Foreign relations of the United States

The United States has formal diplomatic relations with most nations. This includes all U.N. member states except for Bhutan, Iran, North Korea and Syria. Additionally, the U.S. has diplomatic relations with the European Union, the Holy See, and Kosovo. The United States federal statutes relating to foreign relations can be found in Title 22 of the United States Code.

Diplomatic relations between world states and the United States
  United States
  Nations that have diplomatic relations with the United States
  Nations that have no diplomatic relations with the United States
  Disputed areas


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Australia1940[1]See Australia–United States relations

Australia's relations with the United States are excellent.[2] Australia and the United States have long been close and strategic allies and have traditionally been aligned with the Commonwealth of Nations. It has, however, strengthened its relationship with the United States since 1942, as Britain's influence in Asia declined, to establish its current position as a staunch American ally. At the governmental level, United-States-Australia relations are formalized by the ANZUS treaty and the Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement.

 Fiji1971[3]See Fiji–United States relations

Relations are currently poor, due to the United States' opposition to Fiji's unelected government, which came to power through a military coup in December 2006. The United States suspended $2.5 million in aid money pending a review of the situation, following the 2006 coup.[4]

 Kiribati1980[5]See Kiribati–United States relations

Relations between Kiribati and the United States are excellent. Kiribati signed a treaty of friendship with the United States after independence in 1979. The United States has no consular or diplomatic facilities in the country. Officers of the American Embassy in Suva, Fiji, are concurrently accredited to Kiribati and make periodic visits. The U.S. Peace Corps maintained a program in Kiribati from 1974 to 2008.

 Marshall Islands1986See Marshall Islands–United States relations

The Marshall Islands is a sovereign nation in "free association" with the United States. The Marshall Islands and the United States maintain excellent relations. After more than a decade of negotiation, the Marshall Islands and the United States signed the Compact of Free Association on June 25, 1983. The Compact gives the U.S. full authority and responsibility over defense of the Marshall Islands. The Marshall Islands and the United States both lay claim to Wake Island. The Compact that binds the U.S. and the Marshall Islands is the same one that binds the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau

 Federated States of Micronesia1986[6]See Federated States of Micronesia–United States relations

Reflecting a strong legacy of Trusteeship cooperation, over 25 U.S. federal agencies continue to maintain programs in the FSM. The United States and the FSM share very strong relations. Under the Amended Compact, the U.S. has full authority and responsibility for the defense of the FSM. This security relationship can be changed or terminated by mutual agreement. The Compact that binds the U.S. and the FSM is the same one that binds the United States to the Marshall Islands and to Palau.

 Nauru1976[7]See Nauru–United States relations

Relations between Nauru and the United States are complicated. While the new U.S. Ambassador to Fiji has promised Nauru assistance in economic development, there have been disagreements about Cuba and Foreign policy of the United States, and the United States does not have an embassy in Nauru; instead, the U.S. Embassy staff in Suva, Fiji make periodical visits

 New Zealand1942[8]See New Zealand–United States relations

Relations are strong, but complex. The United States has historically assisted New Zealand in times of turmoil; for instance, during World War II and with the 2010 Canterbury earthquake. New Zealand has reciprocated; for example, by participating in the Vietnam War. However, the United States suspended its mutual defense obligations to New Zealand because of that state's non-nuclear policies.

 Palau1996[9]See Palau–United States relations

On October 1, 1994, after five decades of U.S. administration, the country of Palau became the last component of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands to gain its independence. In 1978, Palau decided not to join the Federated States of Micronesia, due to culture and language differences, and instead sought independence. In 1986, the Compact of Free Association agreement between Palau and the United States was approved, paving the way for Palau's independence.

 Papua New Guinea1975[10]See Papua New Guinea–United States relations
 Samoa1962[11]See Samoa–United States relations
 Solomon Islands1978[12]See Solomon Islands–United States relations

After independence in 1978, the United States kept its close relations with the Solomon Islands. Both cooperate within regional organizations in the Pacific, and the United States has an embassy at Port Moresby.

