Veritas (manhwa)


First volume of Veritas, released in Korea.
Genre Action, Martial arts
Author Yoon Joon-sik [윤준식]
Illustrator Kim Dong-hoon [김동훈]
Publisher South Korea Haksan Culture Company
Magazine Booking (manhwa)
Original run 2005 2010
Collected volumes 10 [1]

Veritas (Hangul: 베리타스; RR: Beritaseu) is a manhwa written by Yoon Joon-sik and illustrated by Kim Dong-hoon that was produced between 2005-2010. A middle-schooler named Gangryong Ma is saved one day by a man whose strength is beyond belief. This man is called Lightning Tiger. He teaches Gangryong a martial art known as the Enlightenment Of Thunder and Lightning (or EOTL), thereby introducing him to a world of power that will change his life forever.


Gangryong Ma was the boss of his middle school, getting in fistfights almost every day. He thought that winning those fistfights was what it meant to be strong. That all ended when he met Lightning Tiger, a man whose power dwarfed that of any man Gangryong had ever met before. After arguing, begging, and jumping through hoops for a year to prove his loyalty, Gangryong convinced Lightning Tiger to be his master.

For two months, Lightning Tiger taught Gangryong the secret of ki manipulation by way of the Enlightenment Of Thunder and Lightning (EOTL), a traditional Korean martial art passed on through the centuries to one student at a time. By properly refining and focusing his Ki, Gangryong learned not only to increase his overall physical strength, but he gained the ability to create devastatingly powerful lightning attacks. When the two months were up, Lightning Tiger left Gangryong, warning him of an inevitable battle against a strong enemy and hoping that they might one day see each other.

Months later, Gangryong was approached by an ominous group of men. He was presented with a box, and was told that it contained the arm of Lightning Tiger, whom they had supposedly killed. These men were from Reunion, a multinational organization whose main goals were the collection, evolution and eventual perfection of traditional martial arts and the creation of artificial ki, or natural energy, which could be used to make people more powerful. They forced Gangryong to enter a special school designed to train suitable fighters in the fighting styles that had been collected and created by Reunion.

Now, within Reunion, Gangryong finds himself a flash-point for controversy. As student of a sworn enemy of Reunion, there are many who want him dead. As the sole practitioner of EOTL, there are many who desire to see his success, so that they may use his techniques. All the while, Gangryong must work to uncover the secrets in the training he was given, so that he may achieve the power he seeks, and finally avenge the presumed deceased Lightning Tiger.


Ma Gangryong (마강룡)

Eighteen-year-old Ma Gangryong is the main protagonist of the series and the last practitioner of the Enlightenment Of Thunder and Lightning (EOTL). Though he is portrayed as fairly unintelligent, he shows an aptitude for battle and street smarts that seem well-suited to his underdog status at the Reunion school. Gangryong even showed prowess in defeating a level 8 student of Reunion with both arms and one leg broken. However, he is mouthy and disrespectful and has a penchant for making enemies. He often has flashbacks of Lightning Tiger's teachings which slowly reveal key components and techniques of EOTL. Gangryong says he's dreamed of being strong since the day that he was born and can't help but want to fight opponents stronger than himself until he defeats them. Often mocks his opponents about their different ideals using or fighting for others to gain strength is pathetic. He has a little sister.

Gangryong's physical fighting style is brutal, often referred to by himself as "dog fighting" and he is only capable of close ranged EOTL techniques as of the current chapter. Although powerful, since he started his martial arts training later than most, his Ki channels are very unrefined and he has only a limited amount of Ki. However, his Ki itself is highly purified which allows for powerful, explosive techniques such as Lightning Fist or Lightning Flash. Eager to perfect EOTL, he tends to pick fights with people that are stronger than he is due to his belief that his techniques perform better in real-life situations. Gangryong is knowledgeable in fighting, and at Rud's request, he is currently aiming for one of Reunion's student council seats. As of chapter 72 Honse has stated that Gangryong has reached level 9 strength. He is last seen fighting with Vera in front of the ruins of the school after absorbing a fair amount of Lightning Tiger's Ki from Yuri.

