Viçosa, Minas Gerais
Viçosa is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Minas Gerais. Its population in July 2016 was estimated at 77 863 inhabitants.
It is a city essentially oriented to education, with emphasis on the Federal University of Viçosa, founded in 1926 by the then president of the Republic Arthur da Silva Bernardes , born in Viçosa. It also counts with other private higher education institutions, emphasizing even more the educational character of the city. It is a city that attracts several people from Brazil and other countries due to scientific and academic events that take place around the university, totaling approximately 500 annual events. Its population is composed mostly by young people, which gives a dynamic to the city, in addition to the large number of parties that take place during the week. [1]
Mesoregion Campo das Vertentes |
Barbacena | |
Lavras | |
São João del Rei | |
| |
Mesoregion Central Mineira |
Bom Despacho | |
Curvelo | |
Três Marias | |
Mesoregion Jequitinhonha |
Almenara | |
Araçuaí | |
Capelinha | |
Diamantina | |
Pedra Azul | |
Mesoregion Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte |
Belo Horizonte | |
Conceição do Mato Dentro | |
Conselheiro Lafaiete | |
Itabira | |
Itaguara | |
Ouro Preto | |
Pará de Minas | |
Sete Lagoas | |
Mesoregion Noroeste de Minas |
Mesoregion Norte de Minas |
Bocaiúva | |
Grão Mogol | |
Janaúba | |
Januária | |
Montes Claros | |
Pirapora | |
Salinas | |
Mesoregion Oeste de Minas |
Campo Belo | |
Divinópolis | |
Formiga | |
Oliveira | |
Piui | |
Mesoregion Sudoeste de Minas |
Alfenas | |
Andrelândia | |
Itajubá | |
Passos | |
Poços de Caldas | |
Pouso Alegre | |
Santa Rita do Sapucaí | |
São Lourenco | |
São Sebastiao do Paraíso | |
Varginha | |
Mesoregion Triângulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaiba |
Araxá | |
Frutal | |
Ituiutaba | |
Patos de Minas | |
Patrocínio | |
Uberaba | |
Uberlândia | |
Mesoregion Vale do Mucuri |
Mesoregion Zona da Mata |
Cataguases | |
Juiz de Fora | |
Manhuaçu | |
Muriaé | |
Ponte Nova | |
Ubá | |
Viçosa | |
Mesoregion Vale do Rio Doce |
Aimorés | |
Caratinga | |
Governador Valadares | |
Guanhães | |
Ipatinga | |
Mantena | |
Peçanha | |