Ulster Defence Association

{{Infobox war faction |name = Ulster Defence Association |war = the Troubles |image = |caption = Emblem of the Ulster Defence Association |active = September 1971–present (on ceasefire since October 1994; ended armed campaign in November 2007)

|ideology =

|leaders =

|clans = |headquarters = Belfast

|area =

|strength =

  • 40,000 at its peak (1972)
  • over 5000 at the end of its armed campaign[2]

|previous = |next =

|allies =

|opponents =

The Ulster Defence Association (abbreviated UDA) is the largest[5][6] Ulster loyalist paramilitary and vigilante[7] group in Northern Ireland. It was formed in September 1971 and undertook a campaign of almost twenty-four years during the Troubles. For most of this time it was a legal organisation. Its declared goal was to defend Ulster Protestant loyalist areas[8] and to combat Irish republicanism, particularly the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA). In the 1970s, uniformed UDA members openly patrolled these areas armed with batons and held large marches and rallies. Within the UDA was a group tasked with launching paramilitary attacks; it used the covername Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF) so that the UDA would not be outlawed. The British government outlawed the "UFF" in November 1973, but the UDA itself was not proscribed as a terrorist group until August 1992.[9]

The UDA/UFF was responsible for more than 400 deaths. The vast majority of its victims were Irish Catholic civilians,[10][11][12] killed at random, in what the group called retaliation for IRA actions or attacks on Protestants.[13][14] High-profile attacks carried out by the group include the Milltown massacre, the Sean Graham bookmakers' shooting, the Castlerock killings and the Greysteel massacre. Most of its attacks were in Northern Ireland, but from 1972 onward it also carried out bombings in the Republic of Ireland. The UDA/UFF declared a ceasefire in 1994 and ended its campaign in 2007, but some of its members have continued to engage in violence.[15] The other main loyalist paramilitary group during the conflict was the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF). All three groups are Proscribed Organisations in the United Kingdom under the Terrorism Act 2000.[16]



The Ulster Defence Association emerged from a series of meetings during the middle of 1971 of loyalist "vigilante" groups called "defence associations".[17] The largest of these were the Shankill and Woodvale Defence Associations,[18] with other groups based in East Belfast, the Hammer and Roden Street.[19] The first meeting was chaired by Billy Hull, with Alan Moon as its vice-chair. Moon was quickly replaced by Jim Anderson and had left the organisation by the time of its formal launch in September.[20]

By this point, Charles Harding Smith had become the group's leader, with former British soldier Davy Fogel as his second-in-command, who trained the new recruits in military tactics, the use of guns, and unarmed combat. Its most prominent early spokesperson was Tommy Herron;[17] however, Andy Tyrie would emerge as leader soon after.[21] Its original motto was Cedenta Arma Togae ("Law before violence") and it was a legal organisation until it was banned by the British Government on 10 August 1992.[17]

UDA members marching through Belfast city centre, mid-1972

At its peak of strength it held around forty thousand members, mostly part-time.[22][23] During this period of legality, the UDA committed a large number of attacks using the name Ulster Freedom Fighters,[24][25] including the assassination of Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) politician Paddy Wilson in 1973.[26] The UDA was involved in the successful Ulster Workers Council Strike in 1974, which brought down the Sunningdale Agreement—an agreement which some unionists thought conceded too much to nationalist demands. The UDA enforced this general strike through widespread intimidation across Northern Ireland. The strike was led by VUPP Assemblyman and UDA member, Glenn Barr.[27]

The UDA were often referred to as "Wombles" by their rivals, mainly the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF). The name is derived from the furry fictional creatures The Wombles, and was given to the UDA because many of its members wore fur-trimmed parkas.[28] Its headquarters is in Gawn Street, off the Newtownards Road in east Belfast,[29] and its current motto is Quis Separabit, which is Latin for "Who will separate [us]?"

