Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta's Symbol
Motto Knowledge, Piety, Integrity
Type State University
Established June 1st, 1957 as ADIA (Academy Bureaus of Religious Sciences/Akademi Dinas Ilmu Agama)
Affiliation Islam
Rector Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA
Academic staff
± 1.435
Students ± 23.000 students
Location Ciputat, Banten, Indonesia
6°18′24″S 106°45′22″E / 6.3066928°S 106.756146°E / -6.3066928; 106.756146Coordinates: 6°18′24″S 106°45′22″E / 6.3066928°S 106.756146°E / -6.3066928; 106.756146
Campus Urban: Ir. H. Juanda, Ciputat and Kertamukti, Ciputat
Colours Blue     

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (Bahasa Indonesia: Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Arabic: جامعة شريف هداية الله الإسلامية الحكومية جاكرتا) is a public university in Indonesia. It is in Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten, district in southern Jakarta.


Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta has of three campuses in walking distance.

Campus 1 is on Ir. H. Djuanda Street in Ciputat, Banten. Campus 1 (the main campus) comprises the Rectorate Building, Main Library, administrative offices, main auditorium, the guest house, the Student Center, Center for Integrated Laboratory, Bank Mandiri, BNI Bank, BRI Bank, and seven faculty buildings.

Campus 2 is on Kertamukti Street, only several hundred meters from Campus 1. It consists of the Postgraduate School, Language Centers, Syahida Inn Hotel, the Faculty Housing Complex, the Experimental Garden, sports facilities, Fathullah Mosque (the biggest mosque on campus), Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital, a student dormitory, National Information and Communication Technology (NICT), and three faculty buildings.

Campus 3, also on Kertamukti Street, will be used for the Agribusiness Laboratory and Industrial Business.


On June 1, 2007, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta celebrated its golden anniversary. For half a century, the university has carryied out its mandate as an institution of learning and transmitting knowledge, a research institution that supports the process of nation building, and as an institution devoted to the community that provides programs to improve social welfare. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta has gone through several periods: the founding, the al-Jami'ah faculty of IAIN, the IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, and the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

It began as an academy called ADIA (Akademi Dinas Ilmu Agama or State Academy of Islamic Sciences) from 1957 to 1960. It then became one of the faculties of IAIN Yogyakarta (1960–1963), and from 1963 on IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah. With Presidential Decree No. 31 of 2002 by Presidential (May 20, 2002), it officially became Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Founding period

The establishment of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta is part of the historical development of Islamic schools in Indonesia, in response to the higher education needs of modern Islam that began long before Indonesia's independence. In the colonial era (Netherlands), Dr. Satiman Wirjosandjojo, one of the Muslim educated, sought to establish Luhur as an institution of higher Islamic learning. These efforts failed because of resistance from the Dutch colonial administrators.

Five years before the proclamation of Indonesian independence, the Islamic Religious Teachers Association (PGAI) in Padang founded the Islamic High School (STI). STI only ran for two years (1940–1942) because of the Japanese occupation. The Japanese occupation government promised to establish the Institute of Higher Religious Education in Jakarta. In response, Muslim leaders formed a foundation with Mohammad Hatta as chairman and Muhammad Natsir as secretary.

On July 8, 1945, the foundation established the Islamic Academy of Higher Education (STI). STI was in Jakarta and led by Abdul Kahar Muzakkar. Several other Muslim leaders were instrumental in the establishment and development of STI. They included Drs. Mohammad Hatta, KH. Kahar Mudzakkir, KH. Wahid Hasyim, KH. Mas Mansur, KH. Fathurrahman Kafrawi, and Farid Ma'ruf. In 1946, STI was moved to Yogyakarta following the move of the capital city state from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. In line with the development of an growing STI, on March 22, 1948, STI's name was changed to the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) with the addition of new faculties. In 1948, UII had four faculties:

  • Faculty of Religion
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Education

The need for new recruits in civil servants for the Department of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia became an important backdrop establishment of Islamic universities. To meet this need, the Faculty of Religion separated and transformed into the State Islamic University (PTAIN). This change is based on Government Regulation (PP) no. 34 of 1950. The preamble stated that PTAIN aims to provide high-level teaching Islamic studies and become the center of the development and deepening of the Islamic religious sciences. Based on the PP, PTAIN was established on September 26, 1950. PTAIN was led by KH. Muhammad Adnan; in 1951 there were as many as 67 students. In that period, PTAIN had three departments:

  • Department Tarbiyah
  • Department Qadla (Shariah)
  • Department of Da'wah

Composition courses consisted of Arabic language, Introduction to Religious Studies, Islamic Jurisprudence Fiqh, Principles of Jurisprudence Usul Fiqh, Qur'anic Commentary Tafsir, Sayings of the Prophet Hadith, Theology Kalam, Philosophy Falsafa, Logic Mantiq, Ethics Akhlaq, Mysticism, Comparative Religion, OutreachDa'wah, Islamic History, History of Islamic Culture, Pedagogy, Life Science, Introduction to Indonesian Law, Principles of Public and Private Law, Ethnology, Sociology, and Economics. Students who pass the baccalaureate and doctoral earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Doktorandus (Drs) respectively. Academic degrees continued to be offered on this basis until the 1980s.

