White House Diary

White House Diary
Author Jimmy Carter
Country United States
Language English
Subject Politics
Genre Autobiography
Publisher Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Publication date
September 20, 2010
Pages 592

White House Diary is a book written by President Jimmy Carter, published in 2010.[1][2][3] It is the personally annotated diary about his presidency, and contains feedback on his relationships with allies and enemies, as well as commentary on his observed impact on issues that still preoccupy America and the world today.


  1. Tim Rutten (2010-09-21). "Book review: 'White House Diary' by Jimmy Carter". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2012-09-28.
  2. Carter, Jimmy (2010-09-26). "White House Diary - By Jimmy Carter". The New York Times.
  3. Yardley, Jonathan (2010-09-26). "Engineer of his own defeat: Jimmy Carter's "White House Diary"". Washingtonpost.com. Retrieved 2012-09-28.

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