Women's units

The UDA had several women's units, which acted independent of each other.[30][31] Although they occasionally helped staff roadblocks, the women's units were typically involved in local community work and responsible for the assembly and delivery of food parcels to UDA prisoners. This was a source of pride for the UDA.[32] The first women's unit was founded on the Shankill Road by Wendy "Bucket" Millar, whose sons Herbie and James "Sham" Millar would later become prominent UDA members.[33] The UDA women's department was headed by Jean Moore, who also came from the Shankill Road. She had also served as the president of the women's auxiliary of the Loyalist Association of Workers. Her brother Ingram "Jock" Beckett, one of the UDA's founding members, had been killed in March 1972 by a rival UDA faction in an internal dispute.[34] Moore was succeeded by Hester Dunn of east Belfast, who also ran the public relations and administration section at the UDA headquarters.[35] Wendy Millar's Shankill Road group was a particularly active women's unit, and another was based in Sandy Row, south Belfast, a traditional UDA stronghold. The latter was commanded by Elizabeth "Lily" Douglas.[36] Her teenaged daughter, Elizabeth was one of the members.[37]

The Sandy Row women's UDA unit was disbanded after it carried out a vicious "romper room" punishment beating on 24 July 1974 which left 32-year-old Ann Ogilby dead. The body of Ogilby, a Protestant single mother who had an affair with the husband of one of the unit's members, was found in a ditch five days later.[38] The day of the fatal beating Ogilby was abducted and forced upstairs to the first floor of a disused bakery in Sandy Row that had been converted into a UDA club. Two teenage girls, Henrietta Cowan and Christine Smith,[39] acting under Elizabeth Douglas' orders to give Ogilby a "good rompering",[40] punched, kicked, then battered her to death with bricks and sticks; the autopsy later revealed that Ogilby had suffered 24 blows to the head and body. The killing, which was carried out within earshot of Ogilby's six-year-old daughter, caused widespread revulsion throughout Northern Ireland and was condemned by the UDA prisoners serving inside the Maze Prison. None of the other UDA women's units had consented to or been aware of the fatal punishment beating until it was reported in the news.[31] Douglas, Cowan, and Smith were convicted of the murder and sentenced to imprisonment at Armagh Women's Jail. Seven other members of the women's unit and a UDA man were also convicted for their part in the murder.[37][40] The UDA "romper rooms", named after the children's television programme, were places where victims were beaten and tortured prior to being killed. This was known as a "rompering". The "romper rooms" were normally located in disused buildings, lock-up garages, warehouses, and rooms above pubs and drinking clubs.[41] The use of the "romper rooms" was a more common practise among male members of the UDA than their female counterparts.[31]

Paramilitary campaign

The flag of the "Ulster Freedom Fighters" with a clenched fist representing the Red Hand of Ulster and the Latin motto Feriens tego, meaning "striking I defend"

Throughout the majority of its period of legality, the UDA's attacks were carried out under the name "Ulster Freedom Fighters" (UFF). The UDA's campaign of violence began in 1972. In May of that year, the UDA's pressured leader Tommy Herron decided that responsibility for acts of violence committed by the UDA would be claimed by the "UFF". Its first public statements came one month later.[42]

The UDA's official position during the Troubles was that if the Provisional Irish Republican Army (Provisional IRA) called off its campaign of violence, then it would do the same. However, if the British government announced that it was withdrawing from Northern Ireland, then the UDA would act as "the IRA in reverse."[43]

Active throughout the Troubles, its armed campaign gained prominence in the early 1990s through Johnny Adair's ruthless leadership of the Lower Shankill 2nd Battalion, C. Company, which resulted in a greater degree of tactical independence for individual brigades.[44] C. Company's hit squad, led by Stephen McKeag, became notorious for a campaign of random murders of Catholic civilians in the first half of the 1990s.[45]

They benefited, along with the Ulster Volunteer Force, and a group called Ulster Resistance (set up by the Democratic Unionist Party), from a shipment of arms imported from Lebanon in 1988.[46] The weapons landed included rocket launchers, 200 rifles, 90 pistols and over 400 grenades.[46] Although almost two–thirds of these weapons were later recovered by the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), they enabled the UDA to launch an assassination campaign against their perceived enemies.

A UFF mural in the Kilcooley estate in Bangor
A UFF mural in the Sandy Row area of South Belfast

North Belfast UDA brigadier Davy Payne was arrested after his "scout" car had been stopped at a RUC checkpoint and large caches of the weaponry were discovered in the boots of his associates' cars. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison.

