Union of Trekking Travels Rafting Workers Nepal

Full name Union of Trekking Travels Rafting Workers Nepal
Founded 1994 (1983/4 as Trekking Workers Association of Nepal)
Members 5,000
Affiliation GEFONT, IUF
Office location Kathmandu, Nepal
Country Nepal
Website http://web.archive.org/web/20090113012317/http://www.unitrav.org:80/

The Union of Trekking Travels Rafting Workers Nepal (UNITRAV) is a Nepali trade union founded in 1994. The organisation was originally constituted as the Trekking Workers Association of Nepal (TWAN) in 1984, a structure adopted as trade unions were illegal during the rule of the absolute monarchy. TWAN was a founding member of the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) in 1989.

UNITRAV organise workers in the trekking sector, such as guides and porters, as well as in the travel, rafting, airline and cargo sectors. Decision-making in the union is conducted through an executive committee, which includes representatives from each of the sectors UNITRAV organises.

President - Shiva Bhakta Thapa and Secretary- Suman Parajuli. This newly 22 members committee elected by 10th national congress held in Kathmandu on December 2009.

In June 2007, UNITRAV's 5th congress was held in Pokhara.[1] On 23 May 2008, UNITRAV member Dorje Khatri raised the union's flag atop Mount Everest (Sagarmatha).[2]


  1. "Unitrav committee elected by the 5th western regional conference". UNITRAV. Retrieved 22 July 2010.
  2. "Congratulation: Dorje Scaled Mt. Everest again". GEFONT. 6 June 2008. Retrieved 22 July 2010.
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