List of ''Daria'' characters

This is a list of characters featured in MTV's animated series Daria (1997–2002).

Main characters

Daria Morgendorffer

Daria Morgendorffer (first appearance: Episode #1, "Esteemsters"). Daria is voiced by Tracy Grandstaff. As the title character, Daria is present in every episode and central to almost every plot. Cynical, pessimistic and sardonic to a terminal degree, Daria's intellect and academic insight is often counterbalanced by her pronounced lack of motivation. Although Daria has been involved in school activities and social events, it usually takes bribery from her parents, threats upon her grades by Principal Li, or cajoling by either Jodie Landon (at school) or Jane Lane (in social situations) to enlist her participation. Her trademark characteristic is that she rarely changes her facial expression or the tone of her voice, except for a small satisfied smile akin to the Mona Lisa's when she is pleased, and sometimes a high-pitched "Eep!" sound when something is suggested or hinted that involves Jane's brother Trent. In the later episodes, she was more frequently drawn as sad when under emotional stress. Bemused by the world around her, Daria usually reacts to the stupidity of her classmates, faculty and family with a caustic remark, and only lets her emotions show in times of deep frustration. In Season 3 Episode #8, "Lane Miserables," Jane discloses to Jake Morgendorffer that Daria is seventeen and 5'2". In her spare time, Daria likes to write, but she is generally reluctant to make her work public. [1]

Quinn Morgendorffer

Quinn Morgendorffer (first appearance: Episode #1, "Esteemsters"). Quinn is voiced by Wendy Hoopes. Daria's shallow, materialistic and vain younger sister and school diva.[2] She is a member of Lawndale High School's Fashion Club.[3] Quinn's only interests are fashion and dating, and she holds a Vice Presidency in Lawndale High's self-appointed Fashion Club. Polar opposites, she and Daria rarely agreed on anything (except to disagree) for most of the series, and Quinn is so ashamed of being her sister that she claimed status in her social life as an only child, variously referring to Daria as her cousin, a distant relative, or just "that girl who lives at my house". Quinn is occasionally hinted at as having high intelligence but simply disguising it. This intelligence begins to really manifest itself during her tutorial sessions in Is It Fall Yet? The final two seasons show a growth of her character, becoming gradually less superficial and more individualistic and intelligent. Quinn also begins to reconcile with her sister (going so far as to tell her entire class that Daria is her sister in "Lucky Strike", season 5), and by the end of the series she and Daria show some mutual respect. John J. O'Connor of The New York Times describes Quinn as "ever-so-cute and empty-headed" and states that she becomes "an instant star" at her school.[4] Anita Gates of The New York Times says that Quinn is "terminally cute" and popular.[3] Quinn, described by John Allemang of The Globe and Mail as "silly" and "boy-crazy", pretends that she is not related to Daria.[5] Gates said that Quinn is, for Daria, "the greatest burden on the home front."[3] Quinn Morgendorffer was considered a relatively sexually conservative character, Glenn Eichler says, "She was all about attracting guys, not acting on it."

In regards to both of Daria's parents, Gates said "The Morgendorffers don't even seem to notice that Daria constantly gives them lip."[3]

Helen Morgendorffer

Helen Morgendorffer (first appearance: Episode #1, "Esteemsters"). Helen is voiced by Wendy Hoopes. Daria and Quinn's mother, a workaholic corporate attorney and the family's principal wage earner. A former hippie, she and Jake lived with a colony of other hippies prior to officially getting married. After "outgrowing" her hippie years, she "sold out" and went to law school. She has a strained relationship with her two sisters, Amy and Rita, both of whom share similar personality traits with Helen's two daughters. She feels guilty about not being able to spend more time with her family, but as an attorney, is unable to do so. At a corporate retreat, the competitive and self-absorbed traits that Helen worries are so alienating to her family are the same traits that appear to put her on a fast track to a partnership (in the episode "Psycho Therapy"). At times it seems as if Helen's primary tactic as a parent is negotiation with Daria and Quinn. However, Helen does provide solid advice for Daria regarding school work (in "Write Where it Hurts") and her love life (in "Dye! Dye! My Darling"). She also supports Daria when she finds out that Li coerced Daria into making a poster and then altering it and then threatening to punish her and Jane for changing it again ("Arts & Crass"); when Helen threatens to sue the school over their treatment of Daria, it elicits one of Daria's rare smiles. Gates said that Helen is "a cell-phone-addicted workaholic lawyer."[3] In one scene, when Helen says "There's no course that can teach you to be a perfect mother," Daria responds "That's obvious."[3] Gates says that "nobody sends [Daria] to her room."[3]

Jake Morgendorffer

Jake Morgendorffer (first appearance: Episode #1, "Esteemsters"). Jake is voiced by Julián Rebolledo. Daria and Quinn's neurotic, long-suffering, but well-meaning father. He had a strict military father, "Mad Dog" Morgendorffer, who has died and an emotionally distant mother, Ruth, and because of this tends to have mood swings and go off on rants about his childhood. His efforts to run a consulting business from home are generally unsuccessful. Despite good-hearted attempts at parenting and a genuine love for his wife and daughters, Jake is quick to blame others (such as clients, his own deceased father, and various public servants) and becomes inordinately angry over minor setbacks. When he talks up the subpar college he attended because he's sure Daria will attend there (not aware that Daria's academic brilliance will ensure she ends up at a much better school), Helen wearily notes that Jake holds onto illusions about his life so he doesn't have to face and be ruined by the facts. Like Mr. DeMartino, he appears caught in his own personal "black hole", utterly unable to see the world beyond the self-imposed terms of his perpetual victimhood, ignorance and anxiety. Gates said that Jake, "[h]er misguided father, who viewers learned in one episode was actually at Altamont (it was sort of the violent Woodstock), is usually oblivious" and that "[h]e suffers from road rage and, when the pesto doesn't go right, stove rage."[3]

