

Tlacateotl in the Codex Xolotl, with his name glyph (top) and the glyph for Tlatelolco (right).
Died 1427/8
Spouse(s) Queen Xiuhtomiyauhtzin
Queen Xiuhcanahualtzin
Children Tezozomoctli
Parent(s) King Quaquapitzahuac
Queen Acxocueitl

Tlacateotl (or Tlacateotzin) (? - 1427/8) was the second Tlatoani of the Aztec city of Tlatelolco from 1417 until his death.


Under his rule the Tlatelolcas continued to expand their wealth and influence within the valley of Mexico. Through trade and tribute, the city's market grew to include trade in wool, jade and quetzal feathers. Tlacateotl also ordered the removal of sculptures from the ruins of Tula to decorate the growing city.

His reign ended in 1427/8 during the succession struggle in Azcapotzalco between Tayatzin and Maxtla. He is recorded as having been stoned to death while traveling by canoe. Maxtla is commonly assumed to have ordered the murder, possibly due to a suspected affair between Tlacateotl and Maxtla's wife. He was succeeded by his grandson, Quauhtlatoa.[1]


He succeeded his father, Quaquapitzahuac, upon his death in 1417. He was a brother of the queens Matlalatzin and Huacaltzintli and grandson of the famous king Tezozomoc. He was also a cousin of Emperor Chimalpopoca and uncle of the prince Tezozomoc.

He was a father of the kings Tezozomoctli and Itzquauhtzin and grandfather of Quauhtlatoa. His wives were called Xiuhtomiyauhtzin and Xiuhcanahualtzin (this one was Tlacateotl's aunt).


  1. Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo (2008). "Breve historia de Tlatelolco". Arqueología Mexicana. XV - 89: 31.


Preceded by
King of Tlatelolco
Succeeded by
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