In 1992 Brian Nelson, a prominent UDA member convicted of sectarian killings, revealed that he was also a British Army agent. This led to allegations that the British Army and RUC were helping the UDA to target Irish republican activists. UDA members have since confirmed that they received intelligence files on republicans from British Army and RUC intelligence sources.[47]

One of the most high-profile UDA attacks came in October 1993, when three masked men attacked a restaurant called the Rising Sun in the predominantly Catholic village of Greysteel, County Londonderry, where two hundred people were celebrating Halloween. The two men entered and opened fire. Eight people, including six Catholics and two Protestants were killed and nineteen wounded in what became known as the Greysteel massacre. The "UFF" claimed the attack was in retaliation to the IRA's Shankill Road bombing, which killed nine people seven days earlier.

According to the Sutton database of deaths at the University of Ulster's CAIN project,[48] the UDA was responsible for 259 killings during the Troubles. 208 of its victims were civilians (predominantly Catholics), 12 were civilian political activists (mainly members of Sinn Féin), 37 were other loyalist paramilitaries (including 30 of its own members), three were members of the security forces and 11 were republican paramilitaries. A number of these attacks were carried out with the assistance or complicity of the British Army, the RUC, or both, according to the Stevens Enquiry, although the exact number of people killed as a result of collusion has not been revealed. The preferred modus operandi of the UDA was individual killings of civilian targets in nationalist areas, rather than large-scale bomb or mortar attacks.

The UDA employed various codewords whenever they claimed their attacks. These included: "The Crucible", "Titanic", "Ulster Troubles" and "Captain Black".

Post-ceasefire activities

Its ceasefire was welcomed by the Northern Ireland Secretary of State, Paul Murphy and the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, Hugh Orde.

A UDA/UFF mural in Belfast
A UFF flag in Finvoy,a rural area of County Antrim

Since the ceasefire, the UDA has been accused of taking vigilante action against alleged drug dealers, including tarring and feathering a man on the Taughmonagh estate in south Belfast.[49][50] It has also been involved in several feuds with the UVF, which led to many killings. The UDA has also been riddled by its own internecine warfare, with self-styled "brigadiers" and former figures of power and influence, such as Johnny Adair and Jim Gray (themselves bitter rivals), falling rapidly in and out of favour with the rest of the leadership. Gray and John Gregg are amongst those to have been killed during the internal strife. On 22 February 2003, the UDA announced a "12-month period of military inactivity".[51] It said it would review its ceasefire every three months. The UPRG's Frankie Gallagher has since taken a leading role in ending the association between the UDA and drug dealing.[52]

Following an August 2005 Sunday World article that poked fun at the gambling losses of one of its leaders, the UDA banned the sale of the newspaper from shops in areas it controls. Shops that defy the ban have suffered arson attacks, and at least one newsagent was threatened with death.[53] The Police Service of Northern Ireland began accompanying the paper's delivery vans.[54][55] The UDA was also considered to have played an instrumental role in loyalist riots in Belfast in September 2005.[56]

On 13 November 2005 the UDA announced that it would "consider its future", in the wake of the standing down of the Provisional IRA and Loyalist Volunteer Force.[57]

In February 2006, the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) reported UDA involvement in organised crime, drug trafficking, counterfeiting, extortion, money laundering and robbery.[58]

A UDA/UFF mural in Bangor

On 20 June 2006, the UDA expelled Andre Shoukri and his brother Ihab, two of its senior members who were heavily involved in organised crime. Some saw this as a sign that the UDA was slowly coming away from crime.[59] The move did see the southeast Antrim brigade of the UDA, which had been at loggerheads with the leadership for some time, support Shoukri and break away under former UPRG spokesman Tommy Kirkham.[60] Other senior members met with Taoiseach Bertie Ahern for talks on 13 July in the same year.[61]

On 11 November 2007 the UDA announced that the Ulster Freedom Fighters would be stood down from midnight of the same day,[62] with its weapons "being put beyond use" although it stressed that these would not be decommissioned.[63]

Although the group expressed a willingness to move from criminal activity to "community development," the IMC said it saw little evidence of this move because of the views of its members and the lack of coherence in the group's leadership as a result of its decentralised structure. While the report indicated the leadership intends to move towards its stated goals, factionalism hindered this change and was the strongest hindrance to progress. Although most loyalist actions were curtailed since the IMC's previous report, most of loyalist paramilitary activity was coming from the UDA.