It is revealed by his conversations with Guhoo that he has a little sister and being orphaned since he was little . Gang-ryong and his sister live with their many relatives until he moved to academy. He stated that he wanted to become strong since he was born, not to protect someone.


Yoochun / Lightning Tiger (유천)

Gangryong's martial arts master, who taught him EOTL. As a master of one of the Heavenly Five Paths and a traditional martial artist, Yoochun opposed Reunion goals, and became their greatest enemy, leaving a lasting impression that still affects Gangryong's life at the school. Lightning Tiger fought vehemently against Reunion because Yuri Linus sought to attain near god-like status through the use of artificial Ki and a ritual involving the power of the Heavenly Five Paths. However, he along with Liquid Shark and several comrades prevented the ritual from occurring. Director Fire Dragon explains that in the ensuing battle, Yoochun used an attack which, at the cost of his own arm, put Yuri into a comatose state of constant electrocution. Lightning Tiger's arm is charred to the bone due to the strength of his own attack and it is given to Gangryong by the second Earth Beast. Lightning Tiger is presumed deceased. He is considered to be one of the two strongest fighters seen so far, the other being Yuri Linus.


Reunion Student Council

The student council at the Reunion school holds strong influence over student life. Its members are determined almost exclusively by their power.

Vera Linus (베라 라이너스)

The student council president. An outwardly cold girl, she is the most powerful student at the school. Vera is the younger sister of Yuri, the head of Reunion. Although seemingly apathetic, Vera strongly believes in the fairness of martial arts competition within Reunion, even to the point of refusing artificial Ki since she believes it to be unfair to the general student body. However, Vera is outwardly biased towards Gangryong's attendance to the school due to his status as Lightning Tiger's apprentice. Her initial impression of Gangryong is that he is useless and was merely used to preserve the existence of EOTL. Vera thus removes his access to Reunion martial arts materials and stops production of for Gangryong.

Events later would reveal that most likely Vera's true reason for refusing artificial Ki was in adherence to the "one-man inherits all" doctrine, necessary for maintaining her eligibility for leadership of the Heaven's Riches faction. Her refusal to allow Gangryong artificial Ki might have been inspired by this in part, as it made him the legitimate successor.

In the past, Vera and several other students fought against Lightning Tiger to protect the school from his attacks. In one instance, Vera wounded Lightning Tiger with a Spatial Void Fist. In turn, Lightning Tiger subdued her with his own attack, Heaven's Void Lightning Brand. Lightning Tiger approached Vera and had originally intended to destroy her center of Ki. However, upon reaching Vera he noted a severe "seal" placed upon her lower abdomen by Yuri, and he realized Yuri feared Vera as well, most likely over rights of leadership over the Heaven's Riches Faction. Instead of ruining her Ki, Lightning Tiger painfully removed the seal from Vera, although simultaneously causing her inner Ki loss. He hoped Vera would fight against Yuri's goals and perhaps even take leadership of the Heaven's Riches faction instead.

Though he was her enemy, Vera is seen reminiscing about Lightning Tiger almost as a former lover. This may be because he broke the seal on her abdomen, leading to Vera possibly having feelings for him. Her goal as it has been hinted throughout the series is to become the next successor to the art of Heaven's Riches in place of her sister, Yuri. It is also hinted that she is the daughter of the President of the Linus group (Arthur Linus), as well as being only related to Yuri by their mother, making them half-sisters. She is the one that informed Lightning Tiger where the Ceremony of Deification that aimed to give Yuri godlike status was being held.


Yun Shinra (윤신라)

Vera's second-in-command. She is fond of making very offensive comments whilst keeping an innocent, straight face. She appears to have some history with Jeeha, and also was in a relationship with Guhoo. Her powers have yet to be revealed in full. She also has good knowledge of Heaven's Riches class, being able to identify how Gangryong's Ki was killing him.[3] She has been sentenced to over two months of isolation training with Guhoo. Shinra may also be supporting Director Fire Dragon as his pupil from behind Vera's back without the latter's knowing knowledge or having any clue and being completely oblivious of this situation at all. She has an extreme dislike for Gangryong because he met Lightning Tiger by chance and reached level 9 in less than a year, while it took her and the other members of the student council far longer to achieve that. She and Guhoo fight Gangryong, who injures her by punching her in the stomach. She has a sick father whose medical bills are quite expensive. During the student body genocide by Vera, Shinra is with Fire Dragon when he takes Yuri Linus's comatose body from the vaults and helps him project her. She is also witness to Rud Han's suicide.