 Tonga1886; 1972[13]See Tonga–United States relations
 Tuvalu1978[13]See Tuvalu–United States relations

Relations between the two countries are generally amicable, or neutral, but there have been notable disagreements regarding the issues of climate change and the Kyoto Protocol.

 Vanuatu1986[14]See United States–Vanuatu relations

The United States and Vanuatu established diplomatic relations on September 30, 1986 - three months to the day after Vanuatu had established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.[15] Relations were often tense in the 1980s, under the prime ministership of Father Walter Lini in Vanuatu, but eased after that. At present, bilateral relations consist primarily in U.S. aid to Vanuatu.


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Argentina1823[16]See Argentina–United States relations

Argentina was integrated into the British international economy in the late 19th century; there was minimal trade with the United States. When the United States began promoting the Pan American Union, some Argentines were suspicious that it was indeed a device to lure the country into the US economic orbit, but most businessmen responded favorably and bilateral trade grew briskly. The United States has a positive bilateral relationship with Argentina based on many common strategic interests, including non-proliferation, counternarcotics, counter-terrorism, the fight against human trafficking, and issues of regional stability, as well as the strength of commercial ties. Argentina is a participant in the Three-Plus-One regional mechanism (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and the U.S.), which focuses on coordination of counter-terrorism policies in the tri-border region. Argentina has endorsed the Proliferation Security Initiative, and has implemented the Container Security Initiative and the Trade Transparency Unit, both of which are programs administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

 Belize1981[17]See Belize–United States relations
 Bolivia1849[18]See Bolivia–United States relations

Although President Evo Morales has been publicly critical of U.S. policies, the United States and Bolivia had a tradition of cordial and cooperative relations. Development assistance from the United States to Bolivia dates from the 1940s, and the U.S. remains a major partner for economic development, improved health, democracy, and the environment. In 1991, the U.S. Government forgave all of the $341 million debt owed by Bolivia to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) as well as 80% ($31 million) of the amount owed to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for food assistance. The United States has also been a strong supporter of forgiveness of Bolivia's multilateral debt under the HIPC initiatives.

 Brazil1824[19]See Brazil–United States relations

The United States was the first country to recognize the independence of Brazil, doing so in 1808. Brazil-United States relations have a long history, characterized by some moments of remarkable convergence of interests but also by sporadic and critical divergences on sensitive international issues.[20] The United States has increasingly regarded Brazil as a significant power, especially in its role as a stabilizing force and skillful interlocutor in Latin America.[21] As a significant political and economic power, Brazil has traditionally preferred to cooperate with the United States on specific issues rather than seeking to develop an all-encompassing, privileged relationship with the United States.[22]

 Canada1926[23]See Canada–United States relations

Relations between Canada and the United States span more than two centuries, marked by a shared British colonial heritage, conflict during the early years of the U.S., and the eventual development of one of the most successful international relationships in the modern world. The most serious breach in the relationship was the War of 1812, which saw an American invasion of then British North America and counter invasions from British-Canadian forces. The border was demilitarized after the war and, apart from minor raids, has remained peaceful. Military collaboration began during the World Wars and continued throughout the Cold War, despite Canadian doubts about certain American policies. A high volume of trade and migration between the U.S. and Canada has generated closer ties.

 Chile1824[24]See Chile–United States relations

Relations between Chile and the United States have been better in the period 1988 to 2008 than any other time in history. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the United States government applauded the rebirth of democratic practices in Chile, despite having facilitated the 1973 Chilean coup d'état, the build-up to which included destabilizing the country's economy and politics. Regarded as one of the least corrupt and most vibrant democracies in South America, with a healthy economy, Chile is noted as being a valuable ally of the United States in the Southern Hemisphere. A prime example of cooperation includes the landmark 2003 Chile–United States Free Trade Agreement.

