Ticket to Bollywood (TV series)
Ticket to Bollywood is a reality show produced by Urban Brew Studios for NDTV and aired on NDTV Prime - India's first 2-in-1 channel on weekdays for two months, beginning from 17 March 2014. The finale was aired on 6 June 2014. The reality show was judged by the casting director, Mr Mukesh Chhabra, The Bollywood Diva, Ms. Mahima Chaudhary and the ace singer Jasbir Jassi. After the Mega round and selection of top 20, Mr Jasbir Jassi left the panel and Mr Kunal Kohli, the brilliant director of movies like Hum Tum and Fanaa took on the responsibility as the third judge. The hosts of the show were the singer-actor-dancer, Manasi Scott and the entertainment journalist, Vikram Thapa. Out of 30,000 people including Esha Tewari Pande, top 31 were selected and out of those, top 20 made it to the finals.
The reality show was sponsored by Videocon d2H and the grooming partners were VLCC. A lot of who's who of the Indian Cinema industry came to mentor the 20 contestants like Gauhar Khan, Ashley Lobo, Rajpal Yadav, Tushar Kapoor etc. The main acting mentor for the contestants was Mr. Rajesh Khera who was an integral part of the reality show that spanned over 2 months of rigorous workshops and performances.
Finally, the winners of the reality show are Arjun Fauzdar from Delhi and Ankitta Sharma from Chandigarh. Both of them will be starring in the first NDTV and Urban Brew production along with Shahrukh Khan.