Jane Lane

Jane Lane (first appearance: Episode #1, "Esteemsters"). Jane is voiced by Wendy Hoopes. Daria's artistic best friend and fellow outcast, as well as the youngest of the five Lane siblings. While sharing some of Daria's misanthropic views and attitudes, Jane is much more lively and well adjusted than her best friend.[4] In the episode "The F Word", Jane's response to an assignment to try something at which she thought she'd fail was to try to become a popular cheerleader. She did so effortlessly, but quickly became disgusted with the "in crowd" and returned to her old self. Jane also flirts with mainstream acceptance when she joins the track team, but quits after her teammates insult Daria ("See Jane Run"). Living with her older brother Trent (see below), she manages to stay completely functional and content with life despite a complete absence of parental guidance or even presence. Aside from her friendship with Daria, her major defining characteristic is her artistic talent, for which she strives desperately to maintain her integrity, even going so far as to vandalize her art when a caption is changed for a school contest ("Arts N Crass") and to quit making replicas for money after realizing the negative impact upon her creativity ("Art Burn"). Jane likes to make postmodern art, and Jane and Daria's favorite TV show is "Sick, Sad World."[4] Anita Gates of The New York Times says that Jane "knows all of Daria's peculiarities and still loves her" and that "the absolute proof that Jane is a good friend is that she knows how Daria feels about Trent and will never, ever tell."[3]

Secondary characters

Trent Lane

Trent Lane (first appearance: Episode #1.02, "The Invitation") — Jane's older brother by five years, the second youngest child in the family, and the only other Lane still permanently residing in the Lane household. He wears spiky hair and plays in a band called Mystik Spiral.[3] A nice, laid-back slacker, designed to be the stereotypical Generation X slacker of the 1990s, he does not say whether he graduated from high school, and he drives the 'Trentmobile', a rickety 1973 Plymouth Satellite coupe. He sings and plays lead guitar in his band, with a running gag being that Trent will always mention that they're "thinking of changing the name" yet never do. He was also Daria's romantic interest for the first three seasons and, although he was aware of her feelings, it was never made clear whether he reciprocated them to any degree. They had a sort of non-break-up break-up in the Season Three finale "Jane's Addition", when they discuss a class project where Trent failed to assist Daria and Jane, and it became an implicit acknowledgment that it wouldn't work out if they ever dated. Compared with sister Jane, he seems to have had a harder time adjusting to the lack of parental support in his life - as a child he once lived in a tent in the yard for six months waiting for someone to invite him back into the house. Despite his laziness, he does love and care about his little sister, and will do pretty much anything to help her or cheer her up. There have been a few occasions where Trent has helped mend fences between Daria and Jane, and it's strongly implied he knew what he was doing when he accomplished this. Trent's perpetual laziness is presented in almost every aspect of his personality, down to the tenor of his voice, which is provided by theatre actor Alvaro J. Gonzalez. Gates said that Daria's "silent intense crush" on Trent is her "only discernible weakness."[3]


Andrea (first appearance: Episode #1.01, "Esteemsters") — The Lawndale High token goth. Andrea's last name was never revealed on the show, but she was a relatively regular character, often appearing in a speaking role. She has a darkly nihilistic personality, as evidenced by her poetry, and works a parent-enforced part-time job as a stock clerk in a local warehouse store. When Daria & Jane visit the store where Andrea works, she is deeply fearful that they will discover her employment, and "cut her up" mercilessly. She is pleasantly surprised once the intimidating pair assure her that they understand her position. In the finale movie, Is It College Yet?, she is the only female student who actually takes a liking to Upchuck and ends up leaving a party with him, despite having previously emphatically spurned him. Andrea was voiced by Susie Lewis Lynn (seasons 1-3) and Janie Mertz (seasons 4 & 5).

Brittany Taylor

Brittany Taylor (first appearance: Episode #101, "Esteemsters") — Lawndale High's head cheerleader. Brittany embodies the stereotypes regarding blonde-haired girls. She has the trademark of an abysmally low intellect paired with an extremely high-pitched voice, which would frequently squeak in mid-sentence. Despite poor grades and a general lack of common sense, Brittany occasionally displays a modicum of intellectual depth, from devising a masterful battle strategy during a school-sponsored paintball game in "The Daria Hunter", to performing the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet in "Café Disaffecto", to making a powerful motivational speech to Daria when the latter was feeling hypocritical for being obsessed with her looks in "Through A Lens Darkly". Throughout the series, Brittany is romantically linked to Kevin, quarterback of the football team, although neither is completely faithful to the other. In the beginning of the series she tends to treat Daria and Jane with a degree of condescension but isn't cruel to them, while in later seasons she becomes one of the few people to talk to them regularly, recognizing their intelligence and taking their, often mean-spirited, advice. On the show, Brittany does, however, have a slight rivalry with Daria's younger sister, Quinn, over looks and popularity. Brittany was voiced by Janie Mertz. Brittany believes that Telltale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, which Daria reads in class, is, as stated by Anita Gates of The New York Times, "a Harlequin romance."[3]