 Colombia1822[25]See Colombia–United States relations

Relations between Colombia and the United States have evolved from mutual cordiality during most of the 19th and early 20th centuries to a recent partnership that links the governments of both nations around several key issues, including fighting communism, the War on Drugs, and especially since 9/11, the threat of terrorism. During the last fifty years, different American governments and their representatives have become involved in Colombian affairs through the implementation of policies concerned with the above issues. Some critics of current U.S. policies in Colombia, such as Law Professor John Barry, consider that U.S. influences have catalyzed internal conflicts and substantially expanded the scope and nature of human rights abuses in Colombia.[26] Supporters, such as Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman, consider that the U.S. has promoted respect for human rights and the rule of law in Colombia, in addition to the fight against drugs and terrorism.[27]

 Costa Rica1851[28]See Costa Rica–United States relations
 Ecuador1832[29]See Ecuador–United States relations
 El Salvador1824; 1849[30]See El Salvador–United States relations
 Guatemala1824; 1844[31]See Guatemala–United States relations
 Guyana1966[32]See Guyana–United States relations
 Honduras1824; 1853[33]See Honduras–United States relations
 Mexico1822[34]See Mexico–United States relations

The United States of America shares a unique and often complex relationship with the United Mexican States. The two countries have close economic ties, being each other's first and third largest trading partners. They are also closely connected demographically, with over one million U.S. citizens living in Mexico and Mexico being the largest source of immigrants to the United States. Illegal immigration and illegal trade in drugs and in fire arms have been causes of differences but also of cooperation.

 Nicaragua1824; 1849[35]See Nicaragua–United States relations

Nicaragua and the United States have had diplomatic relations since 1824. Between 1912-1933, the United States occupied Nicaragua (see United States occupation of Nicaragua). Following the United States occupation of Nicaragua, in 1933 the Somoza family political dynasty came to power, and would rule Nicaragua until their ouster on July 19, 1979 during the Nicaraguan Revolution. The era of Somoza family rule was characterized by rising inequality and political corruption, strong US support for the government and its military, as well as a reliance on US-based multinational corporations. This led to international condemnation of the regime and in 1977 the Carter Administration in the U.S. cut off aid to the Somoza regime due to its human rights violations.

Then during the Reagan Administration the diplomatic relations escalated during the Iran-Contra affair and the United States embargo against Nicaragua. Then in 1990 after Violeta Chamorro won the Nicaraguan general election, 1990 the diplomatic relations began to improve greatly. The United States has promoted national reconciliation, encouraging Nicaraguans to resolve their problems through dialogue and compromise. In the Summer 2003 Nicaragua sent around 370 soldiers to the Iraq War as part of the U.S. coalition of countries that were engaging in war in this country. Immediately after April 2004 these troops were withdrawn by President Enrique Bolanos. Although President Daniel Ortega has been publicly critical of U.S. policies, the United States and Nicaragua have normal diplomatic relations.

 Panama1903[36]See Panama–United States relations

Relations have been generally strong, with 25,000 U.S. citizens present in Panama and a mutual healthcare program.

 Paraguay1852[37]See Paraguay–United States relations
 Peru1826[38]See Peru–United States relations
 Suriname1975[39]See Suriname–United States relations
 Uruguay1836[40]See Uruguay - United States relations

In 2002, Uruguay and the U.S. created a Joint Commission on Trade and Investment (JCTI) to exchange ideas on a variety of economic topics. In March 2003, the JCTI identified six areas of concentration until the eventual signing of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA): customs issues, intellectual property protection, investment, labor, environment, and trade in goods. In late 2004, Uruguay and the U.S. signed an Open Skies Agreement, which was ratified in May 2006. In November 2005, they signed a Bilateral investment treaty (BIT), which entered into force on November 1, 2006. A Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) was signed in January 2007. More than 80 U.S.-owned companies operate in Uruguay, and many more market U.S. goods and services.