ADIA period (1957-1960)

The need for teachers of Islamic religion in accordance with the demands of modernity in the 1950s led to the founding of the Academy (ADIA) in Jakarta. ADIA was founded on June 1, 1957 with the aim to educate and prepare public servants for a degree to become a teacher of religion in public schools, in vocational schools, or in private religious schools. ADIA leadership was entrusted to Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud Yunus as dean and professor H. Bustami A. Gani as vice dean.

The period of study at ADIA was five years, consisting of a semi-academy of three years and two years at the college level. ADIA had three departments: Religious Education, Arabic, and Da'wah wal Ershad (Outreach and Propagation), also known as Imam Army Special Programs. The curriculum of ADIA was not very different from the curriculum of PTAIN, with some additional courses offered for the benefit of functional staff: Indonesian, Arabic, English, French, Hebrew, Pedagogy, General Science and Culture of Indonesia, History of Islamic Culture, Tafsir, Hadith, Musthalah Hadith, Fiqh, Usul Fiqh, chronicle Tasyri 'Islam, Kalam Science/Mantiq, Akhlaq Science/Mysticism, Philosophy Sciences, Comparative Religious Studies, and Education Society.

There were two main characteristics of ADIA.

Al-Jami'ah Faculty of IAIN Yogyakarta period (1960-1963)

Within a decade, PTAIN showed encouraging progress. The number of students grew with the increasingly broad scope of learning. PTAIN students came from Indonesia and from neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Singapore. The rising number of students and expansion of the fields of studies demanded the expansion and additions of institutional capacities, faculties and departments as well as the composition of subjects. To meet this need, ADIA in Jakarta and Yogyakarta PTAIN were integrated into a single Islamic institution of higher education. Integration was implemented with the release of Decree President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 1960 dated 24 August 1960. Per Presidential Decree the name was changed from PTAIN to the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) al-Jami'ah al-Islamiyah al-Hukumiyah. IAIN was inaugurated by the Minister of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia in Building Kepatihan Yogyakarta.

IAIN with wider mandate

The opening ceremony of the National Information, Communication and Technology Center

IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, one of the country's many IAIN, is the oldest in Indonesia. It occupies a unique and strategic position. It is a "window to Islam in Indonesia" and a symbol for the progress of national development, particularly in the field of socio-religious development.

To integrate general knowledge and science of religion with Islamic teachings, this body began to develop the IAIN concept with a broader mandate ("IAIN with Wider Mandate") toward the formation of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. This conversion plan was intensified in the academic year 1998/1999 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, with the opening of departments of psychology, and Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of MT, and the Department of Economics and Islamic Banking in Faculty of Sharia. To further strengthen this conversion, in 2000 the Agrobusiness Studies Program was added, as were the Information Engineering Program in cooperation with Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and the Program Management and Accounting. In 2001 the Faculty of Psychology was inaugurated, as was the Dirasat Islamiyah program in cooperation with Al-Azhar University, Egypt. In addition, the university conducted a joint effort with the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) as the lender of development of modern campus and entered cooperation agreements with McGill University through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Leiden University (INIS), Al-Azhar University (Cairo), King Saud University (Riyadh), University of Indonesia, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Ohio University, the Indonesian Institute of America (IIA), Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Bank Negara Indonesia, Bank Muamalat Indonesia, and other universities and institutions.

A further step toward accreditation as a UIN was made with the signing of the Joint Decree between the Minister of National Education No. 4/U/KB/2001 and Minister of Religious Affairs No. 500/2001 dated 21 November 2001. Furthermore, through its letter No. 088796/MPN/2001 dated 22 November 2001, the Director General of Higher Education Department of Education recommended the opening of 12 programs of study that included courses of social sciences and exact sciences — Information Systems, Accounting, Management, Social Economics of Agriculture / Agribusiness, Psychology, English Language and Literature, Library Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.

