Ursid hybrid

Possible hybridisation between different species of bear

An ursid hybrid is an animal with parents from two different species or subspecies of the Ursidae (bear) family. Species and subspecies of bear known to have produced offspring with another bear species or subspecies include brown bears, black bears, grizzly bears and polar bears, all of which are members of the Ursus genus. Bears not included in Ursus, such as the giant panda, are probably unable to produce hybrids. Note all of the confirmed hybrids listed here have been in captivity (except grizzly/polar bear), but there have been hybrids in the wild.

A recent study found genetic evidence of multiple instances and species combinations where genetic material has passed the species boundary in bears (a process called introgression by geneticists).[1] Specifically, species with evidence of past intermingling were (1) brown bear and American black bear, (2) brown bear and polar bear,[2] (3) American black bear and Asian black bear, (4) bears currently distributed in Asia (sloth bear, sun bear and Asian black bear). Overall, this study shows that evolution in the bear family (Ursidae) has not been strictly bifurcating, but instead showed complex evolutionary relationships.

Brown bear/American black bear hybrids

In 1859, a black bear and a European brown bear were bred together in the London Zoological Gardens, but the three cubs did not reach maturity. In The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication Charles Darwin noted:

In the nine-year Report it is stated that the bears had been seen in the Zoological Gardens to couple freely, but previously to 1848 most had rarely conceived. In the Reports published since this date three species have produced young (hybrids in one case),...[3]

Intercontinental brown bear hybrids

Hybrids between the European brown bear and the grizzly bear (now considered to be a North American variety of brown bear rather than a separate species) have been bred in Cologne, Germany. See grizzly bear for taxonomy.

Brown bear/polar bear hybrids

Polar/brown bear hybrid, Rothschild Museum, Tring
Polar/brown bear hybrid, Rothschild Museum, Tring

Kodiak bear/polar bear hybrids

"Kodiak" or "Kodiak brown" is a term now applied to brown bears found in coastal regions of North America. In the far north these bears feed on salmon and often attain especially large size. "Alaskan brown" is sometimes used for Alaskan bears, but the main distinction is how far the bear is found from the coast. Grizzly bear is the term used for the brown bear of the North American interior.

Grizzly bear/polar bear hybrids

The grizzly bear is now regarded by most taxonomists as a variety of brown bear, Ursus arctos horribilis.

On April 16, 2006, a polar bear of unusual appearance was shot by a sports hunter on Banks Island in the Northwest Territories. DNA testing released May 11, 2006, proved the kill was a grizzly/polar bear hybrid. This is thought to be the first recorded case of interbreeding in the wild.[5] The bear was proven to have a polar mother and a grizzly father. The DNA testing also spared the hunter the C$1000 fine for killing a grizzly bear, as well as the risk of being imprisoned for up to a year. The hunter had bought a license to hunt polar bears; he did not have a license to hunt grizzly at that time.[6]

The animal had dark rings around its eyes, similar to a panda's but not as wide. It also had remarkably long claws, a slight hump on its back, brown spots in its white coat, and a slightly indented face — the nasal "stop" between the eyes which polar bears lack. The guide leading the hunt, Roger Kuptana of Sachs Harbour in the Northwest Territories, was the first to note the oddities. Several names were suggested for this specimen. The Idaho hunter who killed it, Jim Martell, suggested polargrizz. The biologists of the Canadian Wildlife Service suggested grolar or pizzly, as well as nanulak, an elision of the Inuit nanuk (polar bear) and aklak (grizzly or brown bear). Both grolar and pizzly were used by the Canadian Broadcast Corporation in widely distributed stories.

Presently, though the mating seasons overlap, the polar bear's season begins slightly earlier than the grizzly bear's. A blog columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer suggested that more hybrids may be seen as global warming progresses and alters normal mating periods. The Canadian Wildlife Service noted that grizzly-polar hybrids born of zoo matings have proven fertile.

Grizzly bears have been sighted in what is usually polar bear territory in the Western Arctic near the Beaufort Sea, Banks Island, Victoria Island, and Melville Island. A "light chocolate colored" bear, possibly a hybrid, is reported to have been seen with polar bears near Kugluktuk in western Nunavut.

Asiatic black bear hybrids

In 1975, within Venezuela's "Las Delicias" Zoo, a female Asian black bear shared its enclosure with a spectacled bear, and produced several hybrid descendants.[7]

In 2005, a possible black bear/sun bear hybrid cub was captured in the Mekong River watershed of eastern Cambodia. The hybrid's mane was relatively slight, forming a crest on each side of the neck, as is typical in sun bears and some black bears. The appearance of its face was intermediate between that of the sun bear and the black bear, though its ears and large stout canines closely resembled those of the sun bear. Overall, the hybrid resembled an Asiatic black bear with an unusually glossy pelage and an unusual head.[8]

In 2010, a male hybrid between an Asiatic black bear and a brown bear named Emma was taken from a bile farm and into the Animals Asia Foundation's China Moon Bear Rescue

Sloth bear hybrids

Hybrids have been produced between the sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) and the Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) at Tama Zoo in Tokyo, and also between the sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) and the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus, or Selenarctos thibetanus).[9][10][11]


  1. Verena E Kutschera, Tobias Bidon, Frank Hailer, Julia L. Rodi, Steven R. Fain, Axel Janke (2014) Bears in a Forest of Gene Trees: Phylogenetic Inference Is Complicated by Incomplete Lineage Sorting and Gene Flow. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31(8): 2004–2017. doi:10.1093/molbev/msu186
  2. Frank Hailer, Verena E. Kutschera, Björn M. Hallström, Denise Klassert, Steven R. Fain, Jennifer A. Leonard, Ulfur Arnason, Axel Janke (2012): Nuclear Genomic Sequences Reveal that Polar Bears Are an Old and Distinct Bear Lineage. Science Vol. 336 no. 6079: 344-347. doi:10.1126/science.1216424
  3. Darwin, Charles (1868). The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Volume 2 (1st ed.). London: John Murray. p. 151. ISBN 1-4068-4250-8.
  4. Reed, Elizabeth C. (April 1970). "White tiger in my house". National Geographic. 137 (4).
  5. "Hybrid bear shot dead in Canada". BBC News. May 13, 2006. Retrieved May 27, 2010.
  6. "Wild find: Half grizzly, half polar bear". msnbc.
  7. Captivity Breeding of the Spectacled Bear in Venezuela
  8. An apparent hybrid wild bear from Cambodia
  9. Gray, A.P. (1972). Mammalian Hybrids. A Check-list with Bibliography (2nd ed.). Slough: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. ISBN 0-85198-170-4.
  10. Asakura, S. (1969). "A note on a bear hybrid, Melursus ursinus x Helarctos malayanus, at Tama Zoo, Tokyo". International Zoo Yearbook. 9: 88. doi:10.1111/j.1748-1090.1969.tb02631.x.
  11. Scherren, H. (1907). "Some notes on hybrid bears". Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 431–435.

Further reading

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