List of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition monsters

Dungeons & Dragons version 3.5 (see editions of Dungeons & Dragons) was released in 2003. The first book containing monsters to be published was the Monster Manual, released along with the other two "core" rulebooks.

WTC 17755 - Monster Manual (2003)

This was the initial monster book for the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition, published in 2003. It includes all of the monsters from the previous third edition Monster Manual, revising them for the version 3.5 rules, as well as including a small number of monsters not in the previous Monster Manual. This book features an alphabetical listing of monsters on pages 3–4, an introduction on pages 5–7, the monster descriptions on pages 8–289, instructions for improving the monsters in the book on pages 290-294 and making monsters on pages 295-302, skills and feats for monsters on pages 303-304, a glossary on pages 305-317, and a list of the monsters in the book ranked by challenge rating on pages 318-319.

ISBN 0-7869-2893-X

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Aboleth 8-9 Includes a description of the aboleth mage, an aboleth 10th-level wizard  
Achaierai 9-10  
Allip 10  
Angel 10-13 Described are the astral deva, planetar, and solar  
Animated object 13-14 Described are the tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal animated object  
Ankheg 14-15  
Aranea 15-16  
Archon 16-19 Described are the lantern archon, hound archon, and trumpet archon. Includes a description of the hound archon hero, a hound archon 11th-level paladin  
Arrowhawk 19-20 Described are the juvenile, adult, and elder arrowhawk  
Assassin vine 20  
Athach 21  
Azer 21-22  
Barghest 22-23 Includes a description of the greater barghest, an advanced barghest  
Basilisk 23-24 Includes a description of the abyssal greater basilisk, an advanced basilisk  
Behir 25  
Beholder 25-27 Described are the gauth and the beholder  
Belker 27  
Blink dog 28  
Bodak 28  
Bugbear 29  
Bulette 30  
Carrion crawler 30-31  
Celestial creature 31-32 Template; sample celestial creature is a celestial lion  
Centaur 32-33  
Chaos beast 33  
Chimera 34  
Choker 34-35  
Chuul 35-36  
Cloaker 36  
Cockatrice 37  
Couatl 37-38  
Darkmantle 38  
Delver 39  
Demon 40-48 Described are the babau, balor, bebilith, dretch, glabrezu, hezrou, marilith, nalfeshnee, quasit, retriever, succubus, and vrock  
Derro 49  
Destrachan 49-50  
Devil 50-58 Described are the barbed devil (hamatula), bearded devil (barbazu), bone devil (osyluth), chain devil (kyton), erinyes, hellcat (bezekira), horned devil (cornugon), ice devil (gelugon), imp, lemure, and pit fiend  
Devourer 58-59  
Digester 59  
Dinosaur 60-62 Described are the deinonychus, elasmosaurus, megaraptor, triceratops, and tyrannosaurus  
Dire animal 62-66 Described are the dire ape, dire badger, dire bat, dire bear, dire boar, dire lion, dire rat, dire shark, dire tiger, dire weasel, dire wolf, and dire wolverine  
Displacer beast 66-67 Includes a description of the displacer beast pack lord, an advanced displacer beast  
Doppelganger 67-68  
Dragon, true 68-88  
Chromatic dragons 70-78 Described are the black dragon, blue dragon, green dragon, red dragon, and white dragon. For each type of dragon, stats are given for the wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, young adult, adult, mature adult, old, very old, ancient, wyrm, and great wyrm variety  
