List of Delegates to the United States House of Representatives from the United States Virgin Islands

Delegates of the United States Virgin Islands to the United States House of Representatives are politicians elected to the United States House of Representatives by the unincorporated territory of United States Virgin Islands. As an unincorporated territory, United States Virgin Islands does not have the right to elect senators, but is able to elect a single non-voting delegate to the House. The delegate can participate in, and vote, in committees. Delegates represent the United States Virgin Islands' At-large congressional district and are elected for 2-year terms commencing on 3 January following their election in November. The first delegate was elected in 1972.

List of delegates

This is a complete list of delegates to the United States House of Representatives from the United States Virgin Islands:

Congress Delegate Image
93rd (1973–1975) Ron de Lugo (D)
94th (1975–1977)
95th (1977–1979)
96th (1979–1981) Melvin H. Evans (R)
97th (1981–1983) Ron de Lugo (D)
98th (1983–1985)
99th (1985–1987)
100th (1987–1989)
101st (1989–1991)
102nd (1991–1993)
103rd (1993–1995)
104th (1995–1997) Victor O. Frazer (I)
105th (1997–1999) Donna Christensen (D)
106th (1999–2001)
107th (2001–2003)
108th (2003–2005)
109th (2005–2007)
110th (2007–2009)
111th (2009–2011)
112th (2011–2013)
113th (2013–2015)
114th (2015–2017) Stacey Plaskett (D)
115th (2017–2019)


Key to party colors and abbreviations for members of the U.S. Congress
American (Know Nothing) (K-N)
Adams (A),
Anti-Jacksonian (Anti-J),
National Republican (NR)
Anti-Administration (Anti-Admin)
Anti-Masonic (Anti-M)
Conservative (Con)
Democratic (D)
Dixiecrat (Dix),
States' rights (SR)
Democratic-Republican (D-R)
Farmer–Labor (FL)
Federalist (F)
Free Soil (FS)
Free Silver (FSv)
Fusion (FU)
Greenback (GB)
Jacksonian (J)
Nonpartisan League (NPL)
Nullifier (N)
Opposition (O)
Populist (Pop)
Pro-Administration (Pro-Admin)
Progressive (Prog)
Prohibition (Proh)
Readjuster (Rea)
Republican (R)
Socialist (Soc)
Unionist (U)
Whig (W)
or Unaffiliated
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