Truly Strong Universities

The "Truly Strong Universities" (Japanese: 本当に強い大学, Hepburn: Hontōni Tsuyoi Daigaku) is a ranking of Japan’s top 100 universities by publisher Toyo Keizai released annually in its business magazine of the same name. "Toyo Keizai" means "Oriental Economy".

There are several lists ranking Japanese universities, often called Hensachi, with most measuring them by their entrance difficulty, or by their alumni's successes. The Hensachi Rankings have been most commonly used as a reference for a university's rank.[1]

Given this context, "Truly Strong Universities" (TSU) is a unique ranking system which ranks Japanese universities using eleven multidimensional indicators related to financial strength, education and research quality, and graduate prospects. It does not include any indicator of entrance difficulty. The system attempts to evaluate the university's strengths and the performance of its alumni, rather than students' prior academic abilities, or the brand of the college.


Toyo Keizai first published the "TSU" rankings in 2000.[2] Its initial aim was to analyze private universities as companies, and conduct a financial analysis of them, which had rarely been attempted before by other mass-media. It also tried to focus on a practical point of view such as business-academia collaboration, students' academic achievements, and career support.

In 2004, the ranking system was reorganized with more multidimensional factors to capture universities not only as business organizations but also as educational and research institutions. In 2005, the report began to analyze national universities; they have been included in the rankings since 2006.


The "TSU" ranking is designed to assess a university's strength as an organization. It uses eleven indicators in three categories. The eleven indicators contribute equally to the rankings after the calculation of standardized scores. "TSU" picked 181 major Japanese universities for its evaluation.[3]

Financial strength

The financial strength concept consists of "Applicants' increasing ratio (%)", "Recurring profit margin (%)", "External fund gaining ratio (%)" and "Capital adequacy ratio (%)".

Education and research quality

Education and research quality is measured using "Spendings for education and research per income (%)", "Number of GP gainings", "Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (million yen)" and "Student/faculty ratio (%)".

Graduate prospects

Graduate prospects are evaluated using "Employment rate (%)", "Number of alumni as executives in listed companies in Japan" and "Average graduate salary at 30 years old (million yen)".


As Toyo Keizai is one of 3 Japan's leading business magazines, this ranking system is well known in Japan. When it is released, several news resources frequently report the rankings, and many universities announce their ranking.[4][5][6] In fact, sales of the magazine are higher than usual when the ranking is released.[2] Toyo Keizai stated it has received many responses from readers.[2]

Rankings such as Employment Rate and Average Graduate Salary, which is more practical for students than the overall rankings, is often cited.[4]

University of TokyoNational11111111
Waseda UniversityPrivate55667632
Keio UniversityPrivate22233323
Kyoto UniversityNational34322254
Tohoku UniversityNational76786775
Osaka UniversityNational43455446
Nagoya UniversityNational-15-118967
Toyota Technological InstitutePrivate675445108
Kyushu UniversityNational148812151089
Hokkaido UniversityNational910141011121010
Tokyo Institute of TechnologyNational81313-981211
Hitotsubashi UniversityNational111817712111312
Chiba UniversityNational1817----1513
University of TsukubaNational15-1619--1714
Meiji UniversityPrivate-19-----15
Akita International UniversityPublic----16-1416
Kobe UniversityNational-12101318141817
Tokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyNational20------18
Sophia UniversityPrivate-------18
Tokyo University of Foreign StudiesNational--20----20
Gunma University of Health and WelfarePrivate----12---
Nagoya City UniversityPublic13-129----
Aomori Chuo Gakuin UniversityPrivate------9-
Juntendo UniversityPrivate----161319-
Wakayama Medical UniversityPublic----19---
Jikei University School of MedicinePrivate----20---
Osaka City UniversityPublic---14-19--
Kitasato UniversityPrivate-9915----
Sōka UniversityPrivate17--161415--
Jichi Medical UniversityPrivate-----16--
Kochi University of TechnologyPublic-----18--
Tokyo Dental CollegePublic-----20--
Tokai UniversityPrivate-----16--
Gifu UniversityNational---17----
University of MiyazakiNational---18----
Hiroshima UniversityNational16201520----
Musashino UniversityPrivate10-------
Tohoku Fukushi UniversityPrivate-16------
Kwansei Gakuin UniversityPrivate--11-----
Tokyo Denki UniversityPrivate----10---
Doshisha UniversityPrivate121418-----
Shibaura Institute of TechnologyPrivate--19-----
Meikai UniversityPrivate------16-
Tsuda CollegePrivate-11------
Tokyo Medical UniversityPrivate------20-
Kanazawa Institute of TechnologyPrivate19-------


Toyo Keizai admitted that the ranking system has three main problems.[2] First, the ranking has a tendency to be affected by single-year factors such as the gain of capital by the sale of assets. Because of this, it is recommended that readers look at the ranking of each university over the course of several years. Second, the value of university's brand is not reflected in the rankings. For this reason, some prestigious universities are unfairly placed in low positions. Third, there are no individual categories, such as private or public schools. As such, the universities' individual characteristics and strengths are not adequately considered. Furthermore, the total amount spent per student does not include labor costs, thereby improperly evaluating the Liberal Arts Colleges which spend significant amounts on labor (e.g. International Christian University).[15]


  1. 増田 晶文 "大学は学生に何ができるか" 2003
  2. 1 2 3 4
  4. 1 2 E.g. Nagoya University of Commerce of Business
  5. E.g. Kinki University
  6. E.g. Kyushu Institute of Technology
  7. "本当に強い大学ランキング/東大が3年連続首位、豊田工大、武蔵野大が躍進--財務・教育・就職の総合力で大学を評価". Toyo Keizai. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  8. "本当に強い大学ランキング【2009年版】 東大が4連覇、資金・就職力で光る豊田工大。名大、お茶の水が急伸--財務・教育・就職で実力を総合評価". Toyo Keizai. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  9. "本当に強い大学【2010年版】総合ランキング・トップ100--東大5連覇、京大が阪大を逆転、関学躍進". Toyo Keizai. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  10. "本当に強い大学【2011年版】総合ランキング・トップ100--教育力・就職力・財務力で独自ランキング". Toyo Keizai. Retrieved 15 February 2017.
  11. "2013年版「大学ランキング」トップ300". Toyo Keizai. Retrieved 16 February 2017.
  12. "最新版「大学ランキング」トップ300". Toyo Keizai. Retrieved 16 February 2017.
  13. "経済誌がみた「本当に強い大学」". 英才個別学院 梅島校. Retrieved 18 February 2017.
  14. "週刊東洋経済 臨時増刊 本当に強い大学". Fujisan Magazine Service Co., Ltd. Retrieved 18 February 2017.

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