The IMC report concluded that the leadership's willingness to change has resulted in community tension and the group would continue to be monitored, although "the mainstream UDA still has some way to go." Furthermore, the IMC warned the group to "recognise that the organisation's time as a paramilitary group has passed and that decommissioning is inevitable." Decommissioning was said to be the "biggest outstanding issue for loyalist leaders, although not the only one."[64]

A UDA/UFF South-East Antrim Brigade mural in Newtownabbey

On 6 January 2010, the UDA announced that it had put its weapons "verifiably beyond use".[65] The decommissioning was completed five weeks before a government amnesty deadline beyond which any weapons found could have been used as evidence for a prosecution.[65] The decommissioning was confirmed by Canadian General John de Chastelain, chairman of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning, as well as Lord Eames, former Archbishop of Armagh and Sir George Quigley, former top civil servant.[66]

Chastelain stated that the decommissioning included arms, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices and the UDA stated that the arms "constitute the totality of those under their control".[65] Following the decommissioning the Ulster Political Research Group, the UDA's political representatives, stated that the "Ulster Defence Association was formed to defend our communities; we state quite clearly and categorically that this responsibility now rests with the Government and its institutions where legitimacy resides".[66] UDA representative Frankie Gallagher also stated that the group now regretted being responsible for the killing of more than 400 people.[67]

Shaun Woodward, the British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, stated that this "is a major act of leadership by the UDA and further comprehensive evidence of the success of politics over violence in Northern Ireland" and the act was also welcomed by Sinn Féin and DUP politicians.[68] The President of the Republic of Ireland, Mary McAleese, described the decommissioning as "a very positive milestone on the journey of peace".[69] US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also welcomed the move as a step towards lasting peace in Northern Ireland.[70]

South East Antrim breakaway group

The breakaway faction continues to use the "UDA" title in its name, although it too expressed willingness to move towards "community development." Although serious crime is not prevalent among its members, some who were arrested for drug peddling and extortion were exiled by the Brigade. A clear distinction between the factions was not available in the 20th IMC report, as this was the first report to differentiate between the two.[64]


Some UDA leaders supported an independent Northern Ireland in the mid–late 1970s

In the 1970s the group favoured Northern Ireland independence, but they have retreated from this position.[71]

The New Ulster Political Research Group (NUPRG) was initially the political wing of the UDA, founded in 1978, which then evolved into the Ulster Loyalist Democratic Party in 1981 under the leadership of John McMichael, a prominent UDA member killed by the IRA in 1987, amid suspicion that he was set up to be killed by some of his UDA colleagues.

In 1987, the UDA's deputy commander John McMichael (who was then the leader of the UFF) promoted a document entitled Common Sense, which promoted a consensual end to the conflict in Northern Ireland, while maintaining the Union. The document advocated a power-sharing assembly involving both nationalists and unionists, an agreed constitution and new Bill of Rights. It is not clear, however, whether this programme was adopted by the UDA as their official policy.[43] However, the killing of McMichael that same year and the subsequent removal of Tyrie from the leadership and his replacement with an Inner Council saw the UDA concentrate on stockpiling weapons rather than political ideas.[72]

In 1989, the ULDP changed its name to the Ulster Democratic Party (UDP). It finally dissolved itself in 2001 following very limited electoral success and internal difficulties. Gary McMichael, son of John McMichael, was the last leader of the UDP, which supported the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. The Ulster Political Research Group (UPRG) was subsequently formed to give political analysis to the UDA and act as community workers in loyalist areas. It is currently represented on the Belfast City Council.

