Protests against Donald Trump

Protests against Donald Trump

From top to bottom, left to right:
Women's March in Washington, D.C, #notmypresident protester at a rally against Trump in New York City, protesters marching toward Trump International Hotel and Tower (Chicago), No Ban No Wall protest in Washington, D.C., protests against Executive Order 13769 in London, protester holding up a No Ban No Wall sign in Washington, D.C..
Date June 17, 2015–present
Location Worldwide[lower-alpha 1]
Caused by
Methods Demonstration, Internet activism, political campaigning, riots, vandalism, arson, assault
Status Ongoing

Presidential campaign


  • Pre-inauguration
  • Women's March
    500,000+ (Washington, D.C.)
    2–4 million (US)
    4–5 million (world)[6]
Death(s) 1[7]
Injuries 43+[8][9][10]
Arrested 449+[8][11]

Protests against Donald Trump, or anti-Trump protests, have occurred both in the United States and elsewhere since Donald Trump's entry into the 2016 presidential campaign. Protests have expressed opposition to Trump's campaign rhetoric, his electoral win, his inauguration and various presidential actions. Some protests have taken the form of walk-outs, business closures, petitions and, especially since Trump's inauguration, rallies, demonstrations or marches. While the protests have been mostly peaceful,[12] some protesters have destroyed property, and attacked Trump supporters.[13][14][15]

Organized protests against Trump in the United States peaked shortly after his inauguration when millions protested on January 21, 2017, during the Women's March, making it the largest single-day protest in the history of the United States.[16]

Campaign protests

A number of protests against Donald Trump's candidacy and political positions occurred during his presidential campaign, essentially at political rallies.

Political rallies

During his presidential campaign, activists organized demonstrations inside Trump's rallies, sometimes with calls to shut the rallies down;[17][18][19] protesters began to attend his rallies displaying signs and disrupting proceedings.[20][21]

There were occasional incidents of verbal abuse or physical violence, either against protesters or against Trump supporters. While most of the incidents amounted to simple heckling against the candidate, a few people had to be stopped by Secret Service agents. Large-scale disruption forced Trump to cancel a rally in Chicago on March 11, 2016, out of safety concerns.[18] On June 18, 2016, an attempt was made to assassinate Trump.[22] Michael Steven Sanford, a British national, was sentenced to one year in prison after he reached for a police officer's gun. He reportedly told a federal agent that he drove from California to Las Vegas with a plan to kill Trump.[23]

The protesters sometimes attempted to enter the venue or engage in activities outside the venue. Interactions with supporters of the candidate may occur before, during or after the event.[24] At times, protesters attempted to rush the stage at Trump's rallies.[25] At times, anti-Trump protesters have turned violent and attacked Trump supporters and vice versa;[26] this violence has received bipartisan condemnation.[27], People for Bernie, the Muslim Students' Association, Assata's Daughters, the Black Student Union, Fearless Undocumented Alliance and Black Lives Matter were among the organizations who sponsored or promoted the protests at the March 11 Chicago Trump rally.[17][28][29][30]

There were reports of verbal and physical confrontations between Trump supporters and protesters at Trump's campaign events.[31][32]


The fact checking website, rated a separate story titled "Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: 'I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump's Rally'" as "100 percent fabricated, as its author acknowledges."[33] Paul Horner, a writer for a fake news website, took credit for the article, and said he posted the deceitful ad himself.[34]

Trump's reactions

During the campaign, Trump was accused by some of creating aggressive undertones at his rallies.[35] Trump's Republican rivals blamed him for fostering a climate of violence, and escalating tension during events.[36] Initially, Trump did not condemn the acts of violence that occurred at many of his rallies, and indeed encouraged them in some cases.[37][38]

In November 2015, Trump said of a protester in Birmingham, Alabama, "Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing."[39] In December, the campaign urged attendees not to harm protesters, but rather to alert law enforcement officers of them by holding signs above their head and yelling, "Trump! Trump! Trump!"[40] Trump has been criticized for additional instances of fomenting an atmosphere conducive to violence through many of his comments. For example, Trump told a crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that he would pay their legal fees if they engaged a protester.[41]

On February 23, 2016, when a protester was ejected from a rally in Las Vegas, Trump stated, "I love the old days—you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks." He added, "I'd like to punch him in the face."[42][43][44]