Metallic dragons 79-88 Described are the brass dragon, bronze dragon, copper dragon, gold dragon, and silver dragon. For each type of dragon, stats are given for the wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, young adult, adult, mature adult, old, very old, ancient, wyrm, and great wyrm variety  
Dragon turtle 88  
Dragonne 89  
Drider 89-90  
Dryad 90-91  
Dwarf 91-93 Described are the hill dwarf, the deep dwarf, and the duergar  
Eagle, giant 93  
Eladrin 93-95 Described are the bralani and ghaele  
Elemental 95-101 Described are the air elemental, earth elelemental, fire elemental, and water elemental. For each type of elemental, stats are given for the small, medium, large, huge, greater, and elder variety  
Elf 101-104 Described are the high elf, half-elf, aquatic elf, drow, gray elf, wild elf, and wood elf  
Ethereal filcher 104-105  
Ethereal marauder 105  
Ettercap 106  
Ettin 106-107  
Fiendish creature 107-108 Template; sample fiendish creature is a fiendish dire rat  
Formian 108-111 Described are the formian worker, formian warrior, formian taskmaster, formian myrmarch, and formian queen  
Frost worm 111-112  
Fungus 112-113 Described are the shrieker and violet fungus  
Gargoyle 113-114  
Genie 114-116 Described are the djinni, efreeti, and janni  
Ghost 116-118 Template; sample ghost is a 5th-level human fighter  
Ghoul 118-119 Described are the ghoul and ghast  
Giant 119-125 Described are the cloud giant, fire giant, frost giant, hill giant, stone giant, and storm giant. Includes a description of the frost giant jarl, an 8th-level blackguard  
Gibbering mouther 126  
Girallon 126-127  
Githyanki 127-128  
Githzerai 129-130  
Gnoll 130-131  
Gnome 131-133 Described are the rock gnome, svirfneblin, and forest gnome  
Goblin 133-134  
Golem 134-137 Described are the clay golem, flesh golem, iron golem, and stone golem. Includes a description of the greater stone golem, an advanced stone golem  
Gorgon 137-138  
Gray render 138  
Grick 139  
Griffon 139-140  
Grimlock 140-141  
Guardinal 141-143 Described are the avoral and leonal  
Hag 143-144 Described are the annis, green hag, sea hag. Includes a description of the hag covey, a trio of hags  
Half-celestial 144-146 Template; sample half-celestial is a 9th-level human paladin  
Half-dragon 146-147 Template; sample half-dragon is a half-black dragon 4th-level human fighter  
Half-fiend 147-149 Template; sample half-fiend is a 7th-level human cleric  
Halfling 149-150 Described are the lightfoot halfling, tallfellow, and deep halfling  
Harpy 150-151 Includes a description of the harpy archer, a harpy 7th-level fighter  
Hell hound 151-152 Includes a description of the nessian warhound, an advanced hell hound  
Hippogriff 152  
Hobgoblin 153-154  
Homunculus 154  
Howler 154-155  
Hydra 155-157 Described are the five-headed hydra, six-headed hydra, seven-headed hydra, eight-headed hydra, nine-headed hydra, ten-headed hydra, eleven-headed hydra, and twelve-headed hydra  
Inevitable 158-160 Described are the kolyarut, marut, and zelekhut  
Invisible stalker 160-161  
Kobold 161-162  
Kraken 162-163  
Krenshar 163  
Kuo-toa 163-165  
Lamia 165  
Lammasu 165-166 Includes a description of the golden protector, a lammasu with the celestial template and the half-dragon template  
Lich 166-168 Template; sample lich is an 11th-level human wizard  
Lillend 168  
Lizardfolk 169  
Locathah 169-170  
Lycanthrope 170-179 Described are the werebear, wereboar, wererat, weretiger, and werewolf.