Li Guhoo (리거후)

Another student allied with Vera in the school. Guhoo uses the Iron Spirit technique that was created by Reunion. It allows him to harden his skin to incredible levels, and eventually makes him impervious to pain. He uses very few actual fighting moves. He is in a relationship with Shinra, and has a history of conflict with Rud which led to the recent fight and him getting his arm cut off. He has been sentenced to 4 months of isolation training for fighting Rud after his arm was reattached. He has since been released and was about to fight Gangryong until they were interrupted. He and Shinra fight Gangryong later and Guhoo is knocked out by his Lightning Flash. He has seven siblings he has to take care of. During the genocide of the student body by Vera, he tells her that she was more important to him than Shinra and said he always believed in her leadership, but sadly Vera kills him without hesitation.


Rud Han (루드 한)

A member of the council who is opposed to Vera and the Second Dragon of the Nine Dragons Faction. Rud was a very frail child with little potential for fighting. His life was once saved by a girl named Anachelli, who taught him basic martial arts techniques and arranges for his arrival at the school. She also provides him with information on the Feline Claws fighting style, which he pursues despite its inherent weakness. He develops a strong grudge against Guhoo after he kills Anachelli in battle, and uses this motivation to rise to the top of the school. He and Jeeha have taken Gangryong under their wing, as they are also traditional successors. They seem to have a plan for revenge against Vera and her friends. After Guesong's death he challenges Vera to a match next year. To aid him, Fire Dragon has secretly given Rud all of Reunion's information on the techniques of EOTL and Lightning Tiger's hidden notes in an effort to perfect Gangryong's abilities, plus a lot of information on the other students of the council styles and techniques. In volume 9 he, alongside Shin, attacks Fire Dragon, when the latter is harming Hayato and Madoka. In volume 10 Rud makes a deal with Vera that if he commits suicide she won't kill his friends, due to Vera seeing him as a potential threat rivaling Anachelli, if not even more threatening, if he was to be left alone. He agrees and kills himself to defend them.

He is orphan and found stranded in a shore in California by Anachelli. Anachelli gave him Feline claws in order to help him survive from his illness and because she cannot teach him Southern Taek-gyung. He sees Anachelli as sister figure.


Shin Jeeha (신지하)

Rud's friend, who is also a traditional successor and the Third Dragon of the Nine Dragons Faction. He likes to antagonize Shinra by expressing his undying affection for her, and referencing a relationship they used to have. His martial arts style has not yet been shown. It has been stated that if Rud didn't help him in the past, Shinra would have stolen his art. Understanding bodily principles is his specialty. He is shown in volume 9 to have an enormous speed that allows him to run on the walls, and several powerful spinning kicks attacks. It was stated in a flashback in chapter 38, Jeeha had apparently been badly injured due to all three of his matches had each been fought with a member from the student council (the ones that had lost in the tournament at that time in the flashback were Shinra, Paul, Modaka, Guesong, Yuhwa, and Hayato), however he had won all three matches so it is safe to assume that Shin is very powerful to accomplish such a feat. In fact in what commented that Shin had destroyed the order of how the council had planned for to win in the tournament further indicating his prowess to be very high.

In volume 9 when Jeeha becomes irritated at what seems to be spirits are seen behind him, another comment which gives an idea of Jeeha's art is that Honse mentions that he has learned Heaven's Riches core principle. In chapter 66 it is revealed that Shin learned Heavenly Five paths art techniques from Fire Dragon along with Shinra and two unnamed others, however none of them were able to progress to mastering the art. Jeeha also fights utilizing the Exorcism faction spirit contract Techniques:

Spirits that can be summoned include:

Makihara Madoka / Eunmee Han (한은미)

