Wes Packer

Wes Packer (born 1977)[1] is a Welsh comedian from Rhondda.

He began his career in the Poncho Club in Cardiff in 2005 and in August 2006 he won the UK's most prestigious comedy Newcomer award So You Think You're Funny, at which point he was still employed as a computer programmer for his local council.[1][2] He has been described as an energetic and fearless act.[2]

After making his television debut on ITV's comedy show from the Glee Club, Wes is currently featuring on the Paramount Comedy channel's The World Stands Up programme.


  1. 1 2 "Stand-up award for new comedian", BBC, 3 September 2006, retrieved 2010-02-01 (he was 29 in 2006)
  2. 1 2 Radford, Sarah (2007) "Comedy takes to the streets", Newbury Today, 10 July 2007, retrieved 2010-02-01
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