 Venezuela1835[41]See Venezuela - United States relations

Both countries maintained mutual diplomatic relationships since the early-19th century traditionally been characterized by an important trade and investment relationship and cooperation in controlling the production and transit of illegal drugs. After the election of Presidents Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and George W. Bush of the United States and particularly after the Venezuelan failed coup attempt in 2002 against Chavez, tensions between the countries escalated, reaching a high in September 2008 when Venezuela broke off diplomatic relations with the U.S. Relations showed signs of improvement in 2009 with the election of the new U.S. President Barack Obama, including the re-establishment of diplomatic relations in June 2009.


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Antigua and Barbuda1981[42]See Antigua and Barbuda–United States relations
 ArubaSee Aruba–United States relations
 Bahamas1973[43]See Bahamas–United States relations
 Barbados1966[44]See Barbados–United States relations
 BermudaSee Bermuda–United States relations
 Cayman IslandsSee Cayman Islands–United States relations
 Cuba1902; 2015[45]See Cuba–United States relations

Following the Cuban Revolution of 1959 relations had deteriorated substantially, and until recently have been marked by tension and confrontation. The United States has initiated an embargo due to the Cuban regime refusal to move toward democratization and greater respect for human rights,[46] hoping to see democratization that took place in Eastern Europe. Diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba were formally re-established on July 20, 2015 with the opening of embassies in both Havana and Washington, D.C.[47]

 Dominican Republic1866[48]See Dominican Republic–United States relations
 Dominica1978[49]See Dominica–United States relations
 Grenada1974[50]See Grenada–United States relations
 Haiti1862[51]See Haiti–United States relations
 Jamaica1962[52]See Jamaica–United States relations
 Saint Kitts and Nevis1983[53]See Saint Kitts and Nevis–United States relations
 Saint Lucia1979[54]See Saint Lucia–United States relations
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines1981[55]See Saint Vincent and the Grenadines–United States relations
 Trinidad and Tobago1962[56]See Trinidad and Tobago–United States relations


East Asia

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 People's Republic of China1844 (Qing)[57]
1979 (PRC)
See China–United States relations
The United States acknowledges the People's Republic's One-China policy.
 Republic of China (Taiwan)1844 (Qing)[57]
1911 (ended 1979)
1979 (Taiwan Relations Act - unofficial)
See Taiwan–United States relations
The U.S. recognized the Nationalist Government as the legitimate government of all of China throughout the Chinese Civil War. The U.S. continued to recognize the Republic of China until 1979, when it shifted its recognition to the People's Republic of China in accordance with the One China policy. The U.S. continued to provide Taiwan with military aid after 1979, and continued informal relations through the American Institute in Taiwan.
 Hong Kong
See Hong Kong–United States relations and Macau–United States relations
See United States–Hong Kong Policy Act and United States–Macau Policy Act
 Japan1854 [60]
See Japan–United States relations

Since 1945, U.S.–Japan relations have improved greatly.

 Mongolia1987[61]See Mongolia–United States relations
 North KoreaNever had relationsSee North Korea–United States relations
North Korea has no embassy in Washington, DC, but it is represented in the United States through its mission to the United Nations.[62] For decades, the U.S. and North Korea have been locked in a stalemate over nuclear weapons.
 South Korea1882 (Joseon);[63] 1949 (Republic)[64]See South Korea–United States relations

Southeast Asia

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Brunei1984[65]See Brunei–United States relations

The U.S. welcomed Brunei Darussalam's full independence from the United Kingdom on January 1, 1984, and opened an embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan on that date. Brunei opened its embassy in Washington, D.C. in March 1984. Brunei's armed forces engage in joint exercises, training programs, and other military cooperation with the U.S. A memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation was signed on November 29, 1994. The Sultan of Brunei visited Washington in December 2002.

 Burma1948[66]See Burma–United States relations

The political relationship between the United States and Burma worsened after the 1988 military coup and violent suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations. Subsequent repression, including the brutal crackdown on peaceful protestors in September 2007, further strained the relationship. After 2010 elections and reforms started by President Than Sein and subsequent endorsement of reforms by leader of National League for Democracy (NLD) Aung San Suu Kyi and participation in April 2012 by-elections to parliament has led to thawing of relationship with United States President Barack Obama visiting Burma. A first by a United States President.

