UCSC Student Associations

UCSC Student Associations are students' group of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. They organize cultural and social activities among the students of the university. Some associations are linked to Italian political parties, others are nonpartisan.[1]


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore hosts over 50 student organizations, covering a wide range of interests. The first corporation of UCSC was Ordo Monattorum, which was founded in 1922. There are different religious associations like Communion and Liberation, Fuci and Unione Giuristi Cattolici Italiani. In the 1968 was founded ULD - Studenti di Sinistra which was a protagonist of the protests of 1968 in Italy.[2] Since 1968, many associations are linked to the Italian parties.


Every 2 years students elect their representatives belonging to different associations. Student representation is regulated in 3 university bodies: EDUcatt, CUS Milano and school councils.[3]

List of Student Associations

In the 5 campuses there are a lot of student associations.[4][5][6]

Milan Campus

Seal of JECatt
Seal of Ordo Monattorum, the first Corporation of UCSC

Brescia Campus

Rome Campus

Piacenza-Cremona Campus


Student organizations publish several magazines: L'Eco del Batacchio (Ordo Monattorum), Il Pungolo (Azione Universitaria), L'Urlo (ULD), Inside (Unilab) and Strike (Ateneo Studenti).


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