Trump flanked by Secret Service agents prior to the election

Fairly early in the campaign the United States Secret Service assumed primary responsibility for Trump's security. They were augmented by state and local law enforcement as needed. When a venue was rented by the campaign, the rally was a private event and the campaign might grant or deny entry to it with no reason given; the only stipulation was that exclusion solely on the basis of race was forbidden. Those who entered or remained inside such a venue without permission were technically guilty of or liable for trespass.[45] Attendees or the press could be assigned or restricted to particular areas in the venue.[46]

In March 2016, Politico reported that the Trump campaign hired plainclothes private security guards to preemptively remove potential protesters from rallies.[47] That same month, a group calling itself the "Lion Guard" was formed to offer "additional security" at Trump rallies. The group was quickly condemned by mainstream political activists as a paramilitary fringe organization.[48]

Post-election protests

March against Trump in Saint Paul, Minnesota on November 9

Following Trump's election to the presidency, students and activists organized larger protests in several major cities across the United States, including New York, Boston, Chicago, Portland and Oakland. Tens of thousands of protesters participated,[49][50][51] with many chanting "Not my president!" to express their opposition to Trump's victory in the Electoral College (He lost the popular vote by a margin of 2.1 percent).[52] Protests were also held in Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Philippines, Australia and Israel with some continuing for several days, and more protests planned for the following weeks and months.[53][54][55]

Protesters have held up a number of different signs and chanted various shouts including "Not my president" and "We don't accept the president-elect".[55][56] The movement organized on Twitter under the hashtags #Anti-Trump and #NotMyPresident.[57][58] Protesters after the election decided to demonstrate to show support for minorities, immigrants and other marginalized people in the United States.[59] Protesting also helped put a spotlight on the issues that were important to the demonstrators.[59] Some protesters had been part of other movements, such as Occupy, Black Lives Matter and Moral Mondays, but many people protesting Trump were new to demonstrating.[59]

After he won the election, the security around Trump and his family became noticeably more stringent. Sources reported that there were concerns about the ability to secure Trump's Manhattan residence due to its location and the large number of people who live there as well as the number of people coming and going. Restrictions on private and commercial air traffic were imposed on airspace over Manhattan and other parts of the city until Inauguration Day.[60]

International reactions

Protests during Trump's presidency

Protesters demonstrating after Trump's inauguration have sought to "bring unprecedented disruption to his life as president", with protests following where Trump travels.[63] Protesters have sought to interrupt "people's business as usual" in order to force others to think about the impact of Trump's policies on the country, according to activist, Cat Brooks in San Francisco.[64] A sociology professor at University of California, Irvine, David Meyer, said that while it's not unusual to have protests after a new president, "What is unusual is the vigor, speed, size, and number of issues that they are challenging Trump on. To have a sustained [protest], every weekend, every couple of days, and it's a different issue--I've never seen anything like this before."[65] Michael Heaney, an author and University of Michigan professor, said in February 2017, that the protests were not anywhere near the saturation rate and added, "If anything, it's just getting started."[66] The "first protest in space" was taken as a demonstration against Trump by the Autonomous Space Agency Network (ASAN) on April 12, 2017.[67]

Some protests have been "highly coordinated" by grassroots organizers, like the resistance campaign that has been growing in California.[64] Many of the protests have not only occurred in large, mainly Democratic-leaning cities, but have also taken place in smaller cities across the country.[68] In some of these cities, like Mason City, Iowa, a majority voted for Trump.[68] Protests have also occurred worldwide, with international citizens objecting to the Trump administration.[69] Many of the protests have been organized via social media.[70] Many protesters have been calling the anti-Trump movement "the resistance."[70] Women are leading many of the organization and volunteer efforts.[71] In addition, many participants have been first-time protesters.[66][72] The movement continued to have momentum into the first week of March, 2017. Protesters have become involved with organizing groups at a local level, such as Indivisible and SwingLeft.[73] For many, their involvement in protest has become a part of their lives.[74]

Protesters have expressed concerns about potential loss of rights for Muslims affected by Executive Order 13796, or the travel ban, and for a loss of rights for LGBT people.[69] Other protesters have been against the proposed border wall between the United States and Mexico.[75] Musicians such as Katy Perry, Rihanna, Bruce Springsteen, Joan Baez and Tom Morello, have voiced support for the protests.[76] Reasons for people protesting are diverse and many protesters care about multiple issues.[74] However the number of people protesting against only Trump has diminished over time as many people are turning their attention to Congressional members.[77]