 Cambodia1950[67]See Cambodia–United States relations
 East Timor2002[68]See East Timor–United States relations
 Indonesia1949[69]See Indonesia–United States relations
 Laos1950[70]See Laos–United States relations
 Malaysia1957[70]See Malaysia–United States relations
 Philippines1946[71]See Philippines–United States relations

The Philippines and the United States have an extremely strong relationship with each other due to their long standing alliance. The Philippines was also a U.S. colony from 1902-1946.

The U.S. and the Philippines have fought together in many conflicts such as World War I, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Islamic insurgency in the Philippines, Gulf War and the War on Terror.

The Philippines and the United States still maintain close, friendly, diplomatic, political and military relations with 100,000+ U.S. citizens and nationals living in the Philippines and more than 2 million Filipinos living in the United States. Both countries actively cooperate in the trade, investment and financial sectors. The U.S. is also the largest investor in the Philippine economy with an estimated total worth of $63 billion.

The United States and the Philippines conduct joint military exercises called the Balikatan that take place once a year to boost relations between the two countries. The U.S. military also conduct humanitarian and aid missions in the Philippines. The Philippines is one out of two major U.S. allies in South East Asia.

However, relations between the United States and the Philippines began to deteriorate in 2016, under President Rodrigo Duterte, wanting to form an alliance with China and Russia and separating the country from all connections and ties with the United States, both economically and socially.

 Singapore1965[72]See Singapore–United States relations
 Thailand1833[73]See Thailand–United States relations
 Vietnam1995[74]See United States–Vietnam relations

After a 20-year hiatus of severed ties, President Bill Clinton announced the formal normalization of diplomatic relations with Vietnam on July 11, 1995. Subsequent to President Clinton's normalization announcement, in August 1995, both nations upgraded their Liaison Offices opened during January 1995 to embassy status. As diplomatic ties between the nations grew, the United States opened a consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City, and Vietnam opened a consulate in San Francisco.

Central Asia

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Kazakhstan2001[75]See Kazakhstan–United States relations
 Kyrgyzstan1993[76]See Kyrgyzstan–United States relations
 Tajikistan1991[77]See Tajikistan–United States relations
 Turkmenistan1991[78]See Turkmenistan–United States relations

The U.S. Embassy, USAID, and the Peace Corps are located in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The United States and Turkmenistan continue to disagree about the country's path toward democratic and economic reform. The United States has publicly advocated industrial privatization, market liberalization, and fiscal reform, as well as legal and regulatory reforms to open up the economy to foreign trade and investment, as the best way to achieve prosperity and true independence and sovereignty.

 Uzbekistan1991[79]See United States–Uzbekistan relations

Relations improved slightly in the latter half of 2007, but the U.S. continues to call for Uzbekistan to meet all of its commitments under the March 2002 Declaration of Strategic Partnership between the two countries. The declaration covers not only security and economic relations but political reform, economic reform, and human rights. Uzbekistan has Central Asia's largest population and is vital to U.S., regional, and international efforts to promote stability and security.

South Asia

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Afghanistan1935[80]See Afghanistan–United States relations
 Bangladesh1972[81]See Bangladesh–United States relations

Today the relationship between the two countries is based on what is described by American diplomats as the "three Ds", meaning Democracy, Development and Denial of space for terrorism. The United States is closely working with Bangladesh in combating Islamic extremism and terrorism and is providing hundreds of millions of dollars every year in economic assistance.

 BhutanNever had formal, only informal relations[82]See Bhutan–United States relations

While the U.S. has no formal diplomatic relations with Bhutan, it maintains informal contact through its embassy in New Delhi, India. The U.S. has offered to resettle 60,000 of the 107,000 alleged Bhutanese refugees of Nepalese origin now living in seven U.N. refugee camps in southeastern Nepal.

