What the Buddha Taught

What the Buddha Taught
Author Walpola Rahula
Subject Buddhism
Publisher Oneworld Publications
Publication date
ISBN 0-8021-3031-3

What the Buddha Taught, by Theravadin Walpola Rahula, is a widely used introductory book on Buddhism for non-Buddhists.[1] Using quotes from the sutras, Rahula gives his personal interpretation of what he regards to be Buddhism's essential teachings, including the Four Noble Truths, the Buddhist mind, the Noble Eightfold Path, meditation and mental development, and the world today.[2]

According to Gimello, Rahula's book is an example of socalled Protestant Buddhism, and "was created in an accommodating response to western expectations, and in nearly diametrical opposition to Buddhism as it had actually been practised in traditional Theravada."[note 1]

Publication data


  1. Gimello (2004), as quoted in Taylor (2007).[3]



  • Anderson, Carol (2001), Pain and Its Ending: The Four Noble Truths in the Theravada Buddhist Canon, Motilall Banarsidas 
  • Taylor, Philip (2007), Modernity and Re-enchantment: Religion in Post-revolutionary Vietnam, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 

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