Protests are taking place at town hall meetings, where constituents are urging their senators and representatives to oppose some of the policies of the Trump Administration or to investigate possible Trump ties to Russia.[78] Some GOP politicians have welcomed the protests, while others have avoided having town halls during the first Congressional recess in 2017.[79] Representative Leonard Lance said that he'd never faced such a large town hall before after attending a recent one in February 2017.[66]

Conservatives, like David A. Clarke, have dismissed the protesters as "petulant children stomping their feet with these child-like nursery rhyme slogans."[80]

Official reaction

The Trump administration and President Trump have come out and addressed the protests either officially or via social media. Trump's reaction to the Woman's March via Twitter on January 2017 were contradictory with one tweet dismissing protesters and a later tweet praising protest as "a hallmark of our democracy."[81] Trump was also dismissive of a rally hosted by Democrats outside of the Supreme Court against Executive Order 13769. Trump tweeted, "Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the steps of the Supreme Court and mic did not work (a mess)-just like Dem party!"[82] On February 21, 2017, Trump tweeted that town hall protests were "planned out by liberal activists. Sad!"[83] Sean Spicer, on February 22, 2017, blamed recent town hall protests on "professional protesters."[84] This reaction is similar to the one from the Obama administration towards Tea Party protests in 2009.[85]

After the United Talent Agency (UTA) hosted an anti Trump rally called United Voices, instead of their normal Oscars party,[86] Trump went on Twitter and urged "the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" to have their own rally.[87] Trump supporters have attended rallies at official events, but none have created events in sizes "comparable in scale to those of his opponents."[87]

On February 28, 2017, Trump was interviewed on Fox & Friends where he blamed former president Obama for both the protests and the leaks in his administration.[88] He claimed that Obama was involved in protest organization behind the scenes.[89] Trump claimed that Obama was behind the protests "because his people certainly are behind it."[90] There is no evidence linking a nonprofit group that advocates for similar positions to Obama, Organizing for Action, and the former president.[91]

Rogue Twitter accounts

Following the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of United States a 'Resist' movement began for those in opposition to his presidency. Dozens of accounts purporting to be government agencies and departments took to Twitter to anonymously voice their opposition using accounts that are typically prefixed with either Rogue or Alt, however none of these accounts have come forward and identified themselves.[92][93][94][95] Alice Stollmeyer [96] [97] has dubbed this Twitter resistance movement "#twistance". It's thought that the Badlands Park Service were the first to create a 'rogue account'[98][99] in opposition to President Trump's assertion that Climate Change wasn't real.[100][101][102]

Inauguration protests

Several thousands of people, many of them dressed in purple formed a human chain on the sidewalk across the Golden Gate Bridge to peacefully oppose the inauguration of Donald Trump

A large number of protests were planned in connection with the inauguration of Donald Trump as president on January 20, 2017.[114] Security preparation for Trump's inauguration gathered nearly 28,000 security personnel to participate in Washington, D.C.[115] The vast majority of protesters, several thousand in all, were peaceful.[116][117][118] Disrupt J20 protesters linked arms at security checkpoints and attempted to shut them down.[119] Some elements of the protesters were black block groups and self-described anarchists, and engaged in sporadic acts of vandalism, rioting, and violence.[118][120][121][122][123][124]

Washington, D.C.

On the eve of the inauguration, January 19, protestors gathered outside the National Press Building in Washington D.C. where the DeploraBall was held. Several protesters threw debris at attendees, hitting one man in the head.[125] Police responded with teargas and pepper spray[126] scattering the crowd.

Limo smashed in Washington, D.C.

On the day of the Inauguration, January 20, a group of around 100 protesters smashed windows of businesses in downtown Washington and tipped over garbage cans.[127] The protesters also blocked entryways to the event and chained themselves to barricades, attempting with little success to prevent Trump supporters from gathering near the inaugural parade route.[115] Along the parade route, hundreds of demonstrators gathered at designated protest sites, waved signs and chanted anti-Trump slogans. Occasional clashes between police and demonstrators occurred,[128] with masked protesters throwing rocks and chunks of concrete at police.[129] Police in riot gear responded with tear gas, pepper spray, flash grenades, and other crowd dispersing tools. Violent protests continued late into the afternoon near Pennsylvania Avenue.[130] A limousine was tagged with graffiti, its windows were shattered, and it was later set on fire.[131] The limo was owned by a Muslim immigrant.[132] The fire spread to a Fox News crew SUV which was parked behind the limo.[133] 230 people were arrested, and of those, 217 were charged at the federal level with felony rioting, which, if convicted, is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.[134] Six officers suffered minor injuries.[135]