 India1947[83]See India–United States relations
 Maldives1965[84]See Maldives–United States relations
   Nepal1947[85]See Nepal–United States relations
 Pakistan1947[86]See Pakistan–United States relations
 Sri Lanka1947[87]See Sri Lanka–United States relations

West Asia

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Bahrain1971[88]See Bahrain–United States relations
 Iran1883 (ended 1980)[89]See Iran–United States relations

The United States and the Kingdom of Persia recognized each other in 1850. Diplomatic relations were established in 1883 and severed in 1980.

 Iraq1931;1984; 2004[90]See Iraq–United States relations
 Israel1949[91]See Israel–United States relations
 Jordan1949[92]See Jordan–United States relations
 Kuwait1961[93]See Kuwait–United States relations
 Lebanon1944[94]See Lebanon–United States relations
 Oman1972[95]See Oman–United States relations
 Qatar1972[96]See Qatar–United States relations
 Saudi Arabia1940[97]See Saudi Arabia–United States relations
 Syria1944 (ended 2012)[98]The Syrian Arab Republic cut off relations with United States in 2012 in response to American support of the Syrian rebels. See Syria–United States relations
 Turkey1831[99]See Turkey–United States relations
 United Arab Emirates1972[100]See United Arab Emirates–United States relations

The United States was the third country to establish formal diplomatic relations with the UAE and has had an ambassador resident in the UAE since 1974. The two countries have enjoyed friendly relations with each other and have developed into friendly government-to-government ties which include security assistance. UAE and U.S. had enjoyed private commercial ties, especially in petroleum. The quality of U.S.-UAE relations increased dramatically as a result of the U.S.-led coalition's campaign to end the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. UAE ports host more U.S. Navy ships than any port outside the U.S.

 Yemen1946[101]See United States–Yemen relations

Traditionally, United States – Yemen relations have been tepid, as the lack of strong military-to-military ties, commercial relations, and support of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has hindered the development of strong bilateral ties. During the early years of the George W. Bush administration, relations improved under the rubric of the War on Terror, though Yemen's lack of policies toward wanted terrorists has stalled additional U.S. support.[102]


Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 European UnionSee United States–European Union relations
 Albania1922[103]See Albania–United States relations
 Andorra1995[104]See Andorra–United States relations
 Armenia1920; 1991[105]See Armenia–United States relations
 Austria1921[106]See Austria–United States relations
 Azerbaijan1918-1928, 1991[107]See Azerbaijan–United States relations
 Belarus1991[108]See Belarus–United States relations
The United States has tense relations with Belarus relating to Belarus' human rights record and election irregularities.
 Belgium1832[109]See Belgium–United States relations
 Bosnia and Herzegovina1992[110]See Bosnia and Herzegovina–United States relations
 Bulgaria1903[111]See Bulgaria–United States relations
 Croatia1992[112]See Croatia–United States relations
 Cyprus1960[113]See Cyprus–United States relations
 Czech Republic1993[114]See Czech Republic–United States relations
 Denmark1801[115]See Denmark–United States relations
 Estonia1922; 1991[116]See Estonia–United States relations
 Finland1919[117]See Finland–United States relations
 France1778[118]See France–United States relations
 Georgia1992[119]See Georgia–United States relations
 Germany1797[120]See Germany–United States relations
 Greece1868[121]See Greece–United States relations
 Holy See1984[122]See Holy See–United States relations
 Hungary1921[123]See Hungary–United States relations
 Iceland1944[124]See Iceland–United States relations
 Ireland1924[125]See Ireland–United States relations
 Italy1861[126]See Italy–United States relations
 Kosovo2008[127]See Kosovo–United States relations
The United States was one of the first countries to recognize Kosovo.
 Latvia1922; 1991[128]See Latvia–United States relations
 Liechtenstein1997[129]See Liechtenstein–United States relations
 Lithuania1922; 1991[130]See Lithuania–United States relations
 Luxembourg1903[131]See Luxembourg–United States relations
 Malta1964[132]See Malta–United States relations
 Moldova1992[133]See Moldova–United States relations
 Monaco2006[134]See Monaco–United States relations
 Montenegro1905; 2006[135]See Montenegro–United States relations
 Netherlands1781[136]See Netherlands–United States relations
The Dutch colony of Sint Eustatius was the first foreign state to recognize the independence of the United States, doing so in 1776. However, the Dutch Republic neither authorized the recognition nor ratified it, therefore Morocco remains the first sovereign nation to officially recognize the United States.
 Norway1905[137]See Norway–United States relations
 Poland1919[138]See Poland–United States relations
 Portugal1791[139]See Portugal–United States relations
 Republic of Macedonia1995[140]See Republic of Macedonia–United States relations
 Romania1880[141]See Romania–United States relations
 Russia1809; 1991[142]See Russia–United States relations
 San Marino1861[143]See San Marino–United States relations
 Serbia1882; 2000[144]See Serbia–United States relations
 Slovakia1993[145]See Slovakia–United States relations
 Slovenia1992[146]See Slovenia–United States relations
 Spain1783[147]See Spain–United States relations
 Sweden1818[148]See Sweden–United States relations
  Switzerland1853[149]See Switzerland–United States relations
 Ukraine1991[150]See Ukraine–United States relations
 United Kingdom1783[151]See United Kingdom–United States relations