In early January 1994, the UDA released a document calling for ethnic cleansing and repartition, with the goal of making Northern Ireland wholly Protestant.[73] The plan was to be implemented should the British Army withdraw from Northern Ireland. Areas in the south and west with strong Catholic/nationalist majorities would be handed over to the Republic, and those Catholics left stranded in the "Protestant state" would be "expelled, nullified, or interned".[73] The story was printed in The Sunday Independent newspaper on 16 January.[74] The "doomsday plan" was based on the work of Dr Liam Kennedy, a lecturer at Queen's University Belfast[73] who in 1986 had published a book called Two Ulsters: A Case for Repartition although it did not call for ethnic cleansing. The UDP's Raymond Smallwoods said "I wasn't consulted but the scenario set out is a perfectly plausible one".[73] The DUP's Sammy Wilson stated that the plan "shows that some loyalist paramilitaries are looking ahead and contemplating what needs to be done to maintain our separate Ulster identity"[73]

In his book Black Sun, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke claimed that the UDA had links with Neo-Nazi groups in Britain—specifically Combat 18[75] (formed in 1991) and the British National Socialist Movement[76] (formed in 1985). He claims that members of these groups helped to smuggle weapons for the UDA. Ian S Wood's book Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA claims that the UDA has received backing from Combat 18, the British National Front and the British National Party.[77] In 2006, the BBC also reported that the group has links with Combat 18.[78] It is unknown whether these links still exist. The links may not have been politically motivated, but for mutually beneficial arms deals. On one occasion the UDA sent Louis Scott, one of a few black members of the UDA, to make the transaction.[79] Johnny Adair, who had been in Combat 18 before the UDA, established stronger links once he became a brigadier.[80][81]

The Red Hand Defenders is a cover name used by breakaway factions of the UDA and the LVF.[1] The term was coined in 1997 when members of the LVF carried out attacks on behalf of Johnny Adair's "UFF 2nd Battalion, 'C' Company (Shankill Road)" and vice versa.[1] The relationship between the UDA (specifically Adair's West Belfast Brigade, not the wider leadership of the UDA) was initially formed after the death of Billy Wright, the previous leader of the LVF, and grew from Adair's personal friendship with Mark 'Swinger' Fulton, the organisation's new chief.

The necessity for a cover name resulted from the need to avoid tensions between the UDA and the UVF, the organisation from which the LVF had broken away. It was perceived that any open co-operation between the UDA and the LVF would anger the UVF, something which proved to be the case in following years and resulted in a loyalist feud.[1] There has been debate as to whether or not the Red Hand Defenders have become an entity in their own right[82] made up of dissident factions from both the UDA and the LVF (both of which have now declared ceasefires whilst the RHD has not), although much intelligence has been based on the claims of responsibility which, as has been suggested,[1] are frequently misleading.

A 1985 MI5 assessment reported that 85% of the UDA's "targeting material" came from the security forces.[83]

Structure and leadership

The UDA is made up of:

The UDA operated a devolved structure of leadership, each with a brigadier representing one of its six "brigade areas".[85] Currently, it is not entirely clear whether or not this structure has been maintained in the UDA's post cease-fire state. The UDA's six "brigade areas" were:

A wall sign in Dervock showing support for the North Antrim and Londonderry brigade.

In addition to these six core brigades two others may have existed. A seventh Mid-Ulster Brigade is mentioned by Steve Bruce as having existed for part of the UDA's history[90] although Henry McDonald and Jim Cusack characterise this as a "battalion" rather than a brigade and suggest that its rural location prevented it from fully developing.[91] In the late 1970s a Scottish Brigade was established under the command of Roddy McDonald but this proved short-lived. The security forces infiltrated this brigade almost immediately and in 1979 arrested almost its entire membership, ninety people in all. Six members received particularly lengthy prison sentences for their involvement in UDA activities in Perth and the Scottish Brigade quietly disappeared.[92]

Some of the notable brigadiers include:

Jackie McDonald—South Belfast (~1980s-present)[93] Resident of the Taughmonagh estate in South Belfast.[93] McDonald was a cautious supporter of the UDA's ceasefire and a harsh critic of Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair during his final years of membership of the organisation.[93] McDonald remains the only brigadier who did not have a commonly used nickname.

Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair—West Belfast (1990–2002)[85] An active figure in the UDA/UFF, Adair rose to notoriety in the early 1990s when he led the 2nd Battalion, C Company unit in West Belfast which was responsible for one of the bloodiest killing sprees of the Troubles.[85]

Jim 'Doris Day' Gray—East Belfast (1992–2005)[85][94] An unlikely figure in Northern Ireland loyalism, the openly bi-sexual[85] Gray was a controversial figure in the organisation until his death on 4 October 2005. Always flamboyantly dressed, Gray was a key figure in the UDA's negotiations with Northern Ireland Secretary John Reid. It is widely believed that Gray received his nickname from the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Special Branch.[85]

Jimbo 'Bacardi Brigadier' Simpson—North Belfast (Unknown–2002)[85] Simpson is believed to have been an alcoholic, hence his nickname. He was leader of the UDA in the volatile North Belfast area, an interface between Catholics and Protestants in the New Lodge and Tiger's Bay neighbourhoods.[85]

Billy 'The Mexican' McFarland—North Antrim and Londonderry (Unknown–2013)[85] He earned his nickname because of his moustache and swarthy appearance, and had overall command of the UDA's North Antrim and Derry brigade at the time of the Good Friday Agreement. He supported the leadership against Johnny Adair and has been associated with the magazine 'Warrior', which makes the case for Ulster Independence.

Andre 'The Egyptian' Shoukri[85]—North Belfast (2002–2005)[85] Initially a close ally of Johnny Adair, Shoukri and his brother Ihab became involved with the UDA in his native North Belfast. The son of an Egyptian father and a Northern Irish mother, he was expelled from the UDA in 2005 following allegations of criminality.

John 'Grug' Gregg—South East Antrim (c.1993[95]–2003) John 'Grug' Gregg was a man with a fearsome reputation within the loyalist movement, known as a "Hawk" in loyalist circles, and controlled the streets of south east Antrim. On 14 March 1984, he severely wounded Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams in an assassination attempt for which he was jailed. When asked by the BBC in prison if he regretted anything about the shooting, his reply was "only that I didn't succeed." He was killed on Belfast's Nelson Street, along with another UDA member (Rab Carson), while travelling in a taxi from the docks in 2003, and the murder was blamed on supporters of Johnny Adair, who had recently been expelled from the UDA in 2002.

Deaths as a result of activity

UDA South Belfast Brigade memorial plaque in Sandy Row

Malcolm Sutton's Index of Deaths from the Conflict in Ireland, part of the Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN), states that the UDA/UFF was responsible for at least 260 killings, and lists a further 256 loyalist killings that have not yet been attributed to a particular group.[96] According to the book Lost Lives (2006 edition), it was responsible for 431 killings.[97]

Of those killed by the UDA/UFF:[10]