Each type is a template, with 1st-level human warrior as a sample lycanthrope for each. Additional samples include: the werewolf lord, a 10th-level human fighter; and the hill giant dire wereboar

Magmin 179  
Manticore 179-180  
Medusa 180  
Mephit 180-185 Described are the air mephit, dust mephit, earth mephit, fire mephit, ice mephit, magma mephit, ooze mephit, salt mephit, steam mephit, and water mephit  
Merfolk 185-186  
Mimic 186  
Mind flayer 186-188 Includes a description of the mind flayer sorcerer, a mind flayer 9th-level sorcerer  
Minotaur 188-189  
Mohrg 189  
Mummy 190-191 Includes a description of the mummy lord, a mummy 10th-level cleric  
Naga 191-193 Described are the dark naga, guardian naga, spirit naga, and water naga  
Night hag 193-194  
Nightmare 194-195 Includes a description of the cauchemar, an advanced nightmare  
Nightshade 195-197 Described are the nightcrawler, nightwalker, and nightwing  
Nymph 197-198  
Ogre 198-200 Includes a description of the ogre barbarian, an ogre 4th-level barbarian  
Ogre mage 200  
Ooze 201-203 Described are the black pudding, gelatinous cube, gray ooze, and ochre jelly. Includes a description of the elder black pudding, an advanced black pudding  
Orc 203-204 Described are the orc and half-orc  
Otyugh 204-205  
Owl, giant 205  
Owlbear 206  
Pegasus 206-207  
Phantom fungus 207  
Phase spider 207-208  
Phasm 208  
Planetouched 209-210 Described are the aasimar and tiefling  
Pseudodragon 210-211  
Purple worm 211  
Rakshasa 211-212  
Rast 213  
Ravid 213-214  
Remorhaz 214-215  
Roc 215  
Roper 215-216  
Rust monster 216  
Sahuagin 217-218  
Salamander 218-219 Described are the flamebrother salamander, average salamander, and noble salamander  
Satyr 219-220  
Sea cat 220-221  
Shadow 221-222 Includes a description of the greater shadow, an advanced shadow  
Shadow mastiff 222  
Shambling mound 222-223  
Shield guardian 223-224  
Shocker lizard 224-225  
Skeleton 225-227 Template; sample skeletons include a 1st-level human warrior, a wolf, an owlbear, a troll, a chimera, an ettin, an advanced megaraptor, a cloud giant, and a young adult red dragon  
Skum 228  
Slaad 228-231 Described are the red slaad, blue slaad, green slaad, gray slaad, and death slaad  
Spectre 232  
Sphinx 232-234 Described are the androsphinx, criosphinx, gynosphinx, and hieracosphinx  
Spider eater 234  
Sprite 235-236 Described are the grig, nixie, and pixie  
Stirge 236-237  
Swarm 237-240 Described are the bat swarm, centipede swarm, hellwasp swarm, locust swarm, rat swarm, and spider swarm  
Tarrasque 240-241  
Tendriculos 241-242  
Thoqqua 242  
Titan 242-243  
Tojanida 243-244 Described are the juvenile, adult, and elder tojanida  
Treant 244-245  
Triton 245-246  
Troglodyte 246-247  
Troll 247-248 Described are the troll and scrag. Includes a description of the troll hunter, a troll 6th-level ranger  
Umber hulk 248-249 Includes a description of the truly horrid umber hulk, an advanced umber hulk  
Unicorn 249-250 Includes a description of the celestial charger, a unicorn 7th-level cleric with the celestial creature template  
Vampire 250-253 Template; sample vampires include a 5th-level human fighter, and a half-elf 9th-level monk/4th-level shadowdancer  
Vampire spawn 253-254  
Vargouille 254-255  
Wight 255  
Will-o'-wisp 255-256  
Winter wolf 256  
Worg 256-257  
Wraith 257-258 Includes a description of the dread wraith, an advanced wraith  
Wyvern 259  
Xill 259-260  
Xorn 260-261 Described are the minor xorn, average xorn, and elder xorn  
Yeth hound 260-262  
Yrthak 262  
Yuan-ti 262-265 Described are the yuan-ti pureblood, yuan-ti halfblood, and yuan-ti abomination  
Zombie 265-267 Template; sample skeletons include a kobold, a human commoner, a troglodyte, a bugbear, an ogre, a minotaur, a wyvern, an umber hulk, and a gray render  
Ape 268  
Baboon 268  
Badger 268  
Bat 268-269  
Bear, black 269  
Bear, brown 269  
Bear, polar 269  
Bison 269-270  
Boar 270  
Camel 270  
Cat 270  
Cheetah 271  
Crocodile 271  
Crocodile, giant 271  
Dog 271-272  
Dog, riding 272  
Donkey 272  
Eagle 272  
Elephant 272-273  
Hawk 273  
Horse 273-274 Described are the heavy horse, light horse, heavy warhorse, and light warhorse  
Hyena 274  
Leopard 274  
Lion 274-275  
Lizard 275  
Lizard, monitor 275  
Manta ray 275  
Monkey 276  
Mule 276  
Octopus 276  
Octopus, giant 276-277  
Owl 277  
Pony 277  
Pony, war 277-278  
Porpoise 278  
Rat 278  
Raven 278  
Rhinoceros 278-279  
Shark 279 Described are the medium, large, and huge shark  
Snake 279-281 Described are the constrictor snake, giant constrictor snake, and viper snake (tiny, small, medium, large, and huge)  
Squid 281  
Squid, giant 281  
Tiger 281-282  
Toad 282  
Weasel 282  
Whale 282-283 Described are the baleen whale, cachalot whale, and orca  
Wolf 283  
Wolverine 283  
Giant ant 284 Described are the giant ant worker, giant ant soldier, and giant ant queen  
Giant bee 284  
Giant bombardier beetle 284-285  
Giant fire beetle 285  
Giant stag beetle 285  
Giant praying mantis 285  
Giant wasp 285  
Monstrous centipede 286-287 Described are the tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal monstrous centipede  
Monstrous scorpion 287-288 Described are the tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal monstrous scorpion  
Monstrous spider 288-289 Described are the tiny, small, medium, large, huge, gargantuan, and colossal monstrous spider  