13 U.S. States declared independence from the United Kingdom in 1776. Since World War II, the two countries have shared a Special Relationship.


North Africa

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Algeria1962[152]See Algeria–United States relations

The official U.S. presence in Algeria is expanding following over a decade of limited staffing, reflecting the general improvement in the security environment. During the past three years, the U.S. Embassy has moved toward more normal operations and now provides most embassy services to the American and Algerian communities.

 Arab LeagueSee Arab–American relations

The Arab League has an Embassy, and several Offices in the U.S.

 Egypt1922[153]See Egypt–United States relations

After the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Egyptian foreign policy began to shift as a result of the change in Egypt's leadership from President Gamal Abdel-Nasser to Anwar Sadat and the emerging peace process between Egypt and Israel. Sadat realized that reaching a settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict is a precondition for Egyptian development. To achieve this goal, Sadat ventured to enhance U.S.-Egyptian relations to foster a peace process with Israel.

 Libya1951[154]See Libya–United States relations

In 2011, the United States cut diplomatic relations with the Gaddafi regime. The United States recognized the National Transitional Council as the legitimate government of Libya on July 15, 2011.[155]

 Morocco1777[156]See Morocco–United States relations

Morocco was the first sovereign nation to recognize the United States of America in 1776. American-Moroccan relations were formalized in a 1787 treaty, which is still in force and is the oldest unbroken bilateral treaty in American history.

 Sudan1956[157]See Sudan–United States relations
 Tunisia1795[158]See Tunisia–United States relations

Sub-Saharan Africa

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Angola1994[159]See Angola–United States relations

Relations were tense during the Angolan Civil War when the U.S. government backed UNITA rebels, but have warmed since the Angolan government renounced Marxism in 1992.

 Benin1960[160]See Benin–United States relations

The two nations have had an excellent history of relations in the years since Benin embraced democracy. The U.S. Government continues to assist Benin with the improvement of living standards that are key to the ultimate success of Benin's experiment with democratic government and economic liberalization, and are consistent with U.S. values and national interest in reducing poverty and promoting growth. The bulk of the U.S. effort in support of consolidating democracy in Benin is focused on long-term human resource development through U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) programs.[161]