A 19-year-old member of council who also worked as Reunion's tracker for Lightning Tiger. She seems to be the middle ground amongst the two sides of the council, as she works for Vera and yet maintains a friendly relationship with Rud's group. She is the one who scouted Gangryong during her hunt for Lightning Tiger. She claims to be part of the council for their special privileges and is ranked amongst its Top 5. Her desire is for things to go back to the way they were before the division of the factions, for the students to stay united, which requires Vera. Madoka has a grudge against Guesong, whom she badly injured and almost killed because of his past attempted assault on Vera. This had him sent to a year of isolation training. She admitted she likes Gangryong, shocking even him. She fought Guesong once again to prevent the Traditional faction from gaining 6 of the 11 seats and had the upper hand until Guesong used 'Mirage' ending with her losing the match and nearly getting killed until Vera interfered. In a drunken depression she went to Gangryong's room to drink with him, but when he announced he was aiming for a seat she attempted to throw him and he in-turn electrocuted her. She later leaves his room resolving to end the battle. Near the end of volume 10 Madoka is killed by Vera believing that by not resisting her death will turn Vera's heart, during this Madoka smiles and cries as she looks into Vera's eyes, who in turn starts also crying and says she won't forget her eyes right before killing Madoka.

Originally a traditionalist, her current martial arts style is a form of Judo created by Reunion called Flowing Spirit, which incorporates the element of wind. She also has the skills of Life-Stealer of Snatching-Hands and has once successfully countered Half-Step.


Chun Guesong (천괴성)

Member for 15 years and head disciple of the Southern Yardplay Faction, and the Fifth Dragon and eldest of the Nine Dragons. He has an almost fanatical obsession with Vera, at one point leading him to betray his allegiance to the traditional successors at the Reunion school. It was his idea to threaten and attack Honse, leading to the closing of his ki passages. His violent reaction to Vera's rejection led to a longstanding feud with Madoka and deciding to keep whatever Vera holds dear away from her, since only then would she look at him. His reason for falling for her was to make her smile since ever since she was child she never did. He defeats Madoka in chapter 45 but is killed when Vera interfered in her place - using Vacuum Strike, and finally getting his desired kiss. His fighting style is largely based on acrobatics and circus-style performance, and his face is never shown without a traditional Korean mask of "The Fool" from the Hahoe style of theater. His specialties are the six yard techniques Poongmul, Bunha, Lifewish, Illusion, Overgrab and Trap.

It is revealed that not only did Guesong know of Vera's planned genocide of the Reunion students, but that he tasked Hyunmi with escaping with the other members of the Southern Yardplay Faction. The latter task resulted in Life Wisher's escape and promotion to Topper of the faction.


Paul (폴)

One of the top five students in the student council. His outline was shown in a flashback. He appears to be a fairly tall man, with long brown hair (now short). His need for an eye-patch stems from losing his eye during a fight with Vera, who exploded it using her technique. He is close friends with Makihara Madoka and very close with director Fire Dragon, after the Director's "generous" large bribes. Vera says that he cares more about money then anything else, considering she had to force a deal with Paul to get him to cooperate with her. He was attempting to kill Mu Young and Yuhwa while Mu Young was still in a weak condition from intensive training, but Mu Young subsequently attacks him and leaves him in a critical condition. In chapter 71, after 4 months of being in the hospital, he returns to the school. He finally meets Gangryong, and introduces himself as the last of the Nine Dragons. In volume 10 he is also killed by Vera along with the student body by the elders request.

Hayato Kusanagi (하야토)

A male student with short blond hair. He helped Guesong defeat Honse and later confirmed that Honse's ki channels were irreparably damaged. Hayato was apparently the person who stopped Guesong, which indicates that he is a powerful and strong martial artist in order to defeat someone of Guesong's caliber. Though we later find out that Hayato never really stopped Guesong so his level is still unknown but should be in the general ball park of Guesong and Madoka. The art he uses is Reunion's restored form of Northern Broad Strike, which is said to be one of the two strongest arts in Reunion and said to rival Heaven's Riches. His past as it was revealed, is that the Northern Broad Strike that he had learned from Reunion had been incomplete as the art was said to have died out long ago. The scientists that had worked on reviving the art had even given up, Hayato, however still proceeded in trying to revive Northern Broad Strike. He is later seen after Yoochun had defeated him along with the entire student council including Vera. He had unfortunately discovered that Yoochun had learned the "true" Northern Broad Strike and lashed out at Yoochun in rage, but is defeated again.

