List of ''VeggieTales'' videos

This is a list of VeggieTales original videos.

Where's God When I'm S-Scared? (1993)

Where's God When I'm S-Scared? was initially released on December 21, 1993 on VHS and was distributed by Word Entertainment on January 18, 1994.[1][2] It features two stories about what to do when you are afraid.

Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber receive a letter from a viewer, who is scared because she sometimes thinks there are monsters in her closet. After Larry reveals he once thought the same thing only to realize the 'monsters' were his fluffy bunny slippers, Bob introduces a story about when Junior Asparagus got scared.

In the first segment, Tales from the Crisper, Junior Asparagus is watching a scary movie before being told by his mother that he needs to go to bed. However, the movie has made him afraid and after imagining that his family in a portrait were frankenstein monsters, Bob and Larry drop in to help. After some discussion, the pair comfort Junior in song about how he does not need to be afraid because God is watching out for him and He is bigger than anything. Junior is then confronted by Frankencelery who reveals that he is really just an actor from Toledo, Ohio, United States. Junior is then convinced that "God is bigger" and after Bob, Larry, and Frankencelery leave, Junior's father comes in. The pair then discuss how God takes care of them, that Junior needs to be more careful about what he watches in the future, and it's okay to tell parents if he's scared.[3]

The second segment is the story of Daniel and the Lions' Den. King Darius (Archibald Asparagus) is in his court with his Wisemen (The Scallions) when he confides that he has had a nightmare and wants help with what it means. The Wisemen are unable to find an answer, but Daniel (Larry the Cucumber) arrives and correctly interprets the dream. Impressed, Darius then promotes Daniel as his second-in-command. However, the Wisemen become jealous and make a plan to trick Daniel into breaking a new law that says that Darius' subjects may only pray to the king. Soon after, the Wisemen catch Daniel praying to God and throw him into the Lions' Den in accordance with the law. Daniel hears the growling lions and is afraid, but an Angel comforts him telling him that God is with him. Meanwhile, the Wisemen celebrate their supposed victory and Darius spends a restless night praying that Daniel's God is protecting him. The next day, Darius runs to the lions' den and finds Daniel alive and well. Darius changes the law so that everybody must pray only to Daniel's God and turns to punish the scheming Wisemen, who subsequently quit their jobs and flee.

The first episode of the series marks the debuts of Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Junior Asparagus, Dad and Mom Asparagus, Archibald Asparagus, Phil Winklestien, The Scallions, and Mabel and Penelope. The episode also features the very first Silly Song with Larry: "The Water Buffalo Song."

God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?! (1994)

Originally released in October 22, 1994 by Everland Entertainment, it features two short stories about forgiveness.

In the first segment, Pa Grape is the father of a family of cranky hillbilly grapes, The Grapes of Wrath, who regularly name-call and insult each other.[4] Upon crashing into a tree stump, the family get out of their vehicle and begin to tease Junior Asparagus about his appearance. Junior is then rescued by his dad (Dad Asparagus) who explains to The Grapes that it is not nice to pick on people and Junior forgives them at his dad's urging. But when dad says "Junior," Tom and Rosie make fun of the name, leading Junior into an accident. Junior is reluctant to forgive them again, so Bob and Larry then try to figure out how many times one should forgive and Qwerty shows the verse, Matthew 18:22 "Jesus answered 'I tell you not seven times, but seventy times seven.' [Mt. 18:21-22]. When Rosie figures out the answer to Qwerty's question (i.e. 490), the Grapes ask for Junior's forgiveness and the "Grapes of Wrath" are renamed "The Grapes of Math".

The second segment is "Larry's Lagoon". In this story, Larry the Cucumber plays Gilligan, the ship's first mate who crashes and sinks the ship while daydreaming, thus marooning the passengers and crew on a deserted island. Due to this accident, the passengers hold a grudge against Larry, despite his apology, which causes him to run away. However, Bob the Tomato, playing the part of The Skipper, realizes the error of their ways and the group forgives Larry for stranding them. A palm tree named Palmy appears and congratulates everyone for their forgiveness and sings a Reggae-style song called "The Forgiveness Song" about how important it is to always show forgiveness from your heart. The cast is finally able to escape the island on a bamboo helicopter cobbled together by The Professor (Dad Asparagus).