The draft presidential decree on the amendment form that becomes Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta has also received the recommendations and considerations RI State Minister for Administrative Reform and the Ministry of Finance DG Budget Number 02/M-PAN/1/2002 dated January 9, 2002 and No. S -490/MK-2/2002 February 14, 2002. These recommendations form the basis for Presidential Decree No. 031 dated 20 May 2002 on changes from IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta period

With Presidential Decree No. 31 dated May 20, 2002, IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta officially became Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. The opening was performed by Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia on 8 June 2002 in conjunction with the ceremony of the 45th anniversary and Lustrum the 9th and the first campus development Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta through funds by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (Public Health Study Program) was opened in accordance with a decree of the Minister of National Education No. 1338 / D/T/2004 Year 2004 date 12 April 2004 and the Director General of Islamic Institutions of the operating license of Public Health Study Program Undergraduate Program (S-1) at the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Number Dj.II/37/2004 on May 19, 2004.

Rectorate and faculty


Faculties and programs

Faculty of Medical and Health Science Building

To meet the needs of higher education in accordance with the demands of society, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta opened majors and new courses to support the integration of aspects of science, Islamic and Indonesian-ness. Thus, within a decade, the university has added several new faculties, now amounting to 11 and consisting of religious-based faculty, social science-based faculty, and science-based faculty.

Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching Sciences (Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, FTIK)

This faculty offers studies in the following departments and study programs: Teaching of Islamic Sciences, Teaching of Arabic Language, Islamic Educational Studies (study programs: Supervision of Islamic Education and Management of Islamic Education), Tadris (study programs: Teaching of English, Teaching of Mathematics, and Teaching of Natural Science), Teaching Diploma II, Diploma III, and Diploma IV.

Faculty of Literature and Humanities (Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, FAH)

The Faculty of Literature and Humanities includes the following departments and study programs: Arabic Language and Literature (Sastra dan Bahasa Arab), Islamic History and Civilization (Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam), Translation (Tarjamah), English Language and Literature (Sastra dan Bahasa Inggris), and Library Sciences (Ilmu Kepustakaan).

Faculty of Usul al-Din and Philosophy (Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, FUF)

This faculty has the following departments and study programs: Comparative Religion (Perbandingan Agama), Theology and Philosophy (Aqidah dan Filsafat), and Tafsir of Hadith (Tafsir Hadits).

Faculty of Shari'a and Law (Fakultas Syari'ah dan Hukum, FSH)

The Faculty of Shari'a has the following departments and study programs: Islamic Personal Law (study programs: Islamic Court and Administration of Personal Law Affairs), Islamic Criminal Law and Legal-Political Science (study programs: Islamic Criminal Law and Legal-Political Science), Comparative Jurisprudence and Law (study programs: Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence, Comparative Laws, and Comparative Jurisprudence and Law - Arabic Class) and Mu'amalat (study programs: Shari'a Banking and Islamic Insurance).

Faculty of Da'wa and Communication (Fakultas Da'wah dan Komunikasi, FDK)

This faculty has the following departments: Communication and Da'wa (Dakwah dan Komunikasi), Journalistic (Jurnalistik), Islamic Guidance and Counseling (Konseling dan Bimbingan Islam), Management of Da'wa (Manajemen Dakwah), and Islamic Community Development (Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam).

Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (Fakultas Dirasat Islamiyah, FDI)

This faculty, which uses Arabic as the language of instruction, has a quality standard equal to Al-Azhar University, Egypt. It offers programs in comprehensive Islamic studies in the fields of Shari'a (Syari'ah), Faith (Aqidah), and Arabic Language (Lughah 'Arabiyyah).

Faculty of Psychology (Fakultas Psikologi)

This faculty was established to train professionals with the capability to help others overcome psychological problems by using a religious approach.

Faculty of Economics and Business (Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, FEB)

This faculty aims to develop economic sciences with Islamic characteristics, i.e., to integrate economic aspects with Islamic teachings to graduate professional scholars with a commitment to Islam. It has four study programs: Economics Development (Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan or Ekonomi Pembangunan), Accounting (Akuntansi), and Management (Manajemen).

Faculty of Science and Technology (Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, FST)

This faculty is responsible for developing natural sciences and technology imbued with Islamic values. It has seven study programs: Mathematics (Matematika), Physics (Fisika), Chemistry (Kimia), Biology (Biologi), Informatics Engineering (Teknik Informatika), Information System (Sistem Informasi), and Agribusiness (Agribisnis).

Faculty of Medical and Health Science (Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, FKIK)

This faculty is responsible for developing medical science and health with Islamic values. The faculty has four study programs: Medical (Kedokteran), Pharmaceutical (Farmasi), Nursing (Keperawatan), and Public Health (Kesehatan Masyarakat). The Faculty of Medical and Health Science won The Best Architectural of Medicine Faculty Building in Indonesia award.

Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, FISIP)

Language Center of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, next to Post Graduate School Building

This is the newest faculty and responsible for developing the study of international relations, political sciences and sociology. It has three departments: Political Sciences (Ilmu Politik), Sociology (Sosiologi), and International Relations (Hubungan Internasional). Three of them were accredited by the Ministry of National Education in early 2012. Political Sciences and International Relations were accredited A, and Sociology B. Graduates of the departments have been working at ministries, national medias, NGOs, research centres, banking, and other important national and international companies.

