Walter Beke (fl.12th century)

Walter I Beke (fl.12th.c) (alias Bech, Bek, Beche, Beke, Beek, Bec, etc. Latinized to de Becco[1]) of Eresby in the parish of Spilsby in Lincolnshire was a prominent Anglo-Flemish[2] landholder.

He held seven knight's fees from the Bishop of Durham as his feudal overlord.[3] At some time after 1167 he gave the Church of Newton to Alvingham Priory, and after his eldest son Hugh was made a knight, he gave lands to Kirkstead Abbey,[4] the cartulary of which records much information relating to his family.

Marriage & progeny

He married Agnes FitzPinco, daughter and heiress of Hugh FitzPinco, lord of the manor of Eresby, by whom he had four sons:

Further reading



  1. Beke, T: "Bech, Bek, Beche, Beek, Bec, de Becco, del Bec, Beck, are met with in ancient records and documents ; Beke, Beeke, Beek, Beak, Beake, in later times. Beke seems to be the most correct form, as well on account of the etymology of the name, as from the fact that it is so spelled in the only original document which I have seen ; namely the charter of John Lord Beke of Eresby"
  2. Beke, T., p.338
  3. As recorded in the Liber Niger, per Duchess of Cleveland
  4. Beke, T.
  5. Duchess of Cleveland
  6. T.Beke, prdigree of Beke
  7. The Pipe Roll of Mich 1222 records the handing over by Henry Beke to Walter II Beke his son of the manors of Eresby, and other lands after the death of Alice, Henry's wife. Walter II Beke had done homage for these lands to the chief lord, the Bishop of Durham and had been allowed to take to wife Eve, "the niece of the Archbishop of York",(Quoted by Rosie Bevan"Walter de Grey, Archbishop of York, is known to have had two sisters as well as his brother Robert de Grey. They were Eve de Grey, wife of William Brito (le Breton), and Agnes de Grey, wife of [Wakelin?] D'Oilly (whose names are given in a charter in J. Raine (ed), The Register of Walter Gray, Archbishop of York, 1215-1255, Surtees Society Publication v.56, p. 227). The Archbishop had been granted the wardship of William Duston's daughters and coheirs, and married two of them to his nephews - Walter de Grey, married to Isabel Duston, and John d'Oyley married to Rose Duston.(Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Vol.1, no. 760; Pipe Roll 6 Henry III, p.214-215), quoted at
  8. GEC Complete Peerage, Vol.1, p.89, Beke
  9. GEC Complete Peerage, Vol.1, p.89, Beke
  10. Duchess of Cleveland
  11. Dugdale, quoted by Duchess of Cleveland
  12. GEC Complete Peerage, Vol.1, p.89, Beke
  13. Duchess of Cleveland
  14. GEC Complete Peerage, Vol.1, p.89, Beke
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