On Friday January 20, 2017, in the morning, anti-Trump protesters blocked the headquarters of Uber in San Francisco because the CEO of the company is seen as a "collaborator" with Trump.[136] Around 16 people were arrested in the demonstration which created human chains to block the offices.[136] Other companies blocked Friday morning in San Francisco were the Wells Fargo headquarters and Caltrain tracks.[136]

In Los Angeles, thousands turned out for a peaceful protest on Friday, despite the rain.[137] Demonstrators rallied outside of Los Angeles City Hall.[138]

LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner

Artists LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner started live-streaming a planned four-year protest, titled HEWILLNOTDIVIDE.US, at 9 a.m. on the morning of the inauguration on January 20.[139] Participants were invited to deliver the words "He will not divide us" into a camera mounted to a wall "as many times, and for as long as they wish", in what the artists described as "a show of resistance or insistence, opposition or optimism, guided by the spirit of each individual participant and the community."[140] The footage was broadcast on a 24/7 feed, which the artists announced would run for four years, or the duration of Trump's presidency.[139] The initial host of the artwork, the Museum of Moving Images in New York, abandoned their involvement with the project after three weeks, citing public safety concerns.[141] The installation became especially contentious after white supremacists started yelling "1488" to the camera and because of increased "loitering" in the area around the museum,[142] with the museum receiving threats of violence.[139] The artists, meanwhile, said that the museum had "bowed to political pressure" in ceasing their involvement with the project, adding that there had been no incidents of violence that they were aware of. More than a million people viewed the live-stream before it was shut down.[142] The exhibit relocated on February 18, 2017, to a wall outside the El Rey Theater in Albuquerque, New Mexico.[143]

Women's March

Demonstrators on Pennsylvania Avenue participating in the Women's March on Washington

The Women's March on Washington was a January 21 protest in Washington, D.C. that attracted about 597,000 people to Independence Ave & Third St. to protest Donald Trump's first full day in office. Simultaneous protests drew large crowds across all 50 US states, and on all seven continents.[144][145][146] There was an estimated 3.3 to 4.6 million people involved in the march across the country, making it the largest protest in United States history.[16][147]

Professor Erica Chenoweth contends that the Women's March shows signs of the beginning of a successful movement.[16] Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist, also feels that the protests help successfully create a movement.[148] Nelini Stamp, a director in the Working Families Party has also seen the protests taking place after the inauguration as the creation of a "national protest movement."[149]

Airport protests

Thousands of protesters showed up at the John F. Kennedy International Airport on January 28, 2017, to protest the detainment of refugees and visitors from countries blocked by Trump's Executive Order 13769.[150] The protest prompted dozens of further protests at airports across the nation and other locations.

Bodega protests

On February 2, Yemeni business owners in New York City closed their stores and bodegas simultaneously between noon and 8pm.[151] More than 1,000 businesses participated in the strike.[152] The closures were in protest of the travel ban or executive order 13769.[153] Later, at Brooklyn Borough Hall, there was a peaceful demonstration and at 5:15 pm, Muslims at the rally conducted a large Maghrib on the steps of Borough Hall.[152]

Protests on February 4, 2017

San Francisco City Hall protest

On February 4, thousands of protesters marched on Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump was attending a fundraiser for the International Red Cross.[154] In New York City, thousands from the LGBTQ community gathered at the historic Stonewall Inn in a show of solidarity with immigrant communities and those affected by Trump's travel ban.[155] Thousands of people in San Francisco participated in a peaceful protest against Trump taking place outside San Francisco City Hall.[156] Protests also took place in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles.[157] In Canada, thousands gathered outside the U.S. consulate in Toronto to protest against Islamophobia and Trump's ban.[158] Thousands of U.K. citizens also took to the streets in protest of the travel ban and Theresa May's invitation to Trump for a state visit.[159]