This episode marks the debut of Pa Grape and his family (who, other than Tom Grape, do not have another major appearance in any episode) as well as Archibald's Wife, and Palmy the Palm tree (in his only appearance). This is also the first episode not to feature a Silly Song. Instead, the Silly Song was replaced with an advertisement starring Scallion #1 for a Machine to forgive called the "Forgive-O-Matic".

Are You My Neighbor? (1995)

Are You My Neighbor?, subtitled "A Lesson in Loving Your Neighbor", was originally released on January 3, 1995 on VHS by Word Entertainment, and issued onto DVD on August 31, 2004 and reprinted again on March 11, 2006.

In the first story, which is an adaptation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan (In the styles of both Dr. Seuss and A. A. Milne), Larry the Cucumber lives in the city of Flibber-o-loo, where everybody wears shoes on their heads. Junior Asparagus lives in Jibber-de-Lot where everyone wears pots on their heads. Flibber-o-loo and Jibber-de-Lot fight by throwing pots and shoes at each other. Living the city, Larry is attacked by bandits (The Scallions) who rob and leave him upside down in a hole. Both the mayor of Flibber-o-loo (Archibald Asparagus) and a Flibbian doctor (Archibald's wife) come upon Larry, but claim, in song, to be too busy to help. Soon after, Junior comes along and helps Larry out of the hole, despite the differences of their people. After seeing the kind act of a supposed enemy, the mayor decides that Flibber-o-loo and Jibber-de-Lot should no longer fight. Now, instead of fighting, the two cities throw flowers and candy to each other.

In the second story, Junior tells Dad Asparagus that he is not going to invite a new kid, Fernando, to his birthday party because he thinks that this boy is weird. Bob and Larry arrive in their small ship and take Junior Asparagus to the Starship Applepies, having discovered the ship is in the path of a giant meteor. Upon arriving, they discover that the power to the ship is out. While the ship's engineer (Scooter) frantically works to fix the ship's engines, Junior suggests that two oddball crewmen (Jimmy and Jerry Gourd) help save the ship when it is determined that the meteor is in fact a giant popcorn ball. Rocketed into space, the pair eat the meteor before it can collide with the ship. Junior and the entire crew celebrate and then sing a song about the importance of friendship despite people's differences. Junior, after being returned home by Bob and Larry, tells his Dad that he has reconsidered and will invite Fernando to his party despite how different he is. Then Bob and Larry come back looking for the Freeway, to which Junior gives them directions.

This episode marks the debut of Jimmy Gourd, Jerry Gourd, and Scooter and features the (next first, after the first episode) Silly Song, "The Hairbrush Song".

Rack, Shack & Benny (1995)

Rack, Shack & Benny was first released on August 4, 1995, on VHS by Everland Entertainment. It covers peer pressure and encourages viewers to stand up for their beliefs.

The story is told by Grandpa George and takes place at the Nezzer Chocolate Factory where the employees work hard all day making chocolate bunnies on an assembly line. In celebration of selling their two-millionth chocolate bunny, Mr. Nezzer announces that for 30 minutes all employees may eat all the bunnies they want. While all other workers ravenously devour the chocolate, Shack (Junior Asparagus) convinces his friends Rack (Bob the Tomato) and Benny (Larry the Cucumber) to abstain. Shack emphasizes his stance by singing a lullaby called "Think of Me" that his mom taught him.

When Mr. Nezzer leaves his office only to find all the workers sick except for Rack, Shack, and Benny, the three are rewarded and promoted to Junior Executives. The following day, Mr. Nezzer calls the trio into his office and tells them that he has constructed a 90-foot (27 m) high bunny which he intends to force all employees to bow down to. Through singing of the "Bunny Song", Mr. Nezzer reveals that he believes nothing in the world (such as God, church, school, healthy food, and family) is more important than the bunny. Those who refuse to prostrate before the statue will be thrown into the factory's furnace.