Hayato became a traditionalist and joined the nine dragons after Yoochun revealed the location of the successor to Northern Board Strike; since then he practices the original art, and helped Gu Honse by claiming to have checked the destruction of his Ki channels. In volume 8 he is seen fighting Gangryong, where he wins the fight after a great display of power, blocking Gangryong's attacks with relative ease up until Gangryong had used Hayato's Ki Reversal to amplify his own ki to increase the power of Lighting Flash. This forced Hayato to take the fight seriously and tried to dodge and reverse Gangryong's Light Flash however had trouble in doing so forced him to use his full power and thus ended their fight. It is revealed that he is possibly the 2nd or 3rd strongest in the school right now, this pleased Gangryong and said that Hayato should wait for him. This indicates that Gangryong is going to challenge him again later on as he gets stronger. In volume 9 he, alongside Madoka, Rud, Shin, Yuhwa and Gangryong fights against Fire Dragon. Later on his master dies after escaping from reunion and seen at his grave during the end of part 1.


Yuhwa (유화)

A female student who also helped Guesong defeat Honse. She has long, black hair, and wear unusual knee socks with black and white stripes. Her Yardplay art is the "Puppeteer" allowing her to control other people like puppets through invisible threads, even though this technique has the same name as the art of another female character of yardplay faction, they are completely different. She assisted Mu Young with his intensive training in subterranean conditions beneath underground with medical assistance, bandaging and care. However both were unknowingly being targeted by Paul who had been largely bribed by Director Fire Dragon, to prevent them from returning to the school for the last test for the seat in the Student Council and assisting and supporting Vera with reaching her goal. She was extremely angry with Mu Young, when he injures Paul critically, and threaten Mu Young with removing the power she helped him acquire, if he doesn't behave. Later she is seen apparently helping Kombengi against a black dummy, and fighting Fire Dragon alongside other students. She returns with Mu Young to the school, but is shocked upon finding it burned down.

Mu Young (무영)

A male student who, until recently, was undergoing intensive training underground in the forest with medical assistance and bandaging from Yuhwa. He and Yunhwa are later targeted by Paul, who has been bribed by Director Fire Dragon, to prevent them from returning to the school for the last test for the seat in the Student Council and assisting and supporting Vera with reaching her goal. He attacks Paul and leaves him near death, and has referred to himself as the first "living dummy" of Yunhwa's family. He seems to hate the traditionalists of the council, especially Rud. Mu Young also seems to have no regard for his own life, as he strives for power even when it means death. His life span was shortened due to a previous incident, and he is currently trying to learn Anachelli Yu's "Natural Wave" Technique, which will also shorten his life again. At the end of part 1 he has apparently finished his training and returns with Yuhwa to the school, but is shocked upon finding it burned down.

Other Reunion School students

Gu Honse (구 혼세)

Leader of the Nine Dragons Faction. Gangryong was put in the care of Gu Honse by friends Rud and Jeeha. On the surface, he is as a cowardly man who doesn't like getting mixed up with Gangryong's messes. However, beneath his foolish persona, he is very dangerous. He was, at one point, the third-strongest student at the school. In addition, he is a shrewd tactician who developed many techniques, some of which were specifically designed to counter the fighting style of Reunion such as "Half-step", he also helped Rud learn "Sharpened Sword force". Honse feigned destroying his own ki channels so that Guesong and the other members of the student council would spare his life and allow him to stay at Reunion until graduation, saying he had nowhere else to go, since he was an orphan. When Guesong was killed he sobbed and grieved. He shows a great aptitude to understand techniques and the principles behind them, at one point when Gangryong tried to use Lightning Flash, Honse stated "Tell me how it works and I'll make it so you can use it without risk", Gangryong refused because he is not willing to share the secrets of EOTL with anyone, but both Shin and Rud show great confidence in Gu Honse skill's with techniques. It is shown on chapter 76 that he can still use his powers.

