix III line.[5]

WinChip Data

Winchip C6 (0.35 µm)

Frequency FSB Mult. L1 cache TDP CPU core voltage Socket Release date Part number(s) Introduction price
WinChip 180 180 MHz 60 MT/s 3 64 KiB 9.4 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 5
Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
13 October 1997 DS180GAEM $90
WinChip 200 200 MHz 66 Mt/s 3 64 KiB 10.4 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 5
Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
13 October 1997 DS200GAEM $135
WinChip 225 225 MHz 75 MT/s 3 64 KiB 12.3 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
13 October 1997 PSME225GA
WinChip 240 240 MHz 60 MT/s 4 64 KiB 13.1 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 5
Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
November 1997? PSME240GA

WinChip 2 (0.35 µm)

Frequency FSB Mult. L1 cache TDP CPU core voltage Socket Release date Part number(s) Introduction price
WinChip 2-200 200 MHz 66 MT/s 3 64 KiB 8.8 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 5
Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
WinChip 2-225 225 MHz 75 MT/s 3 64 KiB 10.0 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
WinChip 2-240 240 MHz 60 MT/s 4 64 KiB 10.5 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 5
Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CPGA 296
WinChip 2-250 233 MHz 83 MT/s 3 64 KiB 10.9 W 3.45—3.6 V Super Socket 7
CGPA 296

WinChip 2A (0.35 µm)

Frequency FSB Mult. L1 cache TDP CPU core voltage Socket Release date Part number(s) Introduction price
WinChip 2A-200 200 MHz 66 MT/s 3 64 KiB 12.0 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 5
Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
March 1999? 3DEE200GTA
WinChip 2A-233 233 MHz 66 MT/s 3.5 64 KiB 13.0 W 3.45—3.6 V Socket 5
Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
March 1999? 3DEE233GTA
WinChip 2A-266 233 MHz 100 MT/s 2.33 64 KiB 14.0 W 3.45—3.6 V Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
March 1999? 3DEE266GSA
WinChip 2A-300 250 MHz 100 MT/s 2.5 64 KiB 16.0 W 3.45—3.6 V Super Socket 7
CGPA 296

WinChip 2B (0.25 µm)

Frequency FSB Mult. L1 cache TDP CPU core voltage Socket Release date Part number(s) Introduction price
WinChip 2B-200 200 MHz 66 MT/s 3 64 KiB 6.3 W 2.7—2.9 V Socket 7
Super Socket 7
PPGA 296
WinChip 2B-233 200 MHz 100 MT/s 2 64 KiB 6.3 W 2.7—2.9 V Super Socket 7
PPGA 296

WinChip 3 (0.25 µm)

Frequency FSB Mult. L1 cache TDP CPU core voltage Socket Release date Part number(s) Introduction price
WinChip 3-233 200 MHz 66 MT/s 3 128 KiB ? W 2.7—2.9 V Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CGPA 296
WinChip 3-266 233 MHz 66 MT/s 3.5 128 KiB 8.4 W 2.7—2.9 V Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CPGA 296
Samples only FK233GDA
WinChip 3-300 233 MHz 100 MT/s 2.33 128 KiB 8.4 W 2.7—2.9 V Super Socket 7
CPGA 296
Samples only FK300GDA
WinChip 3-300 266 MHz 66 MT/s 4 128 KiB 9.3 W 2.7—2.9 V Socket 7
Super Socket 7
CPGA 296
WinChip 3-333 250 MHz 100 MT/s 2.5 128 KiB 8.8 W 2.7—2.9 V Super Socket 7
CPGA 296
WinChip 3-333 266 MHz 100 MT/s 2.66 128 KiB 9.3 W 2.7—2.9 V Super Socket 7
CPGA 296

See also


  1. Hare, Chris. "Processor Speed Settings". Retrieved 24 April 2007.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "IA-32 implementation: Centaur WinChip 2". Retrieved 29 April 2007.
  3. Pabst, Thomas (9 October 1997). "The IDT WinChip C6 CPU". Tom's Hardware. Retrieved 29 April 2007.
  4. Gavrichenkov, Ilya (18 April 1999). "IDT Winchip 2 266 Review". X-bit labs. Retrieved 29 April 2007.
  5. Witheiler, Matthew (5 January 2001). "The New VIA Cyrix III: The Worlds First 0.15 Micron x86 CPU". AnandTech. Retrieved 29 April 2007.
  6. 1 2 3 "IA-32 implementation: Centaur WinChip". Sandpile. Retrieved 13 May 2007.
  7. 1 2 3 "IDT WinChip 2 Processor Data Sheet for WinChip 2 version A" (PDF). January 1999. Retrieved 2 November 2011.
  8. 1 2 3 "IDT WinChip 2 Processor Data Sheet for WinChip 2 version B" (PDF). April 1999. Retrieved 2 November 2011.
  9. 1 2 3 "IDT WinChip 3 Processor Data Sheet" (PDF). April 1999. Retrieved 2 November 2011.
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