World Association of Children's Friends

World Association of Children's Friends
Abbreviation A.M.A.D.E.
Formation Founded in 1963 by Grace, Princess of Monaco
Type Humanitarian
Legal status NGO
Headquarters Monte Carlo, Monaco
Region served
Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America
Alliance of 12 countries
Caroline, Princess of Hanover

Founded in 1963 in accordance with the wish of the Princess Grace of Monaco, AMADE is based on a vision: the vision of a world where every child, whatever his social, religious or cultural origins are, would have the capacity to live in dignity and security, in full respect of his fundamental rights. This is the vision of a world where every child has the opportunity to fulfil his potential.

To achieve this goal, AMADE actively commits to the protection and blossoming of children throughout the world.

AMADE's interventions around the world are founded on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) adopted by the United Nations in 1989, and the Millennium Declaration adopted in 2000 by the international community to fight against poverty.

AMADE contributes to the implementation of these commitments through the following "missions":

As a development charity, AMADE aims to offer perennial and innovative responses to the issues it is confronted with, giving priority to the strengthening of capacities and the self-sufficiency of beneficiaries.

Though children may be its main preoccupation, AMADE's concern also includes the community. This includes fighting against gender inequalities and highlighting the importance of equal opportunities.

To intervene in the name of children is a responsibility that requires expertise as well as moral and human values. It also requires the strongest transparency, not only regarding financial management, but also concerning the selection, follow-up and evaluation of projects.

AMADE operates through a network of 12 local organisations in Europe, Asia, South-America and Africa. These national branches are independent but linked by signed agreements to the main body, AMADE Mondiale.

AMADE is an NGO with international recognition. The association has consultative status with UNICEF, UNESCO and the United Nations Economic and Social Council, as well as participative status with the Council of Europe

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