Tuna Kiremitci

Tuna Kiremitci (born 24 February 1973, Eskişehir) is a contemporary Turkish writer.

His first poems were published in the magazine Varlık during his Galatasaray High School years. His book entitled Ayabakanlar ("Moon Watchers") that won him the "Yasar Nabi Nayır" Award for Poetry met his readers in 1994. In 1997 he shared the "Erguvan Balkan Poetry Award with the Bosnian poet Izet Sarajlić. This was followed by his second book of poems Akademi (Academy) in 1998.

Tuna Kiremitci's first novel Git Kendini Cok Sevdirmeden ("Leave Before I Fall in") came out in 2002 and excited great interest and was acknowledged as one of the most important literary events of that year. His second novel Bu Iste Bir Yalnizlik Var ("Way of Loneliness") and Bazı Siirler Bazı Sarkilar ("Some Poems Some Songs") a collection of his poems were published in 2003. His novels Yolda Uc Kisi ("Three On The Road", 2005) and Dualar Kalicidir ("Prayers Stay The Same", 2007) have met with a wide audience.

His books that on the whole treat the tragedies of ordinary people, the impasse of relationships between men and women in today's Turkish society and the melancholy of getting old with an expression that is mournful but that evokes a smile here and there, have been appraised by Professor Gursel Aytac as being examples in Turkish literature of "romantic irony" (Hurriyet Gosteri: July–August 2005).

Tuna Kiremitci who studied cinema at the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, and who has received awards for short films at various festivals is engaged on work as a columnist and in writing scenarios. Besides this in the 1990s he did work on Ethnic Rock with the group Kumdan Kaleler (Sand Castles) and put his name to the album (Denize Dogru;1996 "Facing The Sea") as composer and soloist. He is the father of a son.

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