Wars of Light and Shadow

The Wars of Light and Shadow is a series of fantasy books by Janny Wurts. When completed it will consist of five story arcs, with the first three arcs complete.

Background of the series

Working as a writer and a painter, Janny Wurts' work on her Wars of Light and Shadow is realizing her ambition of describing and illustrating a world born in her imagination. Her research included experiencing some of the work of her characters, adding a gritty realism to her novels. She included a magic system in which she strives for a continuity and logic that spans the entire series.

The idea for the Wars of Light and Shadow originated while researching tactics and weapons. A documentary film on the brutal Battle of Culloden Moor gave her the historical sense of the fighting stripped of any romantic patina. It also helped her realize that education, written history and entertainment serve to justify the actions of the winners and portray the losers as morally wrong and evil. The series attempts to portray the fictional conflict of Lysaer and Arithon in sympathetic terms, illustrating each side with equal pathos. The story tracks the martial, political and personal conflicts of the characters, and the different tactics used by each - a mass following in one case, and a solitary wandering in the other. Wurts narrates each character from their own perspectives, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions about the morality of individual actions.


Short stories

Deals with events that preceded the Rebellion. Meiglin lived under the shadow of a death sentence all her life, although she was townborn and kept ignorant of her ancestry. When the shocking fact of her birthright forces her onto the streets at fourteen years of age, she must flee with only the clothes on her back. Amid the tempestuous turmoil of the Mistwraith's incursion through South Gate, these are the lawless times, with clan survivors being hunted down for bounty. Alone, without kin, she has nowhere to turn, driven as she is by a blood-gifted heritage too overpowering to deny. Originally printed in Masters of Fantasy anthology, also available as digital book on the Author's website.

Deals with events at the start of the Rebellion, the uprising that dethroned the High King of Havish. Originally printed in The Solaris Book of New Fantasy, also available as digital book on the Author's website.

A back history prequel dealing with early events in this universe. Long before Mankind sought refugee settlement on the world of Athera, Koriathain served as a secret society, sworn to humanitarian intervention. A young woman bound between two clandestine identities faces a terrible choice, while caught in the teeth of a pivotal encounter that must alter her fate, and the course of history. Originally printed in Under Cover of Darkness anthology, also available as digital book on the Author's website.

Suggested reading order

The Wars of Light and Shadow series opens in Third Age 5637. So, Child of Prophecy and the other stories take place many years prior. Child of Prophecy shows the antecedent action that feeds into the political deadlocks that exist as Curse of the Mistwraith opens and is a suitable start for new readers of the Wars of Light and Shadow series, for entering that world with a deeper understanding of the divisions in society.
Reins of Destiny is better read anytime in Arc III "Alliance of Light".
The Sundering Star shows some of the combined threads of history from 'elsewhere' in the universe. So it reveals the off-Athera origins of some factions that are significant in the series, and it is best read before starting Arc IV "Sword of the Canon", as bits in Child of Prophecy and Sundering Star come into play as Arc IV opens up.

Characters and organizations

Old bloodlines

The chosen bloodlines of humans that ruled Athera in the early Third Age. Their rule was toppled by the rebellion incited by Davien the Betrayer in 5018. Their descendants hold out to this day as barbarians, living in forests where they are chased by the towns' headhunters.

Main characters

The Mistwraith

The Mistwraith is a malicious entity of parasitic wraiths that gained entry to Athera through the southern Worldsend gate. Originally it was embodied in a world-shrouding fog that covered the entire planet. The combined elemental talents of Arithon and Lysaer stripped it of its mist-shell, after which it was trapped by Asandir. However during an earlier attack on the half-brothers it gained all of Arithon's magecraft training and with its ability to jump to another point in time was free to curse Arithon and Lysaer to undying hatred. After Arithon and Lysaer were cursed, Kharadmon was sent to search the worlds beyond the South Gate. This was done in order to understand how the Mistwraith was created. His mission failed since although he learned the Mistwraith was initially an experiment in a synergy between mind and machine, Kharadmon was unable to learn who the original test subjects were, their true names, and the ability to contain or release them. Furthermore the Mistwraith was still active and tried to devour his mind in the same way it had the inhabitants of the gate world Marak. As of Traitor's Knot, Athera is facing an influx of the wraiths drawn in by Morriel's meddling in the planet's magnetic field.

Fellowship of Seven

Sorcerers bound to Athera by the summoning dream of the dragons and charged to secure the mysteries that enable Paravian survival. Achieved their redemption from Cianor Sunlord, under the Law of the Major Balance in Second Age Year One. Originators and keepers of the covenant of the compact, made with the Paravian races, to allow Mankind's settlement on Athera in Third Age Year One. Their authority backs charter law, upheld by crown justice and clan oversight of the free wilds.

Their headquarters of sorts are in Althain Tower.

They are aided by the apprentice spellbinder to Asandir, Dakar the Mad Prophet; and the master spellbinder Verrain, trained by Luhaine.


Koriathain Order

The Koriathain order is an ancient sisterhood that predates Athera. It is a woman only order that binds members to the crystal matrices that they use to activate their talent.

All the Crystals of the order are stones that were brought to Athera by the order and as such are not protected under the Compact as all other Crystals of Athera are. Their crystals have not given consent to their bearers to use them, as such their crystals are often chaotic within and have vast trapped energies and in the case of the Great Waystone (which is the most powerful of their crystals) it carries the shades of all past Matriarchs.

The sisterhood is structured along religious lines. A Prime Matriarch who is assisted by a circle of seniors. The first senior is the prime's designated heir apparent. The entire sisterhood is under the Prime's direct sworn control. It is for this reason that Elaira, though the beloved of Arithon can be used against him, for she has not the ability to sever her ties with the order.

The sisterhood draws power from talented children foundlings. Elaira herself was a street child found by them. Male children are released from their service once they reach their majority and they leave, while the girls are bound to the order for life.

The order's goal within the Wars of Light and Shadow has always been to break the compact that prevents them from doing what they believe is their right, which is to meddle in the affairs of the world with their power. During the uprising the Great Waystone was lost. This was found to be in the keeping of Sethvir who communed with the stone. It touched every part of Athera with him and as a result cannot be used on anything outside the order's own sworn precincts.

The order sustains itself by providing acts of magic and healing, but these come with a price. Any action taken by the Koriani must be repaid in kind. It is with this that they were able to change the facial structure of Fionn Areth without violating the compact, for Elaira had saved his life when he was born. This gave him a life-debt to the Koriani.

Paravian races

Minor characters


The world of Athera timeline is divided up into Eras and Ages:

The series opens in Third Age 5637. The satellite short stories to the main series take place many years prior.

Locations of note


  1. Wurts, Janny (2008). Stormed Fortress. Harper Voyager. p. Glossary.
  1. ^ Taken from Janny Wurt's biography in the back of 'Traitor's Knot'. Wurts, J. (2005). 'Traitor's Knot'. Meisha Merlin Publishing, Inc., Decatur, GA.
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