Protests on the weekend of February 11, 2017

Protests occurred internationally on February 11 and February 12, 2017. On Ocean Beach in San Francisco, on February 11, thousands joined together to spell "RESIST !!"[160] The words could be read from the sky and an estimated 4,600 to 5,600 people were involved.[161] In Edinburgh, a large protest against Trump took place and was organized by the group, Scotland Against Trump.[162] Thousands attended the Scotland protest, which also included speeches and was peaceful in nature.[163] In Prague, many United States expatriates and Czech citizens marched in through the city center on February 11.[164] In North Carolina, a "Moral March on Raleigh" took place on February 11, and was led by the North Carolina NAACP in support of LGBT rights and against Trump.[165] Protests across Mexico took place in 18 cities on February 12.[166] The Mexican protests were not against Americans, but against Trump's policies, with some protests also criticising the Mexican government.[166] In Mexico City, around 20,000 people marched on Paseo de la Reforma.[167] In Mexico City, two groups organized the protests, Vibra México and Mexicanos Unidos.[168] Protestors were against the treatment of immigrants by the Trump administration and many were against the proposed border wall.[167] Other cities in Mexico that had protests on February 12 included Tijuana, Monterrey, Mérida and Morelia.[169]

Day Without Immigrants

Day Without Immigrants protesters in Washington, D.C.

A protest and boycott took place on February 16, 2017, to demonstrate the importance of immigration,[170][171] and to protest President Donald Trump's plans to build a border wall and to potentially deport millions of illegal immigrants.[172] The strike called for immigrants not to go to work, to avoid spending money, and keep children home from school.[173]

Resist Trump Tuesdays

Protesters have organized demonstrations, rallies and other activities nationwide.[174][175][176] These Tuesday protests are scheduled to take place during Trump's first 100 days.[177]

Not My Presidents Day

Not My Presidents Day demonstrators en route to the White House, Washington, D.C.

Not My Presidents Day was a series of Anti-Trump protests organized throughout the United States on February 20, 2017, coinciding with Washington's Birthday, the American federal holiday also known as Presidents' Day.[178][179][180][181] Organizers of the protest stated that while Trump was literally the president, they wanted to show that he did not represent their values.[182][183] Organizers also said that they chose to rally on President's Day in order to honor presidents of the past by exercising their rights to assembly and protest peacefully.[184]

United Voices Rally

The United Talent Agency (UTA) cancelled its normal annual Oscars party and hosted a "Voices United" rally on February 24, 2017 which drew around 2,000 people.[185] Jodie Foster, Michael J. Fox, Wilmer Valderrama and Keegan-Michael Key were featured speakers.[186] Other speakers included California Lieutenant Governor, Gavin Newsom, the CEO of UTA, Jeremy Zimmer and Reza Aslan.[187] The rally condemned the travel ban, the Trump administration's immigration and health reforms and called the political climate one of "fanaticism and nationalism."[188] The rally helped raise $320,000 for the ACLU and the International Rescue Committee.[185]

A Day Without a Woman

The organizers of the 2017 Women's March called for women to not work on March 8, 2017—International Women's Day—in a general strike against Trump administration policy.[189][190] Protests were much smaller than the January 21 demonstrations, with the organization of the protests criticized for potentially revealing a "gap between white, privileged women and minority, lower-paid women, who may not be able to afford a day off from work and could lose their jobs".[191]

Tax March

Tax March protesters at the U.S. Capitol

This protest (also known as the Tax Day March and Trump's Tax Day) was held in over 150 cities in the US on April 15, 2017, to pressure Trump to release his tax returns.[192][193] Some Americans have stated that they will not pay their federal income taxes in protest of Trump's administration.[194]

March for Science

The March for Science occurred on Earth Day, April 22, 2017.[195][196] The protest was based upon support for and the funding of science, diversity, and governmental policies based upon science.[197] The march was also based upon opposition to the Trump administration's "...plans to delete climate change data and gag scientists", and the administration's climate change denial.[198] Organizers have stated that they have significant concerns about the Trump administration's views regarding climate change and energy policy, among other matters.[197]

People's Climate March

Protests on May 1, 2017

Immigrants' rights activists planned protests against Trump's immigration policies on May 1, 2017.[199][200] Thousands turned out for demonstrations held in numerous cities throughout the US, including Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C.[201] Protesters against deportation also held a sit-in at the office of Texas governor Greg Abbott, and blocked the driveway of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in San Francisco.[202] Teachers who were working without contracts picketed outside schools in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia,[202] and an estimated 50 immigrant-owned businesses in the Boston area closed for the day.[203]

