
Totopotomoi (c. 1615–1656), often spelled Totopotomoy (and pronounced To-POT-omy) was the son of the Wyanoke Weroance "Nectowance" of the Powhatan Confederacy, succeeding Nectowance for the Chief of Pamunkey and Werowance of the Powhatan Confederacy for the term lasting from 1646 until 1657 when he died in the Battle of Bloody Run. He was married to Cockacoeske, sister of Chief Powhatan and the father of Capt John West d. 1717 born in Glouchester, VR = ydna IS25519 per FTDNA. He became the Chief of the Powhatan Confederacy tribe in 1649 when he succeeded Nectowance as chief sometime after the death of Opechancanough. Opechancanough Werowance position via his wife Cleopatra Powhatan, being the sister of Pocahontas, passed to Cockacoeske at the death of Totopotomoi, another reason for the likelihood that they were married. Contemporary accounts by the English usually spell his name Totopotomy and Totopotomy Creek in Hanover and Stafford counties memorializes his Indian name. Totopotomoi has been disproven to be Toby West because his son's y dna differs from the De La Warr -( see FTDNA West Family Ydna Project) and because he had a trip to England; owned different land; paid for 10 headrights; and, signed on the right side with the De La Warrs when signing in learned calligraphy as TobyW West, instead of on the left hand side with the Native who marked their X in the Treaty of 1645. There is the line of Succession that promotes the view that Totopotomoy was the son of Nectowance. To those who have said that Totopotomoy may be the son of "Rachel" Powhattan, cousin of Pocahontas, and Thomas West, third Lord de la Warr because of land that Totopotomoi passed to Capt John West, d. 1717 that originated from 500 acres granted to Totopotomoi; that is not a primary source. Besides which, that land came from a grant through Col John West II who was a known partner of Cockacoeske. Toby West can not be Totopotomoi if it is true that Totopotomoi is the most likely father of Cockacoeske's only documented child, that being Capt John West, d. 1717 who received the land of Totopotomoi and left VR for Chowan Co, NC in 1692.

Totopotomoi's community controlled the modern area of New Kent including that part of New Kent which is now Hanover. After the death of Opechancanough the once mighty chiefdom had disintegrated and the English had grown much stronger in the Virginia Colony. He became a staunch ally of the English and often sided with them in conflicts. The allied Monacan and Manahoac confederacies were constantly at war with the Powhatan and the Iroquois who were their mortal enemies. After banding into a league late in the sixteenth century, the powerful Iroquois began a gradual descent upon these weaker tribes of the south, annihilating some and causing others to flee, and eventually to merge for protection.

About 1656, six or seven hundred members of the Shackoconian tribe of the Manahoac confederacy in search of a new dwelling place, moved down near the falls of the James River. In an attempt to remove them the English Colonists, joined by the Pamunkey Tribe under Totopotomoi, precipitated what was perhaps the bloodiest Native American battle ever fought on the soil of Virginia, and the last great fight between the Siouan and the Algonquian tribes. Colonel Edward Hill was put in command of the Colonial Rangers and ordered to dislodge them. He was reinforced by Totopotomoi, with 100 warriors.

The resulting battle known as the Battle of Bloody Run took place at a point in the eastern limits of present-day Richmond, Virginia, now known as Bloody Run spring. So many were slain in the battle, (Totopotomoi being among them) that the tradition is that the streamlet from the spring ran with blood. Hill was so disgraced that he had to personally pay for the cost of the battle and was stripped of his rank.

Totopotomoi's widow Cockacoeske then became the Weroance of the Powhatan Confederacy. Over the thirty-year span of her leadership, she worked within the English system to recapture the former power of Opechancanough and maintain a peaceful unity among the several tribes under her control. The Powhatan, who had suffered even more at the hands of the English than at those of the Iroquois, became by 1665 mere dependents of the colony, submissive to the stringent laws enacted that year, which compelled them to accept chiefs appointed by the governor. After the Treaty of Albany in 1684, the Powhatan Confederacy all but vanished.

Preceded by
Opecanconough til 1618; Opichapum til 1630 (died 1646); Necotowance til 1646 (died 1647)
Weroance of the Pamunkey
Succeeded by


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