WTC 17668 - Draconomicon (2003)

ISBN 0-7869-2884-0

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Dracolich 146  
Dracolich, Ancient Blue 147  
Dragon, Battle 176  
Dragon, Chaos 177  
Dragon, Ethereal 179  
Dragon, Faerie 158  
Dragon, Fang 159  
Dragon, Ghostly 161  
Dragon, Ghostly Adult Green 161  
Dragon, Howling 180  
Dragon, Oceanus 181  
Dragon, Planar 176  
Dragon, Pyroclastic 182  
Dragon, Radiant 185  
Dragon, Rust 186  
Dragon, Shadow 191  
Dragon, Skeletal 192  
Dragon, Skeletal Mature Adult Black 192  
Dragon, Styx 187  
Dragon, Tarterian 189  
Dragon, Vampiric 195  
Dragon, Vampiric Mature Adult Red 195  
Dragon, Zombie 197  
Dragon, Zombie Young Adult White 198  
Dragonkin 150  
Dragonnel 150  
Drake, Abyssal 145  
Drake, Air 152  
Drake, Earth 153  
Drake, Elemental 152  
Drake, Fire 154  
Drake, Ice 154  
Drake, Magma 155  
Drake, Ooze 156  
Drake, Smoke 157  
Drake, Storm 194  
Drake, Water 157  
Felldrake, Spiked 160  
Giant, Draconic Fire 149  
Dragon, Golem 163  
Golem, Dragonbone 164  
Golem, Drakestone 164  
Golem, Ironwyrm 165  
Half-dragon 167  
Hoard Scarab 167  
Landwyrm 168  
Landwyrm, Desert 169  
Landwyrm, Forest 170  
Landwyrm, Hill 170  
Landwyrm, Jungle 171  
Landwyrm, Mountain 172  
Landwyrm, Plains 172  
Landwyrm, Swamp 173  
Landwyrm, Tundra 174  
Landwyrm, Underdark 175  
Squamous Spewer 193  
Swarm, Hoard Scarab 168  

WTC 17738 - Forgotten Realms - Lost Empires of Faerun (2005)

(p160-192) - ISBN 0-7869-3654-1

WTC 17739 - Sandstorm (2005)

Sandstorm: Mastering the Perils of Fire and Sand was published in 2005, and written by Bruce R. Cordell, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, and JD Wiker. Sandstorm is an official supplement for the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and includes new content for desert based climate campaigns. The book contains both new playable races and monsters in addition to expanded rules and campaign ideas regarding wastelands and desert environments.

ISBN 0-7869-3655-X

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Ashen hulk 137-138  
Asherati 139  
Ashworm 140  
Bhuka 141  
Camelopardel 141-142  
Chekryyan 142-143  
Crawling Apocalypse 143-144  
Crucian 144-145  
Cursed Cold One (Gelun) 145-146  
Desert Devil (Araton) 147  
Dinosaur 147-149 Described are the diprotodon and the protoceratops  
Dire Animal 149-153 Described are the dire hippopotamus, dire jackal, dire puma, dire tortoise, and dire vulture.  
Dragon, Sand 152-155  
Dry Lich 155-157 Template; sample dry lich is a 5th-level asherati cleric/10th-level walker in the waste  
Dune Hag 158  
Dunewinder 159-160  
Dustblight 160  
Dustform Creature 161-162 Template; sample dustform creature is a giant banded lizard  
Dust Twister 162-163  
Forlorn Husk 163-164  
Giant Banded Lizard 164  
Half-Janni 164-166 Template; sample half-janni is a 5th-level human fighter  
Ironthorn 166-167  
Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile 167-168  
Marruspawn 168-173 Described are the Marrulurk, Marrusault, and Marrutact  
Marruspawn Abomination 173-175  
Mephit 175-176 Described are the glass mephit and the sulphur mephit.  
Mirage Mullah 177 Template; sample mirage mullah is a 5th-level human fighter  
Ooze 178-179 Described are the brine ooze and lava ooze  
Porcupine Cactus 179-180  
Saguaro Sentinel 181  
Sand Golem 182-183  
Sand Hunter 183-184  
Scarab Swarm, Death 184-185  
Scorpion Swarm 185  
Sphinx 186-189 Described are the canisphinx, crocosphinx, saurosphinx, and threskisphinx  
Thunderbird 189  
Troll, Wasteland 190  
Tumbling Mound 191  
Waste Crawler (Anhydrut) 191-192  
Animals 192-195 Described are the camel (dromedary camel, two-humped camel, and war camel), hippopotamus, horned lizard, jackal, serval (savannah wildcat), and vulture  
Vermin 195-198 Described are the brine swimmer, giant ant lion, and giant termite (worker termite, soldier termite, and queen termite)  

