Trilogy of Natural Ease

The Trilogy of Finding Comfort and Ease (ngal gso skor gsum, Sanskrit Mahāsaṃdhi viśrānta trayāya nāma, literally "The Trilogy called Reposing (viśrānta) in the Great Perfection") is a trilogy of Dzogchen writings by Longchen Rabjam:

The logic of their sequence

Longchenpa's commentary on the trilogy as a whole, entitled An Ocean of Fine Explanation: An Overview of the Trilogy of Comfort and Ease (ngal gso skor gsum gyi spyi don Legs bshad rgya mtsho) says:


All three parts translated in:

Part 2 (bsam gtan ngal gso) also translated in:

Part 3 (sgyu ma ngal gso) is also translated in:

Further reading


  1. The Excellent Path to Enlightenment (Avabodhi-supathā mahāsandhi-cittāvishrāntasya trsthānādams trikshemānām arthanayanam vijahāram). Translated by Khenpo Gawang Rinpoche and Gerry Winer. Jewelled Lotus 2014
  2. The Practice of Dzogchen, translated by Tulku Thondup, Snow Lion, 2nd edition 1996, pages 303-315
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