The CAIN database says there were 91 UDA members and four former members killed in the conflict.[98]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 David Lister and Hugh Jordan, Mad Dog: The Rise and Fall of Johnny Adair
  2. Organisations: U, CAIN
  3. David Lister and Hugh Jordan Mad Dog: The Rise and Fall of Johnny Adair
  4. "UFF condemns death threats". BBC News. 15 January 2002. Retrieved 28 March 2010.
  5. "Who are the loyalist paramilitaries?". BBC News. 23 August 2000.
  6. Melaugh, Martin. "CAIN: Abstracts of Organisations - 'U'". cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 2016-10-09.
  7. Mulholland, Marc. Northern Ireland: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press, 2002. p.80
  8. "A history of the UDA". BBC News. 6 January 2010. Retrieved 28 March 2010.
  9. Home Office, Government of the United Kingdom – Proscribed Terrorist Groups Archived 18 January 2010 at the Wayback Machine.. Retrieved 10 January 2010.
  10. 1 2 "Sutton Index of Deaths: Crosstabulations". Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN). Retrieved 15 March 2011. – choose "organisation" as First Variable and "status summary" as Second Variable
  11. Wright-Neville, David (2010). Dictionary of Terrorism. Polity. p. 194. Between the late 1960s and 2007, the UDA carried out more than 250 killings, the victims of which were mainly Catholic civilians.
  12. "Sutton Index of Deaths: Crosstabulations". Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN). Retrieved 15 March 2011. – choose "organisation" as First Variable and "religion summary" as Second Variable
  13. Sarah Nelson, Ulster's Uncertain Defenders: Loyalists and the Northern Ireland Conflict, Published by Appletree Press, Belfast, (1984), pp.117–127
  14. David McKittrick, Ireland: 'Many of Belfast's most deadly acronyms are now back in action, The Independent, 20 January 1998
  15. "UFF given the order to stand down". BBC News. 12 November 2007. Retrieved 28 March 2010.
  16. Schedule 2, Terrorism Act 2000, Act No. 11 of 2000
  17. 1 2 3 "Cain web Service: Abstracts on Organisations". Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  18. Steve Bruce, "Unionists and the Border", in Malcolm Anderson and Everhard Bort, The Irish border: history, politics, culture, p.129
  19. Alan O'Day, Terrorism's laboratory: the case of Northern Ireland, p.118
  20. Steve Bruce, The Red Hand, p.50
  21. H. McDonald and J. Cusack, UDA – Inside the Heart of Loyalist Terror, Dublin, Penguin Ireland, 2004, pp. 64–65
  22. "The downfall of Mad Dog Adair, part 2". The Guardian. London. 5 October 2003. Retrieved 26 May 2010.
  23. "The Peace Process in Northern Ireland 2". Arts.gla.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  24. "UFF involved in Ulster murders – police chief". BBC News. Retrieved 26 May 2010.
  25. "Ulster Defense Association". Meta-religion.com. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  26. Rosie Cowan, Ireland correspondent (6 February 2003). "The Guardian". London: The Guardian. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  27. Taylor, Peter (1999). Loyalists. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 128–131. ISBN 0-7475-4519-7.
  28. Sarah Nelson (1984). Ulster's Uncertain Defenders: Protestants Political, Paramilitary and Community Groups and the Northern Ireland Conflict. Belfast: Appletree Press, p.179
  29. Murphy, Dervla (1978). A Place Apart. Great Britain: Penguin Books. p.150
  30. Taylor, p.136
  31. 1 2 3 McEvoy, p.12
  32. "Women Loyalist Paramilitaries in Northern Ireland: Duty, Agency and Empowerment - A Report from the Field". All Academic Research. Sandra McEvoy. 2008. p.16
  33. Wilson, Iain (14 February 2012). "Plea for calm as UDA faction heads south; The 40 Loyalists forced out of Belfast for Scotland have decided it is time to move on". The Herald via HighBeam Research. Retrieved 14 May 2012. (Subscription required (help)).
  34. Dillon, Martin; Lehane, Denis (1973). Political murder in Northern Ireland. Penguin. p.232
  35. Wood, Ian S. (2006). Crimes of Loyalty: a History of the UDA. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. p.94
  36. Kiely, David M. (2005). Deadlier Than the Male: Ireland's Female Killers. Dublin: Gill & MacMillan. p.108 ISBN 0717138941
  37. 1 2 "I heard mum beg for mercy": Sunday Life. Ciaran Barnes. 7 February 2010 Retrieved 28 December 2011
  38. Simpson, Alan (1999). Murder Madness: true crimes of the Troubles. Dublin: Gill & MacMillan. p. 32 ISBN 978-0-7171-2903-4
  39. Simpson, p.38
  40. 1 2 Kiely, David M. (2005). Deadlier Than the Male: Ireland's Female Killers. Dublin: Gill & MacMillan. p.111 ISBN 0717138941
  41. Nelson, pp.126, 146
  42. Wood, Ian S., Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA (Edinburgh, 2006), p. 21
  43. 1 2 Brendan O'Brien, the Long War, the IRA and Sinn Féin (1995), p.91
  44. "Table from CAIN showing deaths per year". Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  45. Henry McDonald & Jim Cusack, UDA – Inside the Heart of Loyalist Terror, Dublin: Penguin Ireland, 2004, p. 3
  46. 1 2 O'Brien p.92
  47. Peter Taylor Loyalists
  48. "CAIN: Sutton Index of Deaths". Conflict Archive on the Internet. Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  49. Henry McDonald Terror gangs fight to keep street power, The Observer, 2 September 2007. Retrieved 13 January 2008.
