Timeline of events in Cyprus, 1974

This is a timeline of the pro-Greece 1974 Cypriot coup d'état and the responding Turkish invasion of Cyprus.

The initial wave of around a company of Turkish infantry attack was blunted by heavy weapons and small arms fire from the 42 LOK and 43 LOK to the south, while the 41 LOK opened fire from the terminal on the flank. Conceding defeat, the Turks fell back to their original positions with significant casualties. The latter then regrouped and advanced again in battalion strength towards the positions of the 42 and 43 LOKs, braving a withering hail of bullets. In turn, the Turks commenced fire from their rear-line with a 4.2-inch (110 mm) mortar from the direction of an adjacent UN encampment. The Greek Cypriots now launched a counter-attack against the Turkish infantry within the airport perimeter by assaulting the ground troops with their five M8 Greyhound armoured vehicles.[10]

The Turkish forces based near the UN camp were targeted by the Greek 41 LOK, which fired M79 phosphorus grenades at them in order to cause a bush fire and smoke. A 90mm anti-tank rocket was also fired in the direction of a suspected observation post in a house on the northern edge of the airport, forcing it to be abandoned. Before the Canadian UN forces arrived, two Turkish M47 tanks attempted a diversionary attack to the eastern terminal. Defenders subsequently destroyed both with an M20 Super Bazooka. crew.[11]


  1. Summary of world broadcasts : Non-Arab Africa, Issues 4639-4716, BBC Monitoring Service, 1974
  2. Drousiotis, 2005
  3. Hellenic Nationalist Page – Timeline of 1974 Invasion
  4. United Nations Security Council Resolution 353
  5. OI HPOEZ tou 1974, Kostas Xp. Tzoptzhe, Lefkosia 2003 ISBN 9963-7815-7-8
  6. Safty, Adel (2011), The Cyprus Question: Diplomacy and International Law, iUniverse.com
  7. Drousiotis, 2005
  8. Battle of Nicosia International Airport – Cyprus 1974 by a Greek Commando, Published Istoria (History), 1993
  9. Battle of Nicosia International Airport – Cyprus 1974 by a Greek Commando, Published Istoria (History), 1993
  10. Battle of Nicosia International Airport – Cyprus 1974 by a Greek Commando, Published Istoria (History), 1993
  11. Battle of Nicosia International Airport – Cyprus 1974 by a Greek Commando, Published Istoria (History), 1993
  12. Council of Europe
  13. Karkaletsis, 2004
  14. http://unscr.com/en/resolutions/360


See also

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