Unconventional Action

Unconventional Action is an anarchist and anti-authoritarian organization formed in the United States with the purposes of engaging in direct action in opposition to the 2008 Democratic and Republican National Conventions.[1] It was structured as an emerging network.[1] Police documents alleging to be based on informants' information claimed that the organization hosted with the RNC Welcoming Committee an "action camp" from July 31-Aug. 3, 2008, at Lake Geneva in Minnesota, which was attended by approximately 50 individuals. According to one of the informants, a raised platform stage labeled "Xcel Center" was the primary target of the training.[2] Ahead of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, Unconventional Action members had their cars searched by police near their convention centre.[3] In Denver, Unconventional Action manifested itself under the umbrella group Recreate68 as Unconventional Denver, "a local coordinating group for a national network of anarchists that [was] planning to disrupt the convention", in the words of the New American.[4]

Unconventional Denver organized several events throughout the week, including a Reclaim the Streets action , an Anti-Capitalist March and Green Capitalism Education Walk. The group worked with the Iraq Veterans Against War by providing communications support. UD also set up a convergence space open to any progressive and radical activists in town for the DNC protests.

Unconventional Action were supported by CrimethInc. groups, who distributed the organizations plans ahead of the conventions.[5]

See also


  1. 1 2 "The pinstripe brigade lines up to defend convention scofflaws". Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Aug 30, 2007.
  2. Associated Press (September 3, 2008). "Search warrant filing details anarchists’ RNC disruption plans". Boston Herald.
  3. LeTendre, Linda (August 29, 2008). "Beijing and Denver: Separated at birth?". Waking Peace. Daily Gazette.
  4. Jasper, William F. (September 1, 2008). "Recreating Riots". The New American. Retrieved 2008-09-24.
  5. ret marut. "CrimethInc. Groups Endorse RNC Strategy". CrimethInc. Far East Blog. CrimethInc. Retrieved 2008-09-24.

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