WTC 17741 - Lords of Madness (2005)

Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations was published in 2005, and written by Richard Baker, James Jacobs, and Steve Winter. Lords of Madness is an official supplement for the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and includes new content for aberrations. The book contains a chapter on each of six types of monsters, some of which also feature statistics for that particular monster and/or its variants. In Chapter 8, statistics are given for new monsters, on pages 135-172.

ISBN 0-7869-3657-6

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Neogi 89-92 Adult neogi, neogi spawn, and the great old master  
Grell 107-109 Grell and grell philosopher  
Tsochar 121-123  
Beholderkin 135-141 Hive mother, director, eye of the deep, overseer, and spectator  
Cildabrin 141-142  
Cloaker, shadowcloak elder 142-144  
Elder brain 144-146  
Elder eidolon 146-148  
Gas spore 148-149  
Gibbering mouther 150-151  
Half-farspawn 151-153 Template; sample creature is a half-farspawn gray render  
Hound of the gloom 153-154  
Illithidae 154-157 Embrac, kigrid, and saltor  
Mind flayer, alhoon 157-158  
Mind flayer, Ulitharid 158-159  
Mind flayer, vampire 160-161  
Pseudonatural creature 161-162 Template; sample creature is a pseudonatural hippogriff  
Psurlon 162-165 Average psurlon, elder psurlon, and giant psurlon  
Shaboath 166  
Shadow creature 167-168 Template; sample creature is a shadow choker  
Silthilar 168-170  
Urophion 170-171 The Illithiad (1998) Cross between roper and illithid that looks like a rocky outcropping and has hidden tentacles.  
Zeugalak 171-172  

WTC 17758 - Frostburn (2004)

Frostburn: Mastering the Perils of Ice and Snow was published in 2004, and written by Wolfgang Baur, James Jacobs, and George Strayton. Frostburn is an official supplement for the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and includes new content for cold based climate campaigns. The book contains both new playable races and monsters in addition to expanded rules and campaign ideas regarding; High altitude, arctic, and Cold environments in general.

ISBN 0-7869-3657-6

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Human 33-34 Seafarer, Everfrost barbarian, Icefolk, Mountain folk  
Dwarves 34, 122-124 Glacier Dwarves, Midgard Dwarves  
Elves 34-35 Snow Elves  
Gnomes 35 Ice Gnomes  
Halflings 36 Tundra Halflings  
Neanderthals 36-37, 145-146  
Uldras 38-40, 158-159  
Branta 113-114 Cold Subtype  
Chilblain 114-115  
Dire Animal 115-121 Dire Polar Bear, Glyptodon, Megaloceros, Smilodon (Saber-Toothed Tiger), Woolly Mammoth, Zeuglodon  
Domovoi 121-122 Fire subtype  
Elemental Weird 153-154 Ice Weird, Snow Weird  
Entombed 128-129  
Frost Folk 130-131  
Qorrashi Genie 131,132  
Frostfell Ghost 132-133  
Giant, Frost 133-136 Frost Giant Mauler, Frost Giant Spiritspeaker, Frost Giant Tundra Scout,  
Goblin, Snow 136-137  
Golem, Ice 137-138  
Ice Beast 138-140 Template; sample creature is a Ice Beast Gargoyle  
Ice Toad 140-141  
Icegaunt 141-142  
Malasynep 142-143 Malasynep Mindmage  
Marzanna 33-34  
Orc 146-147 Snow Shaman Orc  
Pudding, White 147-148  
Raven, Giant 148-149  
Rimfire Eidolon 149-150  
Rusalka 151  
Shivhad 152-153  
Snowcloak 153-154  
Spider, Snow 154-155 Small Snow Spider, Medium Snow Spider, Large Snow Spider  
Spirit Animal 155-157 Template; sample creature is a Spirit Wolf  
Tlalusk 157-158 Fire subtype  
Urskan 159-160  
Vodyanoi 160-161  
Winterspawn 161-162  
Yeti 162-163 Abominable Yeti  
Yuki-On-Na 164  
Animal, Arctic 164-166 Caribou, Arctic Fox, Sea Otter, Penguin, Seal, Walrus  

