
Wariana is a village 4 km west of Jalandhar, Punjab, India situated 750 meters from Jalandhar Kapurthala road . Wariana is a prosperous community. Total population is 7000(approx). About 95% farmers came from Faislabad(Layalpur), Sargodha, Sialkot, Lahore, Jhang, Amritsar in 1947. A lot of people living abroad like Canada, USA, UK, Holland, Germany, France, Australia. Portugal, Italy. Most part of land was sold to make colonies and flats. The Jalndhar Kunj is in the land of Wariana. There are also many industries on it like SS Sports and Satluj Bus builders are some of famous names.


Wariana has a humid subtropical climate with cold winters 0 degree and hot summers 48 degree. Summers last from April to June and winters from November to February. The climate is dry on the whole, except during the brief southwest monsoon season during July and August. The average annual rainfall is about 70 cm.

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