Urvillea ulmacea

Urvillea ulmacea
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Sapindales
Family: Sapindaceae
Genus: Urvillea
Species: U. ulmacea
Binomial name
Urvillea ulmacea
Kunth in H.B.K.
(Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth)

Serjania lanceolata Cambess.
Urvillea berteroana DC.
Urvillea seriana Griseb.
Urvillea ulmacea f. berteriana (DC.) Radlk.
Urvillea ulmacea var. berteroana (DC.) F.A.Barkley
Urvillea ulmacea var. beteriana (DC.) F.A. Barkley[1]

Urvillea ulmacea is a plant species in the genus Urvillea found in French Guiana[2] and in the Caatinga region of Brazil.

Proanthocyanidin A2, an A type proanthocyanidin, can be found in U. ulmacea.[3]


  1. Urvillea ulmacea on www.theplantlist.org
  2. Photographs of Urvillea ulmacea on floredeguyane.piwigo.com (text in French)
  3. Free radical scavenging activity and chemical constituents of Urvillea ulmacea. Suziane A. Dias, Flávia P. Cardoso, Silvana M. O. Santin, Willian F. da Costa, Gentil J. Vidotti, Maria Conceição de Souza and Maria Helena Sarragiotto, Pharmaceutical biology, 2009, doi:10.1080/13880200902933336

See also

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