In Portland, Oregon, a planned protest turned into what police called a riot, resulting in at least three arrests.[204] Police also made two arrests at a protest in Seattle, and dispersed a group of protesters in Olympia, Washington.[204] In New York City, twelve protesters were arrested for civil disobedience after blocking the entrance to the Manhattan JPMorgan building.[205] In Oakland, California, four people were arrested for trespassing at an Alameda County government building.[206]

Protest on May 4, 2017

On May 4, 2017, a thousand demonstrators gathered in Manhattan to protest Trump's first return home since his inauguration.[207] The protesters demonstrated near the USS Intrepid, where Trump was attending a gala. He left the city that night without visiting Trump Tower, later tweeting that he would spend the weekend in Bedminster, New Jersey "rather than causing a big disruption in NYC".[208][209]

Protest on May 24, 2017

About 6,000 people protested in Brussels, Belgium during Trump's visit with the prime minister and royal family on May 24, 2017.[210]

Protests against the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

Protesters gathered at the White House gates on June 1, 2017, following Trump's announcement that the U.S. will be withdrawing from the Paris Agreement.[211] Bill Nye "The Science Guy" was one of the protesters in attendance.[212] The John A. Wilson Building in D.C. was lit in green in protest of the decision,[213] as were One World Trade Center, the Kosciuszko Bridge and New York City Hall in New York City, Boston City Hall, Montreal City Hall, the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, and the Monumento a la Revolución and the Angel of Independence in Mexico City.[214][215] Protests also occurred in New York City,[216] Miami,[217] San Diego,[218] and Syracuse.[219]

In contrast, dozens of people showed up on Saturday, June 3, 2017, for a 'Pittsburgh not Paris' flash mob rally at the White House to demonstrate support for Trump and his decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement.[220][221]

March for Truth

Nationwide March for Truth protests were held on June 3, which called for a fair and impartial investigation into Russian involvement and collusion in the 2016 Presidential election and any connection to American citizens. The marches also called for Donald Trump to release his tax returns for a more transparent understanding of his assets abroad.[222][223]

Impeachment March

Demonstrations occurred nationwide on July 2, 2017, demanding that Congress begin the impeachment process against Trump. Organizers alleged he has violated the Foreign Emoluments Clause and the Domestic Emoluments Clause, as well as committed obstruction of justice in his dismissal of Sally Yates and James Comey.[224][225] Thousands of protesters turned out for marches in Los Angeles and San Francisco,[226][227] and hundreds attended a march in San Diego.[228] Protests in Chicago and Atlanta each drew about 50 demonstrators,[229][230] and another in Ann Arbor, Michigan drew an estimated 100-150 demonstrators.[231]

Visit to Poland

On July 6, 2017 Razem, a Polish left-wing political party, organized a protest during Donald Trump's visit to Poland. Protesters were dressed as handmaids from Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale, as a symbol of women's rights being endangered both in Poland and the United States.[232] [233] [234] [235]

Proposed legislation to curb protests

Recent protests, including those against the presidency of Donald Trump, have also led to some state legislatures creating various anti-protest bills which the ACLU calls unconstitutional.[236] Many of these bills have been created by Republican lawmakers.[237] By late February 2017, legislators in at least 18 states proposed legislation to curtail specific protest tactics, impose more severe penalties for protest tactics prohibited by existing law, or publicly discussed such proposals[238] and by mid May the number had risen to 20.[239] Some of the bills include high penalties, such as large fines and jail time, for blocking interstates or obstructing "economic activity."[240] A bill in Minnesota would allow the police to sue demonstrators for the cost of policing protests.[240] The bill proposed in Tennessee would allow anyone who injures a protester with their car "civil immunity" as long as the driver was not being reckless.[47] The proposed bill in Indiana would allow law enforcement to "use any means necessary" to clear people who block traffic.[241] Republican lawmaker J. D. Mesnard said that these laws are "not about limiting people's rights."[242]

Through June of 2017, the only law that was clearly a reaction to anti-Trump protests to pass was one in Arkansas, which was then vetoed by the governor. North Dakota passed a law outlawing the wearing of masks in public forums, but this may have been more a reaction to anti-oil pipeline protests. Oklahoma's new anti-protest laws were clearly a reaction to this type of disruption that would undermine the state's economy.[243]