Post Graduate School

The university is conducting graduate degrees at master and doctorate levels, including the program of "doctor by research". These programs have the common objective of graduating scholars who are open-minded and responsive to advances in science and technology and capable of developing religious education and conducting researches in religious sciences.

No.FacultyDeanStudy ProgramAcademic Title
I.Faculty of Tarbiya and Teaching SciencesProf. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MAIslamic Religion EducationS.Pd.I
Arabic EducationS.Pd.I
English EducationS.Pd
Biology EducationS.Pd
Chemistry EducationS.Pd
Physics EducationS.Pd
Mathematics EducationS.Pd
Education ManagementS.Pd.I
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teaching EducationS.Pd.I
Indonesian EducationS.Pd
Social Sciences EducationS.Pd
II.Faculty of Adab and HumanitiesProf. Dr. Sukron Kamil, MAArabic Language and LiteratureS.Hum
Islamic History and CivilizationsS.Hum
Library SciencesS.IP
Librarian TeacherS.IP
English Language and LiteratureS.S
III.Faculty of Usul al-Din and PhilosophyProf. Dr. Masri Mansur, MSComparative ReligionS.Ud
Tafsir HadithS.Ud
IV.Faculty of Shari'a and LawDr. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MAComparative Mazhab FiqhS.Sy
Comparative LawS.Sy
Comparative Special Mazhab LawS.Sy
Islamic CourtsS.Sy
Islamic Civil AdministrationS.Sy
Islamic CriminalS.Sy
Siyasah Syar'iyyahS.Sy
Islamic Syari'a BankingS.E.Sy
Takaful/Syari'a InsuranceS.E.Sy
Management of Zakat and WaqfS.E.Sy
V.Faculty of Da'wa and CommunicationsDr. Arief Subhan, M.AgCommunications and Islamic BroadcastingS.Kom.I
Islamic CounsellingS.Kom.I
Da'wa ManagementS.Kom.I
Development of Islamic SocietyS.Kom.I
Social WelfareS.Sos.I
VI.Faculty of Dirasat IslamiyahDr. Hamka Hasan, Lc, MAS.Hum, S.Ud, S.Sy
VII.Faculty of PsychologyProf. Dr. Abdul Mujib, M.Ag, M.SiS.Psi
VIII.Faculty of Economics and BusinessDr. M. Arief Mufraini, Lc, M.SiManagementS.E
Economics and Development StudiesS.E
IX.Faculty of Science and TechnologyDr. Agus Salim, M.SiInformatics EngineeringS.Kom
Information SystemsS.Kom
Social Economics of Agriculture/AgribusinessS.P
MathematicsS. Mat
Mining EngineeringS.T.
X.Faculty of Medical and Health ScienceProf. Dr. Arif Sumantri, SKM, M.KesPublic HealthS.KM
XI.Faculty of Social and Political SciencesProf. Dr. Zulkifli, MAInternational RelationsS.Sos
Political SciencesS.Sos
XII.Sekolah Pascasarjana (SPS)Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah, MAMagister of Islamic StudiesMA
Doctor of Islamic StudiesDr.


UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has three campuses. Campus I on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda Chester; Campus II on Jl. Kertamukti Chester; Campus III in the village of Cikuya, Tigaraksa, Tangerang. Education facilities available in Campus I, II, and III are:

Campus I

Campus II

Campus III

Campus III is planned to be used as a laboratory for Agribusiness and Business Industry.

Student organizations

University Level

Faculty level

Program study level

Connected institutions

UIN Jakarta supervises and coordinates the following institutions:

Structural institutions

These are work units, for example, the existence of which are explicitly expressed in the structure of UIN organization. Such units are as follows:

Non-structural institutions

These are institutions that are functionally recognized by the rector but are outside the organization structure of the UIN. The work units that belong to this category are as follows:

The students' organizations are intra-organizations which regulate and implement extra-curricular and scientific students' activities, as well as the development of students' interests and talents at all levels: university, faculties, and departments.

Notable people

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta has produced more than 100,000 graduates. Distinguished figures were granted the "Doctor Honoris Causa" (Dr. HC). On May 14, 2014, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta awarded Malaysia's former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, Doctor Honoris Causa in his outstanding legacy on political development in Asia. Notable alumni include:


Each new academic year, the university opens candidate registration for new students for the Bachelor's degrees (S1), Magister programs (S2), and the Doctoral programs (S3). The registration opens from early February until early July.

  1. Penelusuran Minat dan Bakat (PMDK)
  2. Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN Tertulis)
  3. Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN Undangan)
  4. Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Bersama Mandiri (SPMB Mandiri)
  5. Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Bersama Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (SPMB PTAIN)


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