Madang Bigaki (마당 비각기)

A member of the Nine Dragons with black hair, he is a level 8 in Reunion and a traditional martial artist of the Southern Yardplay Faction. He fought Gangryong as part of the Nine Dragons' initiation test and defeated him as his last opponent. He uses palm wind attacks as a secondary skill but his primary skills are kicks and dashes and his specialty is "Life Wish". In Volume 10, it is revealed that Hyunmi arranged for Madang to be taken and hidden from Reunion before Vera's genocide of the student body; he is also made the next Topper by the Southern Yardplay Faction. He is shown camped out in an unknown location holding Guesong's mask at the end of part 1.


Madang's 2nd friend

A level 7 who has a middle-divide hair-cut and black hair who came with Madang to fight Gangryong. He fought Gangryong as part of the Nine Dragons initiation test before Madang and was defeated. Initially during the fight, he use very similar kicking techniques to Madang's.


Madang's 1st friend

A tall person with a crew-cut of level 6 who was the first to fight Gangryong as part of the Nine Dragons' initiation test. His style is similar to boxing.

Eunhwa Lee (이은화)

The ex-girlfriend of Do-Hyup Bae. She used him for his family's secrets in order to gain more power. She helps Do-Hyup defeat Gangryong, and then defeats Du-Hyup in a formal battle. She uses palm combat styles developed by Reunion, as well as being able to use shadows to bind opponents. Though she has a high power level, she is a poor fighter who lacks toughness, and is defeated by Gangryong.

Do-Hyup Bae (배도협)

The former boyfriend of Eunhwa. A lazy man who gets tricked into revealing his family secrets to Eunhwa, who then uses them to gain more power. He first fights Gangryong, who he can't defeat on his own, and then he challenges Eunhwa in order to take revenge for her betrayal. He is the successor to his family's traditional martial art, but he is too lazy to master it properly, and he institutes some of Reunion's skills, making it less effective. After his defeat, he gives Gangryong all of his family's secrets and leaves the school.

Anachelli Yu (아나첼리 유)

A friend of Rud, who found him dying on a beach and introduced him to traditional martial arts in order to save his life. She was a legitimate successor who entered reunion after the suspicious death of her grandfather. She was powerful enough to be considered a potential rival of Vera, but was killed in a match with Guhoo. Her death was the catalyst for the conflict between Rud and Guhoo. Later in Guhoo's flashback it was revealed that Yuri was the reason why Anachelli lost her match, by secretly interrupting the match using her ranged technique without anyone noticing, implying that Guhoo could not have possibly won without Yuri's assistance.

Her Traditional art was "Southern Taek-Gyun" one of the two strongest physical martial arts allowing her to fight Vera to a tie long before her death. Her specialty was 'Natural Wave', a defensive technique that allows one to read the flow of attack and to disperse any energy one cannot handle. However the technique shortens the users lifespan if used without the proper breathing technique.

Hyunmi Park / Kombengi (박현미)

Southern Yardplay's second-in-command, her name is Park Hyunmi, she is the successor for Chun Guesong's Southern Yard faction Leader, the Topper. She has short blonde hair with earrings on both ears. First shown appearing in chapter 40 wearing a small scarf under an unzipped motorbike suit so Guesong could pass on Southern Yardplay's seventh technique Shadower's Magic Techniques. She fights a special kind of dummy (who has the nervous system and techniques of Chun Guesong) in volume 9 and is almost killed by it, but gains the upper hand in the end. In volume 10 just like the rest of the student body are killed by Vera by the Elder's request.


Reunion members

Lee Jinyup / Fire Dragon (이진엽/화룡)

The director of the school, and the Heavenly Five Paths master of fire. He was an old friend of Lightning Tiger's, as he was the one who reassembled the pieces of his arm. They split when Fire Dragon chose to side with Yuri in her quest to become a god. He could be the one who killed Lightning Tiger, as the bones of the arm were charred. He recently tried to attack Vera and Earth Beast. It is revealed in volume 8 that the person that killed Lighting Tiger, was Yuri Linus.