Jodie Landon

Jodie Landon (first appearance: Episode #102, "The Invitation") — One of the few African-American students at Lawndale High, Jodie is the quintessential overachiever, pushed by her ambitious parents. She is constantly seeking involvement in extracurricular activities and finding other selling points for her college résumé even as she resents having to be "Queen of the Negroes" at school. Much of this drive is due to Jodie seeking to satisfy her parents' demanding expectations. In "The F Word,", she attempts to take a summer off but is informed by her parents that this would be unacceptable. Throughout the series, Jodie is romantically linked to fellow African-American student "Mack". She became friends with Daria and Jane and seems to admire the way Daria in particular says and does as she pleases, although at times seems exasperated by her bluntness and aversion to becoming involved in school activities. By the series' end, she is able to convince her parents to allow her to attend a historically African-American college instead of an Ivy League college where she was worried that she would have to continue presenting herself as "Miss Model Minority" like she did at Lawndale High, and remains happily together with Mack. Jodie was voiced by Jessica Cydnee Jackson.

Charles "Upchuck" Ruttheimer

Charles "Upchuck" Ruttheimer, III (first appearance: Episode #102, "The Invitation") — An obnoxious flirt with curly red hair and freckles, Charles propositions nearly every girl he meets, armed with the world's worst taste in (and largest arsenal of) come-ons. In "Daria Dance Party", it is revealed that Charles has two cousins who seem to be likable, and Daria and Jane like their company enough that they would have joined the cousins for a post-dance dinner if they hadn't learned that they were related to Charlesat which point they immediately fled. In "Life in the Past Lane", it is revealed that Charles practices magic tricks and hires Stacy (of the Fashion Club) to be his assistant, despite the other Fashion Club members not liking him. Charles emcees numerous school events. In Is It College Yet? goth Andrea becomes the first girl shown to be not put off by Charles. Charles was voiced by Marc Thompson (season 1) and Geoffrey Arend (seasons 2-5).

Kevin Thompson

Kevin Thompson (first appearance: Episode #.101, "Esteemsters") — The Lawndale High football team's quarterback and boyfriend to Brittany, although it's clear that neither are completely faithful to each other. Kevin fulfilled the stereotypical role of the dumb jock, displaying a dismally low ability to retain information and understand fundamental concepts. Kevin is profoundly stupid, tactless and insensitive, regularly insulting Daria even as he attempts to compliment her, although he almost never displays any genuine ill will towards anyone. Kevin's mother disapproves of his relationship with Brittany, fearing that he will impregnate Brittany and destroy his own future (as was the case with Kevin's own parents). In the series finale it is revealed that he failed his senior year and was held back while everyone else got to graduate, leaving his future with Brittany in jeopardy. Kevin was voiced by Marc Thompson.

Michael "Mack" Jordan MacKenzie

Michael "Mack" Jordan MacKenzie (first appearance: Episode #102, "The Invitation") — Jodie's boyfriend and another of the few black students at Lawndale High. He is more or less of comparable intelligence to Jodie and is the Lawndale High football team's captain. He is also the only student on the football team of notable intelligence and thus enjoys Daria's and Jane's respect. During their school years, fellow student Kevin would call him "Mack Daddy", a nickname he detestedand presumably still detests. His father changed his middle name from James to Jordan after attending a Chicago Bulls game. Mack was voiced by Delon Ferdinand (early season 1), Paul Williams (remainder of season 1 and season 2), Kevin Daniels (season 3), and Amir Williams (seasons 4-5). When asked why Mack is apparently free of character flaws, Glenn Eichler said that they were never satisfied with the voice casting for him and so the character was not fully developed. Anne Bernstein said that she found Mack the hardest character to write for.

Joey, Jeffy, and Jamie

Joey, Jeffy and Jamie (collectively known as "The Three J's") are three nearly-interchangeable high school students, all of whom have a crush on Quinn – which Quinn exploits to her advantage. The three constantly seek Quinn's attention and approval, usually by undermining one another and falling all over themselves to do or get whatever she even broadly hints that she wants. Despite their constant competition for Quinn's favors, which sometimes leads to fistfights, their friendship is never affected (at least, not for long), and the three are almost always seen together. Joey, Jeffy and Jamie are all members of the school's football team.

Quinn has occasionally used the three as fill-in dates when she can't find a "real" date. To Quinn, the three are simply a resource to be used. Although Quinn makes it clear she would never date any of them in episode #102 ("The Invitation"), they continued throughout the series to desperately try to win her over. Quinn chose alternately each of the three Js as her "steady" boyfriend (in "One J at a Time"), driven by the promise that having a steady boyfriend would make her mature (she was under the mistaken impression that Daria's dating Tom was part of her maturity, and Daria did not correct Quinn's assumption). Although the trio just stood nearby when she was put under pressure to make her (first) decision and although she dumped one after another, Quinn never attempted to go steady with any other males aside from them, and in Daria's short story about her family in the future (in "Write Where it Hurts"), it was Jamie who had won Quinn's hand in marriage.

One of the series' running gags was that other characters had extreme difficulty remembering Jamie's name; he was referred to as Jeremy, Jimmy, and Jameel, among other names. Despite this fact, Jamie is the only one of the trio whose surname – "White" – has been revealed on the show. The Three Js can be distinguished by their hair: Joey has black hair, Jeffy has auburn hair, and Jamie has blond hair. When Daria was drafted as a substitute teacher, she couldn't tell them apart and simply addressed each individual as "Jamie, Joey or Jeffy." However, she and the boys seemed to build a rapport when Daria praised their interesting if odd theories about Romeo & Juliet, and Jeffy even said she was a pretty good teacher. They are also the first characters in Quinn's group to learn that Daria is her sister (Daria introduces herself to them in "The Invitation" mostly as a way to further humiliate Quinn), and have even gone to her for help (in "Quinn the Brain", they ask her to help them get Quinn back to her normal self).