(p113-166) - ISBN 0-7869-2896-4

WTC 17867 - Stormwrack (2005)


WTC 17920 - Planar Handbook (2004)

(p107-134) - ISBN 0-7869-3429-8

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Energon Xac-yel, xac-yij, xap-yaup, xong-yong, and xor-yost  

WTC 17921 - Monster Manual III (2004)

ISBN 0-7869-3430-1

WTC 17924 - Libris Mortis - The Book of Undead (2004)

(p81-132) - ISBN 0-7869-3433-6

WTC 86400 - Eberron Campaign Setting

(p275-303) - ISBN 0-7869-3274-0

WTC 88026 - Book of Exalted Deeds (2003)


WTC 17925 - Complete Arcane (2004)

(pages unknown) - ISBN 0-7869-3435-2

WTC 88268 - Expanded Psionics Handbook (2004)

(p185-218) - ISBN 0-7869-3301-1

WTC 88578 - Races of Faerun (2003)

ISBN 0-7869-2875-1

WTC 88581 - Forgotten Realms - Underdark (2003)

(p78-99) - ISBN 0-7869-3053-5

WTC 96566 - Forgotten Realms - Serpent Kingdoms (2004)

(p62-91) - ISBN 0-7869-3277-5

WTC 96582 - Miniatures Handbook (2003)

(p45-72) - ISBN 0-7869-3281-3

WTC 8857972 - Magic of Incarnum (2005)

(pages unknown) - ISBN 0-7869-3701-7

WTC 9536500 - Tome of Magic (2006)

(pages unknown) - ISBN 0-7869-3909-5

WTC 9537572 - Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (2006)

Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss was published in 2006, and was written by Ed Stark, James Jacobs, and Erik Mona. Fiendish Codex I is an official supplement for the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and includes new content for demons and inhabitants of the Abyss. Chapter 2 contains statistics for new monsters, on pages 27–56, while Chapter 3 contains statistics for 14 demon lords, on pages 57–80.

ISBN 0-7869-3919-2

Creature Page Other Appearances Variants Description
Armanite 28-29  
Bar-lgura 29-31 Monster Manual II, Book of Vile Darkness  
Broodswarm 31-32  
Bulezau 33-34  
Chasme 34-35 Monster Manual II, Book of Vile Darkness  
Dybbuk 36-37  
Ekolid 38-39  
Goristro 40-41  
Guecubu 41-43  
Lilitu 43-45  
Mane 45-46 Monster Manual, Book of Vile Darkness  
Molydeus 46-48  
Nabassu 48-51 Monster Manual II Described are the juvenile nabassu and mature nabassu  
Rutterkin 51-52 Monster Manual II, Book of Vile Darkness  
Sibriex 52-54  
Yochlol 54-56  
Baphomet 58-59 Monster Manual II The demon lord of minotaurs  
Dagon 59-61 Obyrith demon lord of water, sea-dwelling creatures, and secrets  
Demogorgon 61-63 Eldritch Wizardry, Monster Manual, Book of Vile Darkness  
Fraz-Urb'luu 63-65 Monster Manual II  
Graz'zt 65-66 Monster Manual II, Book of Vile Darkness  
Juiblex 66-68 Monster Manual, Book of Vile Darkness  
Kostchtchie 68-69 Monster Manual II  
Malcanthet 69-71  
Obox-ob 71-73  
Orcus 73-74 Eldritch Wizardry, Monster Manual, Book of Vile Darkness  
Pale Night 74-76  
Pazuzu 76-77 Monster Manual II  
Yeenoghu 78-79 Monster Manual, Book of Vile Darkness  
Zuggtmoy 79-80  

WTC 9537672 - Monster Manual IV (2006)

ISBN 0-7869-3920-6

WTC 9537872 - Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords (2006)

ISBN 0-7869-3922-2

WTC 9538772 - Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (2006)

(p107-140) - ISBN 0-7869-3940-0

WTC 9568172 - Monster Manual V (2007)

ISBN 978-0-7869-4115-5

WTC 9568472 - Dungeonscape (2007)

(pages unknown) - ISBN 978-0-7869-4118-6

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