In volume 9 Fire Dragon attacks Madoka and Hayato, after they protest of the training (lethal) given to Kombengi; Rud and Shin interfere and attack Fire Dragon, they are helped latter by Yuhwa, but still are no match, Gangryong appears and also attacks Fire Dragon (The only one of the fighters to land a hit on him), after Gangryong dispels a fire vortex and Vera appears, Fire Dragon calmly leaves the place. Later is shown that while he was moving and walking normally after the fight, he was injured to the point of vomiting blood. It is to be noted the immense power of Fire Dragon, to be able to sustain a combined attack from some of the most powerful students in the school (Against five members of the Student Council and Gangryong) easily neutralizing Shin, Madoka, Hayato and Rud at the same time.

Fire Dragon is either badly wounded or deceased at the end of volume 10 due to the many injuries he received while fighting Liquid Shark and the other masters.


Yuri Linus (유리 라이너스)

The older sister of Vera and a former friend of deceased Lightning Tiger. Using the resources of Reunion, she seeks to fuse her essence with nature, so as to control all natural phenomena and become a god. Like Vera, she fights using the Arts of Heaven's Rich Strength. It is implied that although she is incredibly powerful (possibly the strongest master of Heaven Riches), she was defeated by Lightning Tiger. She is in a reunion building, in a coma-like state, after the battle with Lighting Tiger. The last attack of Lightning Tiger is constantly feeding electrical energy and immobilizing her body (a similar principle to electrocution) and has such power that even Fire Dragon cannot stand the energy for too long, when Gangryong touches her the power feedback puts him on his knees and later he loses consciousness. It has been revealed that her condition has led to a split in some factions, as some people don't believe her condition is reversible. In Volume 10, it is revealed that Gangryong absorbs Lightning Tiger's energy that kept her in a coma, reviving her.


"Earth Beast" (Zerar)

A large and stern man and a member of the Reunion; he is the one who presented Gangryong with the arm of Lightning Tiger. Though much more powerful than Gangryong, flashbacks show that he did not stand a chance against Lightning Tiger. Fire Dragon refers to him as "Incomplete Earth Beast", suggesting that he did not properly master his traditional art (or that he is a replacement for the original Heavenly Five Paths successor, who likely died helping Lightning Tiger fight Yuri), and thus he is not as powerful as any of the other Five Paths masters. Later, it was revealed that he has a resurrected traditional art, further implying the death or disappearance of the original Earth Beast. He has sided with Vera as he believes Yuri will never recover.


Ancient Wood

A member of the Elder Council and best friends with Lightning Tiger. Ancient Wood has shown an interest in Gangryong Ma, originally wanting him under his wing. He has also been shown working with Fire Dragon to ensure that Vera Linus does not succeed in becoming the next master of Heaven's Riches and that Yuri would be the only one recognized as the master of Heaven's Riches, as part of a deal with Fire Dragon to guarantee freedom of determination (decision) for Gangryong.

Liquid Shark

Has been shown to be alive, and has a scar on her face, most likely caused from an attack by Fire Dragon. She takes a stand against Reunion along with Lightning Tiger, and is currently attempting to kill Yuri. Presumably, from the name, another master of the Five Paths of Heaven's Riches who uses the Water element.

Liquid Shark returns in chapter 78 as part of the four images assault force of the heaven's riches faction unit to kill Yuri as part of Vera's deal to eliminate all Reunion trained or linked students in an attempt to restore the "one person inherits all, no one else will inherit" of Korean martial arts in order for Vera to become accepted as the head of the Heaven's Riches Faction.

Liquid Shark is a tall long haired woman with burn scarring down the right side of her face, Judging by her response it is likely she suffered these injuries in battle with Fire Dragon when she aided Lighting Tiger in the interruption of Yuri's deification ceremony. Fire Dragon believed she was dead after the battle.

Original Earth Beast

The original Earth Beast was working with Lightning Tiger and Liquid Shark opposing Yuri Linus and was most likely killed with Lightning Tiger, thus the current Earth Beast is Zerar. In a flashback by Ancient Wood, his outline is shown to be a bald man wearing a white suit.