The Fashion Club

The following characters were members of the Lawndale High self-appointed "Fashion Club", who would hold meetings to discuss fashion and set examples for fashionable trends. This list excludes Vice President Quinn Morgendorffer, who can be found under The Morgendorffer Family. The Fashion Club, it should be noted, disbanded in the Daria movie finale Is It College Yet? but the four girls promised to continue to meet regularly.[6]

Sandi Griffin

Sandi Griffin (first appearance: Episode #101, "Esteemsters") — The club president, or more appropriately its tyrant, rules the fashion club with an iron fist. Sandi is a control freak who harbors an intense jealousy of Quinn's popularity that she can barely hide. Sandi tends to bully the other Fashion Club members into submission. Although obsessed with fashion and popularity, Sandi is clearly intelligent and articulate (although she would never admit to this). She has a constant belief that the Fashion Club's "enemies" will spread rumors about their attire, when in reality, no one truly cares about it. She began to lose some of her control in the final season after gaining weight, and also when she found out that Stacy and Tiffany knew Daria was Quinn's sister all along but didn't say anything in order to be polite to Quinn, thus removing a weak spot Sandi had hoped to exploit. In "Fair Enough", it is revealed that Sandi's mother is just as shallow and mean as her daughter (particularly while she's talking to Helen, who refers to her as "That witch Linda" in the episode "Gifted"). She was voiced by Janie Mertz.

Stacy Rowe

Stacy Rowe (first appearance: Episode #101, "Esteemsters") — Pigtailed Stacy is the secretary of the club and appears at the series' outset to be cute, skittish, insecure, loyal and a born follower. However, later in the series, it is frequently hinted that she probably possesses more character than anyone else in the fashion club (next to Quinn, after season Four), and in "Is It Fall Yet?" her comments indicate that she knows she is seen as stupid and is upset by this. She showed excellent leadership potential when she and Tiffany tried to preserve the Fashion Club after both Quinn and Sandi abandoned it in "Fat Like Me". When she wishes Sandi would shut up in Is It College Yet? and Sandi does suffer laryngitis, she feels bad about it, but after Sandi demands Stacy do penance for her malicious wishes, Stacy says that she would rather take a sabbatical from the Fashion Club. This marks the official end of the FC, though the girls remain friends and resolve to hang out as unaffiliated people. She was voiced by Jessica Zaino for the first half of Season 1 and Sarah Drew for the remainder of the series run.

Tiffany Blum-Deckler

Tiffany Blum-Deckler (first appearance: Episode #101, "Esteemsters") — Tiffany is the sycophant of the club, always siding with whoever has the upper hand at a given time. She is generally presented as the least intelligent of the group, and speaks in a slow valley girl-type monotone that completely irritated Stacy during their briefly Sandi-free time running the Fashion Club. She is also extremely shallow and self-centeredeven more so than the other fashion club members. Her role in the club is Coordinating Officer, whose only job is to ensure that the club members never wore clothing that clashed with each other. Tiffany was voiced by Ashley Albert. Tiffany and Ms. Li are the only regularly featured Asian characters.

Lawndale High faculty

Ms. Janet Barch

Ms. Janet Barch (first appearance: Episode #1.07 "The Lab Brat") — Science teacher. She is unilaterally hostile towards all men (often treating the male students poorly; e.g., assigning Kevin to a science project in which he is made to look ugly and making Kevin and Mack write on the blackboard as punishment because of their gender) due to a rather messy and bitter divorce; even Mr. DeMartino fears her, and almost everything she says leads to her ranting about how her husband left her after 22 years. However, in season two's "The Daria Hunter," Ms. Barch discovers that Mr. O'Neill is actually sensitive to her plight and lets her vent her feelings, sparking a relationship in which Ms. Barch and Mr. O'Neill intermittently sneak off to make out in numerous public venues (often at Ms. Barch's insistence, as Mr. O'Neill is too passive to stand up to her). In Is It College Yet?, Ms. Barch mistakes Mr. O'Neill's pity on her on the fifth anniversary of her divorce for a marriage proposal. Mr. DeMartino steps in and urges Mr. O'Neill to stand up to Ms. Barch, who is enraged over Mr. DeMartino's words and punches him in the face. In the end, Ms. Barch still stays with Mr. O'Neill, as she is now taken with his newfound assertiveness. Ms. Barch is voiced by Ashley Albert.

Mrs. Diane Bennett

Mrs. Diane Bennett (first appearance: Episode #105 "Malled") — Economics teacher. She is known primarily for a genial disposition, love of knitting, and unexplained hatred of pennies. Her blackboard diagrams resemble football plays. She has an unseen husband, Herbert, and the two collect stuffed toys called "Fuzzy Wuzzy Weebits". She is usually seen executing a plan to undertake some marginally educational field trip or discussing the school budget with Ms. Li. Mrs. Bennett is voiced by Amy Bennett.

Ms. Claire Defoe

Ms. Claire Defoe (first appearance: Episode #102 "The Invitation") — Art teacher. The most down-to-earth of the Lawndale High faculty, and patient to a fault. It is hinted that she may be an ex-hippie. She favors Jane Lane highly as a student, and in "Lucky Strike" she even consults Jane for advice with the picket signs during the teachers' strike. Ms. Defoe is voiced by Nicole Carin in seasons one and two and then by Nicole's sister Danielle Carin for the remainder of the series.

