Washington Agreement

Washington Agreement


Bosnian President Alija Izetbegović and Croatian President Franjo Tuđman sign the Washington Agreement
Type Ceasefire agreement
Signed 18 March 1994

Washington, D.C., United States

Vienna, Austria

Sealed 24 March 1994
Effective 30 March 1994

Bosnia and Herzegovina Haris Silajdžić

Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia Krešimir Zubak

Croatia Mate Granić


 Bosnia and Herzegovina



Ratifiers Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Languages Bosnian and Croatian

The Washington Agreement was a ceasefire agreement between the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the unrecognized Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia, signed in Washington on 18 March 1994 and Vienna.[1] It was signed by Bosnian Prime Minister Haris Silajdžić, Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granić and President of Herzeg-Bosnia Krešimir Zubak. Under the agreement, the combined territory held by the Croat and Bosnian government forces was divided into ten autonomous cantons, establishing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The cantonal system was selected to prevent dominance by one ethnic group over another.

The subsequently signed Washington Framework Agreement had the creation of a loose federation (or confederation) between Croatia and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as one of its goals.[2]

See also


  1. Bethlehem, Daniel L.; Weller, Marc (1997). The 'Yugoslav' Crisis in International Law. Cambridge International Documents Series. 5. Cambridge University Press. p. liiv. ISBN 978-0-521-46304-1.
  2. Lester H. Brune (2003). Chronological History of U.S. Foreign Relations Volume III 1989-2000. Routledge. pp. 1247–1248. Retrieved 2013-02-19.
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