Tae-Eum (태음)

A member of the disbanded Heaven's Riches faction, up until recently he has been in hiding but through Kusanagi Hayato's efforts Vera was able to track him down. He was last seen conversing with Vera about matters involving the Heaven's Riches but due to his connection with her he has now become a target for Fire Dragon. Defeated Hayato while temporarily sealing his pressure points, afterward stating that in two years the victor of their battle wouldn't be clear.

The Blue Dragon of Heaven / Taeyang Guk (국태양)

The current master of the thought to be extinct Northern Broad Strike art. He trained Lightning Tiger in Northern Broad Strike, so he might be able to fight Yuri more equally, later, Lightning Tiger told Hayato where to find Guk Taeyang so Hayato could attempt to learn true Northern Broad Strike instead of the lesser Reunion-restored form of Northern Broad Strike, in return for not divulging Lightning Tiger's knowledge of Northern Broad Strike.

His name and title was first mentioned by Gu Honse in Chapter 7 when he asks Gangryong if he knows him, perhaps in an effort to find out if Yoochun taught Gangryong Northern Broad Strike as well, which would go against the deal he made with Guk Taeyang. Hayato later confirmed that Gangryong was not taught this.

In volume 10 after becoming aware of the Heaven's Riches Factions plan to destroy Reunion and kill all students of the school calling on friends he goes to save Hayato due to his belief that Hayato can take Broadstrike to a higher level as Hayato was able to use broadstrike at a level impossible in someone who was self-taught. Taeyang latter succumbs to his injuries but not before passing the secrets of Northern Broadstrike onto Hayato



Enlightenment Of Thunder and Lightning, a traditional Korean martial art passed on through the centuries to one student at a time. It amplifies the presence of Metal element in the atmosphere and collides it with a medium, creating lightning. EOTL had long gotten rid of the traditional movements and forms and has instead been taught so that each successor could incorporate EOTL into their own fighting styles as a way to advance the art. Essentially, EOTL uses the "quality, not quantity" approach, as the art relies on having a very refined and pure Ki even if not much in amount, instead of enormous quantity of unrefined Ki, the breathing method is the key to purifying the Ki to be used, similar to how only pure uranium can be used to create an atomic explosion. Fire Dragon states that the art takes Yin Ki and Yang Ki and turns them into negative and positive charges which are then collided. The focal point of breathing is Yin of inhaling (negative charge) and Yang of exhaling (positive charge). Due to the Metal elements presence in the body the user's body is very tough.[5] Lightning Tiger's master was said to have advanced the art to such a degree that even the master of Heavens Riches could not stand up to it.

Flow Chart Techniques List:[6]

Basics: Used to stun or disrupt the enemy

Advanced Skills - Close Contact: Also known as the killer techniques they may cause the user damage if improperly used

Advanced Skills - Long Distance: These are energy demanding but cover long distances

Final Skill:

Southern Yardplay

A traditional art that most of the members of the Nine Dragons use, its movements are based on traditional Korean theater and magic performances.

Heaven's Riches

Heaven's Riches refers to a class of Korean martial arts, specifically to the extremely strong elements based martial arts (EOTL for example, is a heaven's riches class martial). Amongst these, the successor of Heaven's Riches as a whole obtains mastery over "The Void" an element-less art that is dominant over all the other heaven's riches class martial arts. While each of the martial arts by themselves seek an extreme imbalance towards one element, Heaven's Riches itself focuses on "nothingness". The Heaven's Riches main branch is so powerful that the Five Heavenly Paths (a Heaven Riches class martial art by themselves), are meant to balance and protect it.

Northern Broad Strike

Northern Broad Strike is one of the two strongest arts known to Reunion, the other being Heaven's Riches. While Heaven's Riches is an internal martial art, using ki attacks, Northern Broad Strike is a formless external style that leaves its practitioners supposedly capable of defeating even Heaven's Riches fighters. Practitioners can also counteract ki based arts by reversing the ki attack.



Written by Yoon Joon-shik (윤준식) drawn by Kim Dong-hoon (김동훈). The first chapter was released in 2005.


  1. "Veritas manhwa volumes listing at Haksanpub" (in Korean). Retrieved 2009-08-02.
  2. Chapter 21
  3. Chapter 37
  4. Chapter 34
  5. Chapter 33
  6. Chapter 37
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