 Botswana1966[162]See Botswana–United States relations
 Burkina Faso1960[163]See Burkina Faso–United States relations
 Burundi1962[164]See Burundi–United States relations
 Cameroon1960[165]See Cameroon–United States relations
 Cape Verde1975[166]See Cape Verde–United States relations
 Central African Republic1960[167]See Central African Republic–United States relations
 Chad1960[168]See Chad–United States relations
 Comoros1977[169]See Comoros–United States relations
 Côte d'Ivoire1960[170]See Côte d'Ivoire–United States relations
 Democratic Republic of the Congo1960[171]See Democratic Republic of the Congo–United States relations
 Djibouti1977[172]See Djibouti–United States relations
 Equatorial Guinea1968[173]See Equatorial Guinea–United States relations
 Eritrea1993[174]See Eritrea–United States relations
 Ethiopia1903[175]See Ethiopia–United States relations
 Gabon1960[176]See Gabon–United States relations
 Ghana1957[177]See Ghana–United States relations
 Guinea1959[178]See Guinea–United States relations
 Guinea-Bissau1975[179]See Guinea-Bissau–United States relations
 Kenya1964[180]See Kenya–United States relations
 Lesotho1966[181]See Lesotho–United States relations
 Liberia1864[182]See Liberia–United States relations
 Madagascar1874[183]See Madagascar–United States relations
 Malawi1964[184]See Malawi–United States relations
 Mali1960[185]See Mali–United States relations
 Mauritania1960[186]See Mauritania–United States relations
 Mauritius1968[187]See Mauritius–United States relations
 Mozambique1975[188]See Mozambique–United States relations
 Namibia1990[189]See Namibia–United States relations
 Niger1960[190]See Niger–United States relations
 Nigeria1960[191]See Nigeria–United States relations
 Republic of the Congo1960[192]See Republic of the Congo–United States relations
 Rwanda1962[193]See Rwanda–United States relations
 São Tomé and Príncipe1976[194]See São Tomé and Príncipe–United States relations
 Senegal1960[195]See Senegal–United States relations
 Seychelles1976[196]See Seychelles–United States relations
 Sierra Leone1961[197]See Sierra Leone–United States relations
 Somalia1960[198]See Somalia–United States relations
 South Africa1929[199]See South Africa–United States relations
 South Sudan2011[200]See South Sudan–United States relations
 Swaziland1968[201]See Swaziland–United States relations
 Tanzania1961[202]See Tanzania–United States relations
 The Gambia1965[203]See The Gambia–United States relations
 Togo1960[204]See Togo–United States relations
 Uganda1962[205]See Uganda–United States relations

Bilateral relations between the United States and Uganda have been good since Yoweri Museveni assumed power, and the United States has welcomed his efforts to end human rights abuses and to pursue economic reform. Uganda is a strong supporter of the Global War on Terror. The United States is helping Uganda achieve export-led economic growth through the African Growth and Opportunity Act and provides a significant amount of development assistance. At the same time, the United States is concerned about continuing human rights problems and the pace of progress toward the establishment of genuine political pluralism.

 Zambia1964[206]See United States–Zambia relations

The diplomatic relationship between the United States and Zambia can be characterized as warm and cooperative. The United States works closely with the Zambian Government to defeat the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is ravaging Zambia, to promote economic growth and development, and to effect political reform needed to promote responsive and responsible government. The United States is also supporting the government's efforts to root out corruption. Zambia is a beneficiary of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The U.S. Government provides a variety of technical assistance and other support that is managed by the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Agency for International Development, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Threshold Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Defense, and Peace Corps. The majority of U.S. assistance is provided through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), in support of the fight against HIV/AIDS.

 Zimbabwe1980[207]See United States–Zimbabwe relations

After Morgan Tsvangirai, Mugabe's rival and leader of the Movement for Democratic Change, became Prime Minister of Zimbabwe under a power-sharing agreement, the Barack Obama administration extended its congratulations to Tsvangirai, but said that the U.S. would wait for evidence of Mugabe's cooperation with the MDC before it would consider lifting its sanctions.[208] In early March 2009, Obama proclaimed that U.S. sanctions would be protracted provisionally for another year, because Zimbabwe's political crisis is as yet unresolved.[209]

Countries with visa services suspended


Countries with no U.S. embassy


Unrecognized countries with no relations with the United States

See also


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 This article incorporates public domain material from the United States Department of State website (Background Notes).

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