Protests after Trump's inauguration have helped energize progressives in the Democratic Party, according to Ace Smith, a strategist for the party.[244] According to the Los Angeles Times, "Protesters have quickened the outrage metabolism among members of Congress, encouraged disruptive tactics [...] and mostly ended the argument within the congressional caucuses over whether Democrats should work with Trump on occasion rather than universally oppose him."[244] Ben Wikler, a director for, commented that it feels as if grassroots energy has exploded like a volcano.[63] Democrats in Georgia have seen an increase in political activism, which the party would like to see continue.[245] In addition, socialist organizations have seen a spike in membership.[246] Town hall meetings have had increased attendance.[149] Some Republicans have avoided having town halls because of the large attendance rates.[66] Victoria Kaplan of calls this avoidance a sign that the protests are having an impact.[66] Trump has become a common enemy for many different liberal and progressive groups who are now working together.[149] Tom Perez, the new head of the Democratic Party, has promised to bring more grassroots and anti-Trump action to the party.[247]

Groups on the left side of the political spectrum that have not always worked well together have started focusing less on their differences and more on a common enemy in Trump.[248] In addition, economic sectors that have not normally been politically active, like the tech industry, have seen a surge in activism.[249]

Conservative districts have been confronting Republican congressmen about their voting records and their stances on the Affordable Care Act (ACA).[148]

Meetup, which had for 15 years only allowed the creation of non-partisan groups, has chosen to allow over 1,000 "#resist" groups which are free to join and run.[70]

Protesters, many of whom are making their own signs, have raised sales in items such as poster board and markers. Between January 15 and January 21, 2017, people in America spent $4.1 million in poster board.[250] PepsiCo released an ad in April 2017 which used the imagery of anti-Trump protests and Kendall Jenner to sell Pepsi.[251] The ad was criticized by Elle for appropriating imagery of the resistance against Trump and the policies of his administration.[252] The ad also evoked imagery from the Black Lives Matter movement and was eventually pulled by PepsiCo.[253]

See also



  1. O'Brien, Keith (March 13, 2016). "Inside the Protest That Stopped the Trump Rally". Politico. Retrieved March 20, 2016.
  2. Moreno, Cynthia (April 30, 2016). "State Republicans still looking to attract Latino voters". Vida en el Valle. Retrieved May 1, 2016.
  3. "'Shut Down Trump!': Mass show of force in Burlingame, Calif.". Liberation. Retrieved May 1, 2016.
  4. "Anti-Trump Protesters Tangle With Drivers, Police In Costa Mesa". CBS Los Angeles. April 28, 2016. Retrieved May 4, 2016.
  5. Gralia, Joan (March 19, 2015). "Anti-Trump demonstrators rally in Manhattan". Newsday. Retrieved March 20, 2016.
  6. Gilbert, David (November 11, 2016). "Hate crime reports emerge at schools and universities in wake of Trump's election". Vice News. Retrieved November 12, 2016.
  8. 1 2 "San Jose protesters attack Trump supporters with punches, egg". Fox News. June 3, 2016. Retrieved June 3, 2016.
  9. Bellware, Kim (March 11, 2016). "Donald Trump Rally In Chicago Canceled After Protesters Turn Out In Droves". Huffington Post. Retrieved March 12, 2016.
  10. "Donald Trump Speaks at Campaign Rally in Dallas". NBC DFW. Retrieved June 17, 2016.
  11. "Inauguration Protesters and Police Clash on Washington’s Streets". NY Times. Retrieved April 23, 2017.
  12. "The Psychology of Effective Protest".
  13. Broomfield, Matt (January 22, 2017). "Anti-Trump protesters charged with ‘felony rioting’ face 10-year jail sentences". The Independent.
  14. Merle, Renae; Berman, Mark; Gold, Matea (November 11, 2016). "Anti-Trump protest turns to riot as thousands across United States vent anger over election result". National Post.
  15. Murphy, Brian; Schmidt, Samantha (November 12, 2016). "Anti-Trump protesters take to the street in many cities for a third night". The Washington Post.
  16. 1 2 3 Waddell, Kaveh. "The Exhausting Work of Tallying America's Largest Protest". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2017-02-08.
  17. 1 2 Cassidy, John (March 13, 2016). "The Chicago Anti-Trump Protest Was Only the Beginning". The New Yorker. Retrieved March 13, 2016.
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