  50. Henry McDonald Law and order Belfast-style as two men are forced on a 'walk of shame', The Observer, 13 January 2008. Retrieved 13 January 2008.
  51. "Scotland on Sunday". Scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  52. "Loyalist Drug Dealers Are "Scum" Says UPRG". 4ni.co.uk. 6 November 2007. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  53. Press Gazette Archived 15 December 2005 at the Wayback Machine.
  54. Times Online Archived 6 January 2006 at the Wayback Machine.
  55. "Nuzhound". Nuzhound. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  56. "BBC". BBC News. 14 September 2005. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  57. "RTÉ". RTÉ.ie. 13 November 2005. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  58. "Eighth Report of the Independent Monitoring Commission". Independentmonitoringcommission.org. 1 February 2006. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  59. "BBC Report". BBC News. 20 June 2006. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  60. UDA expels south east Antrim brigade chiefs
  61. "UTV report". U.tv. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  62. "UFF given the order to stand down". BBC News. 12 November 2007. Retrieved 26 May 2010.
  63. The Associated Press (11 November 2007). "CBC News: Protestant paramilitary group in N. Ireland renounces violence". Cbc.ca. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  64. 1 2 "412882_HC 1112_Text" (PDF). Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  65. 1 2 3 "UDA confirm guns decommissioned" BBC news. Retrieved 8 January 2010.
  66. 1 2 "UDA decommissions all weapons" UK Press Association. Retrieved 8 January 2010.
  67. "Northern Ireland's outlawed Ulster Defence Association says it has fully disarmed" The Canadian Press. Retrieved 8 January 2010.
  68. " Northern Ireland politicians hail UDA move " Belfast Telegraph. Retrieved 8 January 2010.
  69. "President hails 'milestone on journey of peace'" The Irish Times. Retrieved 8 January 2010.
  70. " Clinton welcomes weapons decommission by N. Ireland's loyalist paramilitary group " Xinhua. Retrieved 8 January 2010.
  71. "Ulster Defence Association". Scottishloyalists.co.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  72. "UDA". Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  73. 1 2 3 4 5 Wood, Ian S. Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA. Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Pages 184–185.
  74. "CAIN". Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  75. Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity. NYU Press, 2003. Page 45.
  76. Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity. NYU Press, 2003. Pages 40–41.
  77. Wood, Ian S. Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA. Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Page 339-40.
  78. "Why UDA expelled 'unlikely loyalists'". BBC News. 8 June 2010. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  79. The UDA: Inside the Heart of Loyalist terror. Henry McDonald, Jim Cusack
  80. McDonald, Henry (12 July 2003). "Why the streets of Bolton echo to the sounds of a loyalist vendetta" via The Guardian.
  81. "How loyalists got out of step with fascism - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk".
  82. "FAS". FAS. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  83. "Collusion Cut Both Ways In The Troubles - Standpoint".
  84. "CAIN: Abstracts of Organisations – 'U'". Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  85. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Lister, David (2004). Mad Dog: The Rise and Fall of Johnny Adair and C Company. Cox & Wyman. ISBN 978-1-84018-890-5.
  86. Wood, Ian S. Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA. Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Page 123.
  87. "CAIN: Abstracts of Organisations – 'Y'". Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  88. "CAIN: Abstracts of Organisations – 'N'". Cain.ulst.ac.uk. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  89. McDonald & Cusack, UDA, pp.186-187
  90. Steve Bruce, The Edge of the Union, Oxford University Press, 1994, p. 157
  91. McDonald & Cusack, UDA, p. 25
  92. McDonald & Cusack, UDA, pp. 108–109
  93. 1 2 3 Lister, David (2004). Mad Dog: The Rise and Fall of Johnny Adair and C Company. Cox & Wyman. pp. 280–283. ISBN 978-1-84018-890-5.
  94. Wood, Ian S. Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA. Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Page 299.
  95. Wood, Ian S. Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA. Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Page 351.
  96. "Sutton Index of Deaths: Organisation responsible for the death". Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN). Retrieved 1 September 2014.
  97. David McKittrick et al. Lost Lives: The Stories of the Men, Women and Children who Died as a Result of the Northern Ireland Troubles. Random House, 2006. pp. 1551-54
  98. "Sutton Index of Deaths: Status of the person killed". Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN). Retrieved 1 September 2014.

Further reading

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