Mr. Anthony DeMartino

Mr. Anthony DeMartino (first appearance: Episode #101 "Esteemsters") — History teacher. DeMartino suffers severe chronic stress, of which a symptom is his habit of shouting occasional syllables, getting scared or vice versa, causing one of his eyes to bulge out of its socket. Dimwits like Kevin and Brittany really upset him, but smart students like Daria actually impress him slightly. The only person DeMartino is afraid of is the misandristic science teacher, Ms. Barch, who went after him with a paintball gun in "The Daria Hunter," beat him up for replacing her yearbook pages in "The New Kid," and punched him in the eye for encouraging Mr. O'Neill to break up with her in Is It College Yet?. According to "The Daria Hunter," Mr. DeMartino's mother sent him to live with his neighbors (who were strange, twisted people) because she didn't want anyone to know she was a single mother and went to military school (just like Daria's father, Jake). Similarly, in "Anti-Social Climbers," DeMartino had a best friend, whom he hates after said best friend married his mother. In "Just Add Water," DeMartino is revealed to have a gambling addiction, which cost him his car. In the finale movie, Is It College Yet?, Mr. DeMartino is the only one who knows about Ms. Barch dating Mr. O'Neill (and only supports the faculty's rules about fraternization because of it) and sees Mr. O'Neill as his best friend. He tries to get O'Neill out of a marriage proposal to Ms. Barch—which failed when Ms. Barch finds herself attracted to Mr. O'Neill's new assertive personality. Mr. DeMartino has blue eyes, which can only be seen when they are bulging. Anthony DeMartino is voiced by Marc Thompson.

Ms. Angela Li

Ms. Angela Li (first appearance: Episode #101 "Esteemsters") — Principal of Lawndale High. She is obsessed with fund raising and the school's image. She will do anything to bring fame and fortune to Lawndale High, such as accepting money for allowing Wedding and Fashion Model agents into the school, and signing an exclusive soft-drink vending contract and having a nervous breakdown trying to get people to excessively drink it, to bring in more revenue. She is obsessed with school security as well, even using a polygraph machine and buying an expensive bulletproof skylight for the school pool, possibly reflecting a megalomaniacal side. Her self-aggrandizement frequently brings her into conflict with Daria and Jane, who rarely see eye to eye with either her goals or her methods of achieving them. Given her surname, it is implied that Ms. Li is of Chinese descent. Ms. Li is voiced by Nora Laudani.

Mr. Timothy O'Neill

Mr. Timothy O'Neill (first appearance: Episode #1.01 "Esteemsters") — English teacher. Sensitive "new age guy" who is always talking about feelings but doesn't have a very good grip on his own emotions, as he tends to break down and cry quite frequently. O'Neil also has a propensity for developing assignments and extra curricular activities at the drop of a hat, such as recruiting students to earn money to set up a new coffeehouse, or assigning students a film project based on a comment made by Daria. He is unable to relate to anyone at the school or in his personal life. He also tends to have a problem remembering students' names and faces (except for Daria's). Is considered Mr. DeMartino's friend, despite their clashing personalities and is the only man that Ms. Barch doesn't hate. Mr. O'Neill is voiced by Marc Thompson.

Ms. Margaret Manson

Ms. Margaret Manson (first appearance: Episode #101 "Esteemsters") — School psychologist. She only has one speaking role, in Episode #101 ("Esteemsters"), in which she declares Daria has self-esteem issues. Ms. Manson is voiced by Jessica Zaino.

Minor characters

The Lane Family

Vincent Lane

Vincent Lane (first appearance: Episode #3.08, "Lane Miserables") — Jane's father. Like her mother Amanda, Vincent is rarely seen, frequently taking long trips to foreign countries for artistic purposes. Scarcely a father figure and with no apparent occupation, Vincent seems to take little to no interest in his family, and how he and his wife manage to afford the house Jane and Trent live in is never explained. Vincent also appeared in Episode #507 ("Art Burn").

Amanda Lane

Amanda Lane (first appearance, non-speaking: Episode #201, "Arts N Crass") — Jane's mother. Rarely present at the Lane household and consequently rarely featured on the series, Amanda is an unconventional artist and very laid back about the raising of her children. She lets them do whatever they want and takes absolutely no role in their guidance. Her one rule is "Don't start fires in rooms without fireplaces." Amanda also appeared in episodes #308 ("Lane Miserables") and #507 ("Art Burn"). It's implied in the former episode that she and Helen Morgendorffer are friends (or at least acquainted through their daughters), because Amanda goes to Helen for help with her fractured family and they talk to each other with familiarity, and Amanda uses Helen's advice (have a family dinner and encourage conversation) to get her family to mercifully all part ways again.

Wind Lane

Wind Lane (first appearance: Episode #3.08, "Lane Miserables") — Jane's eldest brother. Wind had been married and divorced three times (and, according to Jane in "The Teachings of Don Jake", is soon to be remarried for a fourth time after trying to find out whether or not his three previous divorces were legalized in the U.S.), lived away from home and could well be the show's most emotionally damaged character. Seemingly unable to control his emotions, he was prone to crying at even the slightest provocation, particularly when the topic of his romantic life arose. Wind also appeared in Episode #507 ("Art Burn").

Summer Lane

Summer Lane (first appearance: Episode #3.08, "Lane Miserables") — Jane and Trent's older sister, and seemingly the eldest child of Amanda and Vincent. Summer was first mentioned in "Pinch Sitter" when Jane helped Daria baby-sit for the first time, saying she used to help out with her sister's children until they were old enough to run away. She was mentioned again in "The Teachings of Don Jake" when Jane said that the private detectives found three of Summer's four children, and appeared in the show once, in "Lane Miserables". Of her four children, two appeared in the series (see Courtney and Adrian Lane, below). Little of her personality was revealed, save for her apparent exhaustion from parenting four kids.

