Visa policy of Nauru

Visitors to Nauru must obtain a visa unless they come from one of the countries eligible for free visa on arrival. All visitors must hold a passport valid for 3 months. Transit visas are not required if the connecting flight leaves within three hours of arrival in Nauru. Business visitors must have a local sponsor.[1]

Visa applications are made by emailing the Nauru Immigration with necessary details.[2]

Nauru signed a mutual visa waiver agreement with Russia on 24 September 2014 and entered into force on 14 May 2015.[3]

Visa map

Visa policy of Nauru

Visa on arrival

Nationals of the following 14 countries may obtain a free visa on arrival:[4]

Simplified visa procedure

Nationals of the following 66 countries are issued visas under a simplified procedure. Unlike other visitors, they do not have to submit a criminal record certificate and a certificate of medical fitness together with visa application.[7]

Journalist visas

In early 2014 it was decided that journalists reporting on Nauru detention centre will be charged $8000 for a three-month visa.[8]

See also


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