United Nations Security Council Resolution 67

UN Security Council
Resolution 67
Date January 28 1949
Meeting no. 406
Code S/1234 (Document)
Subject The Indonesian Question
Result Adopted
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members

United Nations Security Council Resolution 67, adopted on January 28, 1949, satisfied that both parties in the Indonesian Conflict continued to adhere to the principles of the Renville Agreement, the Council called upon the Netherlands to immediately discontinue all military operations and upon the Indonesian Republic to order its armed adherents to cease guerrilla warfare and for both parties to cooperate in the restoration of peace and the maintenance of law and order throughout the area. The Council further called upon the Netherlands to release all political prisoners arrested since December 17, 1948 and to facilitate the immediate return of officials of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to Jogjakarta and afford to them such facilities as may reasonably be required by that Government for its effective functioning in that area.

The Resolution then called for the creation of a federal 'United States of Indonesia' in which elections for constituents to a constituent assembly would be completed by October 1949 and to whom the Netherlands would transfer sovereignty of Indonesia to by July 1950. To that end the Council renamed the Committee of Good Offices to the United Nations Commission for Indonesia and charged it with all the duties of the old Committee as well as the observation of elections and guaranteeing freedom of assembly, speech and publication along with supervising the transfer of parts of Indonesia to the Republican Government and issuing periodic reports to the Council.

The resolution was voted on in parts; no vote was taken on the text as a whole.

See also


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