Penny Lane

Penny Lane (first appearance: Episode #3.08, "Lane Miserables") — Jane and Trent's older sister, and presumed middle child of the Lane family, her name is a reference to the famous Beatles song. She appeared in the show only once, where she is revealed to have spent most of her time in recent years backpacking across Latin America with her pet parrot Chiquito. It was known since Episode #211 ("See Jane Run") that she had attended the same high school as Daria and Jane and "spent the last ten years out of the country", often taking jobs in Central American countries (in "The Teachings of Don Jake" Jane mentions that Penny moved to Nicaragua after failing to find work in Mexico).

Courtney Lane

Courtney Lane (first appearance: Episode #3.08, "Lane Miserables") — Summer's runaway daughter.

Adrian Lane

Adrian Lane (first appearance: Episode #3.08, "Lane Miserables") — Summer's runaway son.

Other insignificant members of the Lane extended family that are seen in Episode #112 ("The Teachings of Don Jake") include Aunt Bernice, Uncle Max (who is constantly drunk and likes Trent for being a loser), and a verbally abusive, unnamed grandmother in a wheelchair.

Mystik Spiral

The following characters are members of Trent's grunge rock band "Mystik Spiral". One running gag is whenever Trent mentions the band's name, he adds that they are thinking of changing it which they never do.

Jesse Moreno

Jesse Moreno – Second guitarist (although some images show him playing bass), and occasionally sings backing vocals. He first appeared in episode #111 ("Road Worrier") and was immediately revealed to be a man of significantly few words. He is never seen without his open leather vest, and if he ever has any insight into anything, he certainly never shares it with anyone. According to The Daria Database Jesse has a younger brother named Danny, who is the publicist and moderator of the band's fan club. Jesse was voiced by Tom Borrillo (voice actor alias Willy Schwenz).

Nick Campbell

Nick CampbellBass guitarist (although some images show him playing guitar). He is the most low-profile member of the group. Nothing but his name is ever revealed about him on the show, and he rarely speaks. When he does, he is shown to point out the obvious and is very gullible. According to The Daria Database, Nick has a child. Nick was voiced by Bart Fasbender.

Max Tyler

Max TylerDrummer. Usually only seen behind his drum kit, he is the most aggressive member of the band. Max felt himself and the group to be outrageous rebels, wallowing in societal angst, sometimes stating how he and the band are "criminales", but is shown to be more talk than substance when pushed. He is also the owner of "The Tank", the van that the band uses to transport themselves and their equipment. Max was voiced by Wass Stevens.

Tom Sloane

Tom Sloane (first appearance: Episode #3.13, "Jane's Addition") — During Season Three, he first appears as Jane's boyfriend and later becomes Daria's boyfriend. He belongs to one of Lawndale's richest families, but disapproves of their condescending elitism and attempts to avoid being associated with them.[7] Polite, intelligent, and surprisingly mature for his age, Tom continued as Daria's boyfriend throughout the final season, after the relationship with Jane dissolved at the end of season 4. In the series finale Is it College Yet? Daria unilaterally breaks up with Tom, but the two promise to remain friends. Tom was voiced by Russell Hankin.

Rita Barksdale

Rita Barksdale (first appearance: Episode #2.04, "I Don't") — Helen's older sister. Rita and Helen engage in an ongoing feud from childhood, and never get along. Helen is still bitter about the fact that Rita was the favorite child, and that she is always receiving financial assistance from their wealthy mother while Helen has had to work hard for everything she has. Rita is oblivious to the preferential treatment she received and believes Helen's overachieving behavior is a jealous attempt to undermine her. Rita's upbringing has made her a loyal daughter but an inept individual with no viable work skills, a naive worldview and self-centered priorities and is mentioned to be a serial divorcee having jumped from different man to different man her whole life. Aunt Rita was voiced by Barbara Soehner-Layton. She appeared in two episodes: "I Don't" (#204) and "Aunt Nauseam" (#510).

Amy Barksdale

Amy Barksdale (first appearance: Episode #204, "I Don't") — Helen's youngest sister. Daria sees her as the "cool one". Her age removed her from participation in the rivalry between Helen and Rita, and maintained that distance well into adulthood. She resembles Daria so strongly, in both appearance and personality, that she is easily perceived as a foreshadowing of Daria's future adult self (in the episode "I Don't" the two are seen reflected in a mirror wearing identical pairs of glasses). Like Daria, she too possesses an affinity for books and sarcastic humor, but with more tolerance and less acidity than her niece. Amy drives a 1977 Triumph Spitfire Mark IV convertible, and often blasts alternative-type music from its stereo system, including bands like The Cramps. Aunt Amy is voiced by Rita Pietropinto. She appeared in three episodes: "I Don't" (#204), "Through a Lens Darkly" (#302), and "Aunt Nauseam" (#510). Amy was hugely popular among fans of the show.

Ted DeWitt-Clinton

Ted DeWitt-Clinton (first appearance: Episode #207, "The New Kid") — A student at Lawndale High who began attending after convincing his parents (Leslie DeWitt and Grant Clinton) to allow him to experience a non-home-schooled education. Ted has a very friendly and accepting personality, but is the product of an amazingly sheltered existence, having never consumed either pizza or chewing gum, visited a video arcade, listened to any music created after the 18th century, or watched television. Despite his naive and open-minded hospitality, his parents Leslie and Grant are angry, judgmental political radicals who view everyone as a threat to Ted's value system. He is likely named after former New York governor DeWitt Clinton. Ted was voiced by Sky Berdahl. He appeared in two other episodes: #403 ("A Tree Grows in Lawndale") and #406 ("I Loathe a Parade").

