Wendy Delorme

Wendy Delorme
Born (1979-07-28) 28 July 1979
Pen name Wendy Babybitch, Klaus Engel
Occupation author, translator, actor, performance artiest
Language French
Nationality French
Genres sex, BDSM
Literary movement sex-positive

Wendy Delorme, born 28 July 1979[1] is a woman of letters, performance artist,[2] actress, and LGBT activist.[3]

As a performance artist, she goes by the stage names Wendy Babybitch and Klaus Engel, as part of the neo-burlesque theater groups The Kisses Cause Trouble, The Drag King Fem Show, the Cabaret des Filles de Joie and the Queer X Show.[4]

Going under the rubrique of performeuse in her one-woman shows near the racy Pigalle section of Paris, Delorme performs a hyper-exaggerated form of "femininity" as a male drag performer might, which harkens back to theoretical constructs such as "doing gender" or "gender performance" of Judith Butler.[5]

About her performances, Delorme said, "In the morning or in the evening, in my bathroom, I reinvent myself, I become a woman, and that is not biological, it is more a question of belief.[6]




See also

Notes and references

  1. Notice d'autorité personne : Wendy Delorme, BnF, accessed 2012-06-15 (in French)
  2. Julie Girard, « Wendy Delorme : "C'est mes tripes et je tricote avec" », poptronics.fr, August 3, 2009 (in French)
  3. Marie-Claude Martin, « Tant de femmes en elle », Le Temps, October 23, 2010 (in French).
  4. Delorme, Wendy (August 8, 2011). "La pudeur se situe parfois dans des zones inattendues" [Modesty Sometimes Is Found In Unexpected Places]. NouvelObs.com (Interview). Féministes en tous genres (in French). Interview with Sylvie Duverger.
  5. Berger, Anne Emmanuelle (1 December 2013). "2 Queens and Queers: The Theater of Gender in "America"". The Queer Turn in Feminism: Identities, Sexualities, and the Theater of Gender. Fordham University Press. p. 12. ISBN 978-0-8232-5385-2. Retrieved 9 November 2015.
  6. Delorme, Wendy (31 October 2007). Quatrième génération [Fourth Generation]. Grasset. ISBN 978-2-246-73159-7.
  7. Anne Delabre, « Wendy Delorme sur tous les fronts », Têtu, March 20, 2009 (in French).
  8. Alice Antheaume, « Wendy Delorme : "Les trois quarts des filles ne savent pas qu'elles ont un clitoris lorsqu'elles ont un rapport sexuel" », 20 minutes, March 21, 2009 (in French).
  9. Nicolas G., « Insurrection !

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