Victor Spinei

Victor Spinei

Victor Spinei in 2013
Born (1943-10-26)October 26, 1943
Lozova, Lăpușna County, Romania (now Rep. of Moldova).
Nationality Romanian
Fields History, Archaeology
Institutions Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Alma mater Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, University of Bucharest
Doctoral advisor Ion Nestor, Ștefan Ștefănescu
Known for History of Romania in the Early Middle Ages, History of Romanian people in the Middle Ages, History of the Age of Migrations
Notable awards Doctor Honoris Causa of the Moldova State University, Professor Emeritus of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University

Victor Spinei (26 October 1943, Lozova, Lăpușna County, Romania[1]) is Emeritus Professor of history and archaeology at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, member and Vicepresident of the Romanian Academy.[2] He is a specialist on the history of Romania and the Romanian people in the Early and High Middle Ages, the history of migratory peoples in Eastern and Southeastern Europe during this period, and the production and circulation of cult objects in Eastern and Southeastern Europe during the Middle Ages.


In 1961 Spinei graduated from the Costache Negruzzi National College. In 1966 he received a Bachelor of Science in History and Philosophy from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, after which he specialised at the Institute for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology from Saarland University (1973-1974).[3] In 1977 he earned a PhD from the Nicolae Iorga Institute of History in Bucharest, under Ștefan Ștefănescu (initially under Ion Nestor at the University of Bucharest).[4]


Between 1966 and 1990 Victor Spinei was a researcher at the A.D. Xenopol Institute of History and Archaeology of the Romanian Academy in Iași. The archaeology section split in 1990, forming the Iași Institute of Archaeology (likewise under the aegis of the Romanian Academy), in which Spinei continued his work until 2012.[5] He was the director of the Iași Institute of Archaeology between 2003 and 2011, and has been an Honorary Director since 2014. Since 2015 he has been a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute.[6]

Since 1990 he has been a faculty member at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. He has also lectured as guest professor at the Free University of Berlin (Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie), University of Mainz (Historisches Seminar), University of Konstanz (Fachbereich: Geschichte und Soziologie), Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften / Fachbereich: Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und Archäologie des Mittelalters), and the Moldova State University in Chișinău.[7]

Between 2001 and 2015 Spinei was a corresponding member, and has been a titular member (since July 5, 2015) and Vicepresident (since November 27, 2015) of the Romanian Academy.[8][9]

He is member of several editorial boards, including Arheologia Moldovei, Dacia, Historia Urbana, Studii și Cercetări de Istorie Veche și Arheologie, Res Historica, and Acta Euroasiatica; he also founded and coordinates several academic book series published by the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and the Romanian Academy.[10][11][12]

Since 2012 he has been a member of the Commission for History and Cultural Studies of the Romanian National Council for Attesting Titles, Diplomas and University Certificates.[13]

Honors and awards (selected)

Selected works


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In French


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