Virtual Collection of Masterpieces

Virtual Collection of Asian Masterpieces
Type of site
search platform to a collection of Asian masterpieces
Owner National Museum of Ethnology, Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Leiden (The Netherlands)
Website Virtual Collection of Asian Masterpieces
Commercial no
Launched 13 September 2007
Current status version 3.0

The Virtual Collection of Asian Masterpieces (VCM) shares 2,200 Masterpieces of Asian culture online. Since its launch in 2007 more than 120 museums in Asia and Europe have joined the VCM.

The VCM is originally a project of the ASEMUS - the Asia-Europe Museums Network. The VCM is now led by a consortium of five Asian and European museums:[1]


  1. "Credits". Virtual Collection of Masterpieces. Retrieved 2009-05-09.
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