Mrs. Johanssen

Mrs. Johanssen (first appearance: Episode #104, "Café Disaffecto") — A local, morbidly obese Lawndale resident whose notable character traits are that she is never seen wearing anything but a muumuu and is hypoglycemic. In her first appearance, she faints in front of Daria and Jane while trying to persuade them to sell her chocolate. Mrs. Johannsen was voiced by Amy Bennett. Other appearances: #205 ("That Was Then, This Is Dumb"), #302 ("The Old and the Beautiful"), #408 ("Psycho Therapy") and #409 ("Mart of Darkness").


Monique (first appearance: Episode #2.12, "Pierce Me") — Trent's on-again off-again girlfriend with an affinity for piercings. She was once in a band with Trent, and is now in a band named The Harpies, but dreams of going solo. She also appeared in Episode #308 ("Lane Miserables").


Artie (first appearance: Episode 101, "Esteemsters") — Young local pizza-parlor employee and self-proclaimed alien abductee, evidently in his late teens or early twenties. Though he often tells anyone he can about his ordeals with aliens, his tales are anything but standard close encounters and tend to be a mix of terrifying and courteous. Other appearances: #311 ("The Lawndale File") and #403 ("A Tree Grows in Lawndale").

Eric Schrecter

Eric Schrecter (first appearance: Episode #212, "Pierce Me") — Helen's domineering colleague. A fast-talking hustler of a businessman, Eric is only seen three times, but is referred to far more frequently; whenever Helen is on the phone, it is usually with Eric, debating a legal matter of some kind. He is shown to be partly responsible for Helen's constant absence, as he monopolizes her time by increasing her workload (so as to be closer to him, as it is revealed in Daria! that he has somewhat romantic feelings for her, though Helen is apparently oblivious to them). Eric appears to hold out a partnership as an incentive for Helen to do his bidding, but despite suggesting a fast-track to that partnership following a psychological evaluation (in "Psycho Therapy"), it is unclear if he would promote her and risk losing his position to her efficiency. He also apparently has an addiction to prescription amphetamines, as shown in Episode #510 ("Aunt Nauseam"), when he takes a 28-day "holiday." Eric was voiced by Evan Farmer.


Robert (first appearance: Episode #207, "The New Kid"): A dimwitted, stiff, exceedingly polite boy used repeatedly as a sort of "decoy date". In "The New Kid", after being pressured by her parents to include Daria in her circle of friends, Quinn invites Robert to go on a double date with Daria, Quinn and her date, during which his attempts at conversation are reading current-events questions to Daria off of cards. In "Daria Dance Party", after Brittany and Kevin break up, she invites Robert to the dance (since Robert was out of town, he is not aware that Kevin doesn't want anyone on the football team asking her out). When Kevin shows up at the dance, Brittany makes out with Robert to make Kevin jealous, and Kevin picks a fight with him, leading to Robert breaking Kevin's jaw. Robert was voiced by Evan Farmer.

Tommy Sherman

Tommy Sherman (only appearance: Episode #113, "The Misery Chick") — An ex-student of Lawndale High and former star quarterback of the football team. In his only appearance, Tommy is portrayed and perceived by many as insensitive, contemptible, and narcissistic. Halfway through the episode, he is killed by a collapsed football goal post (which was, ironically, to be named after him in honor of his accomplishments). He is mentioned again in the episode "A Tree Grows in Lawndale", wherein Kevin crashes a motorcycle into the Tommy Sherman Memorial Tree. Through the rest of the episode, Brittany and the Cheerleading Squad believe his ghost to be haunting the girls' restroom. At the end of the episode, his memorial tree (originally one of Kevin's crutches) sprouts a flower suggesting his soul has been appeased. Tommy Sherman was voiced by Ken Schatz.

Tad and Tricia

Tad and Tricia Gupty (first appearance: Episode #108, "Pinch Sitter") — The two Gupty children appear in two episodes, although Tad has a more prominent role than his sister in Episode #406 ("I Loathe a Parade"). The Gupty family, including parents Lester and Lauren, only appear twice, but are succinctly established as being disturbingly nice and wholesome. Tad and Tricia are portrayed as mindless puppets who parrot all their parents' beliefs without question. During a babysitting gig, Jane and Daria manage to teach them to think for themselves, although it proves to be a very temporary situation. Lester and Lauren Gupty actually made their first appearance in Episode #105: "Malled", as "extras" standing on the shuttle transporting Daria and Jane's economics class through the parking lot of the Mall of the Millennium. Tricia Gupty was voiced by actress Sarah Drew, who also provides the voice for Stacy Rowe of The Fashion Club. Tad Gupty is voiced by Miles Purinton in "I Loathe a Parade".

David Sorenson

David Sorenson (only appearance: Is It Fall Yet?) — Quinn's summer tutor. A scholarly intellectual, David was hired by Helen to tutor Quinn over the summer in between Seasons Four and Five. He is Quinn's first and only truly romantic interest shown, although he politely turns her down when she asks him out, and his tutorings find Quinn harboring a hidden intellectuality that changes her perspective of herself. David was voiced by American talk-show host Carson Daly.

