Valentina (given name)

Pronunciation Russian: [vɐlʲɪnʲˈtʲinə]
Gender Female
Word/name Latin, Russian
Meaning healthy, strong, brave
Other names
Nickname(s) Tia ,Valia, Tina, Valika, Valentinka, Valja, Vala, Valina, Valen, Vale, Nina, Val, Valerie, Tines, Valentine, Lena, Eve, Lina, Allie, Tini, Valenta, Tinka, Alena, Vally, Valita
Related names Valentinus, Valentin, Valentine

Valentina is a feminine given name. It is a feminine form of the Roman name Valentinus,[1] which is derived from the Latin word "valens" meaning "healthy, strong".[2] Valentina may refer to:

List of notable people with the given name Valentina

See also


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