Daniel Dotson

Daniel Dotson (only appearance: Is It Fall Yet?) — Jane's art camp teacher. Daniel is a highly pretentious, yet extremely mediocre, self-proclaimed artistic genius who holds art colony seminars to discuss his own brilliance with students who share his view of himself, and to seduce female students. Daniel was voiced by rock musician Dave Grohl.


Alison (only appearance: Is It Fall Yet?) — Jane's temporary friend. Alison is an older artist who confides in Jane her envy of Jane's youth and talent. Her relationship with Jane is severed at the end of the movie, but not as a direct result of Jane's discovery of Alison's bisexuality and romantic interest in Jane. Jane learned that Alison was a hypocrite who was willing to sleep with Daniel Dotson (whom she'd earlier ridiculed) to further her art career, and had told Jane she was giving off "gay vibes" in an attempt to seduce her. Alison's appearance was modeled on, and voiced by, indie rock singer Bif Naked.


Heather (only appearance: Episode #103) -- When Daria and her family visit Jake's college, Heather serves as their tour guide. Later, Daria gives her and her friends advice on their graduate and doctorate papers, and Heather invites her to a party.


Lindy (only appearance: Is It College Yet?) — Quinn's temporary colleague and consequential friend. Lindy is a hostess at the Governor's Park restaurant when Quinn applies for a job there, and the two bond. Lindy is later revealed to be an in-denial alcoholic, which puts a temporary strain on her friendship with Quinn. Lindy was voiced by Jessica Hardin.

Link (only appearance: Is It Fall Yet?) — Daria's nihilistic charge while at Mr. O'Neill's 'O.K. to Cry Corral'. Link is an unwilling participant in the self-examination camp, and his attitudes and beliefs reflect in the extreme those of Daria's, resulting in an attempt on her part to reach out to him metaphorically. His initial reaction is bitter rejection, but he later sends Daria a letter saying she can e-mail him if she wants to.


Nathan (only appearance: episode #509)-A local teenage boy with an affection for dressing in 1940s-style clothing, a hidden culture of which exists in Lawndale, at the same time carrying contempt for most aspects of modern culture. He and Jane date for a while, but ultimately break up because of Nathan's attitude towards Daria and Tom and pickiness over Jane wearing two different articles of clothing from two different decades.


Val (only appearance: Episode #305: "The Lost Girls") An over-the-top, name-dropping fashionista, editor of Val Magazine, who visits Lawndale High after Daria wins an essay contest.(Mr. O'Neill had submitted the essay without her knowledge). She still dresses and tries to act like a teenager despite looking decades older. Ultimately, Daria confronts Val about the unrealistic expectations that these fashion magazines force on young girls and about the mass-marketing of popular culture. Val is based on Jane Pratt, editor of the now-defunct Jane Magazine. Val is voiced by Stacy Brass.


Cupid (only appearance: "Depth Takes a Holiday") — The spirit of Valentine's Day, taking the appearance of a large man with wings wearing a toga. He has the ability to inspire affection in anyone. He likes to talk like Elvis Presley, but sounds similar to Barry White instead. He and St. Patrick's Day work together as a team.

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day (only appearance: "Depth Takes a Holiday") — St. Patrick's Day is a man dressed all in green who speaks with an Irish accent. He frequently swears the word "idiot". Since he's Irish, he hates Guy Fawkes Day.


Christmas (only appearance: "Depth Takes a Holiday") — A native of Holiday Island, and one of the most popular students at Holiday Island High School. Things are thrown into chaos when he, Halloween, and Guy Fawkes Day leave to form a band, forcing a very reluctant Daria to help track them down. Christmas is a young, clean-shaven blond man wearing a Santa Claus hat. He is in good physical condition and prefers to be called "X" (short for "X-Mas").


Halloween (only appearance: "Depth Takes a Holiday") — The spirit of Halloween, who leaves her home with Christmas and Guy Fawkes Day to form a band. She takes the appearance of a dark gothic teenage girl who likes to commit acts of vandalism. Her voice artist was Danielle Carin.

Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes Day (only appearance: "Depth Takes a Holiday") — The spirit of Guy Fawkes Day, who wears black leather and spouts off stereotypical British phrases, ranging from mild expletives such as "bollocks" to more offensive phrases such as "wanker". He and St. Patrick's Day do not like each other. Jane thinks he's cute but reflects that she wants to deck him. He bears a strong resemblance to Sid Vicious, and even wears Sid's chain-and-padlock necklace. The only apparent ramification of his leaving Holiday Island is people no longer purchasing kidney pies.


  1. "Voice Actors". Retrieved 2012-06-14.
  2. "Kool Thing: '90s Cult Hit 'Daria' Finally Hits DVD". Rolling Stone. Retrieved 2010-08-01.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gates, Anita. "'Daria': In Praise of the Most Unpopular Girl at Lawndale", The New York Times. May 16, 1999. Retrieved on March 19, 2012.
  4. 1 2 3 O'Connor, John J. "Teen-Ager's Scornful Look at Cuteness." The New York Times. Monday March 3, 1997. C16 New York edition. Retrieved on January 11, 2013.
  5. Allemang, John. "Finally, a TV teen who comes close to feeling real FINE TUNING." The Globe and Mail. Friday March 19, 1999. D2, Television, The Arts Column. Accessed on LexisNexis. Retrieved on October 31, 2009.
  6. "It got the misfits right, but it got the popular kids right, too". Slate. Retrieved 2010-08-13.
  7. Gates, Anita (August 27, 2000). "SPOTLIGHT; Daria: Smart, Alienated and ... Dating?". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-08-11.
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