Disagreeing with Mr. Nezzer, when all the other employees obey, Rack, Shack, and Benny refuse to sing the song and bow down. Mr. Nezzer confronts the trio and demands that they sing the song, but the trio again refuse and sing a reprise of "Think of Me." Mr. Nezzer is touched but still tells the guards to take them away. Meanwhile, Laura Carrot plans their rescue. After being pushed down the furnace chute, Laura Carrot rushes in and rescues them with her delivery truck and tries to flee through the factory's ventilation system with two guards in hot pursuit. Eventually they are recaptured and Rack, Shack, and Benny fall into the furnace despite Laura unplugging the big arms holding the truck. While Mr. Nezzer gloats, Mr. Lunt looks inside and notices a fourth person in the furnace who is really shiny and none of them are being incinerated. Shocked, Mr. Nezzer tells them to come out and Rack, Shack, and Benny emerge from the furnace unscathed. Mr. Nezzer realizes that it is God who saved the friends and he apologizes for his actions with the trio forgiving him.

This episode marks the debut of Mr. Lunt, Grandpa George, Laura Carrot, and Mr. Nezzer (here fully categorize as "Nebby K. Nezzer") and features the Silly Song, "The Dance of the Cucumber".

Dave and the Giant Pickle (1996)

Dave & the Giant Pickle was originally released in March 20, 1996 on VHS by Word Entertainment and issued onto DVD on March 5, 2004.

The story begins in the desert near Jerusalem, where Little Dave (Junior Asparagus) and his older brothers (Jimmy and Jerry Gourd, and Tom Grape) are tending a flock of sheep. The sheep tend to tip over a lot which keeps the shepherds busy. To make matters worse, Jimmy, Jerry, and Tom are constantly picking on Dave and making him do their bidding. Eventually, their father, Jesse (Pa Grape), comes with the news that the Philistines are attacking and that King Saul (Archibald Asparagus) is gathering an army to face the threat. All the brothers run to volunteer, but Dave is stopped by Jesse who tells him that "big people do big things and little people do little things," forcing him to stay and tend the sheep.

At King Saul's camp, the Israelites and the Philistines (portrayed by The French Peas) make a deal to end the war quickly. They agree to have their two greatest fighters face off with the champion determining who shall win the war. Because the Philistines are not as big as the Israelites, King Saul (Archibald Asparagus) reluctantly agrees, but he soon faints in fright when the Philistines bring out the 30-foot tall Goliath (a giant pickle). The rest of the Israelites run away and hide. No one is willing to fight Goliath and the Israelites stall for forty days. One day, Dave is sent to the camp to deliver food to his brothers and is ashamed at the sight of the Israelites hiding from the Philistines. Jimmy and Jerry warn Dave about Goliath, but Dave tells King Saul that he will fight. King Saul is shocked and a little uneasy at first, but after Dave sings a song about how God can help kids make a difference, King Saul is impressed and grants Dave his request. Dave then goes into battle armed with nothing but stones and a sling, while Goliath dons a pair of boxing gloves. However, the battle is short as Dave slings one of the stones at Goliath and strikes him between the eyes, knocking him out. The Philistines panic and run away, while the Israelites congratulate Dave for his victory and his faith.

This episode features the debut of the French Peas, Goliath, and Larry the Cucumber's superhero identity, Larry-Boy!. It also features the Silly Song, "I Love My Lips".

The Toy That Saved Christmas (1996)

The Toy That Saved Christmas was originally released in October 19, 1996 on VHS by Word Entertainment and on October 29, 2002 on DVD by HiT Entertainment.

Grandpa George (In a role similar to S.D. Kluger from Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town) tells a bedtime story to his granddaughter Annie. In the story, Mr. Nezzer is the owner of a toy company who, via television commercial, is spreading the word of his newest toyline, "Buzz-Saw Louie," with a working buzz saw built into his right arm and a trigger in his nose that makes him tell kids to get more toys (though delivery isn't available in Puggslyville due to the collapse of the bridge linking the paths of the factory and village). After seeing the commercial, the kids of Dinkletown (the town George claims he used to deliver mail to) begin begging their parents for more toys. As Buzz-Saw Louie dolls roll off the production line, one of them inexplicably comes to life and escapes the factory to search for the true meaning of Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, Larry, Bob, and Junior go sledding. They happen upon the escaped Louie, who asks the Veggies for help. Bob suggests that they go see Grandpa George who reads the Nativity of Jesus from Luke and explains that the true meaning of Christmas is to give, not get. The Veggies and Louie are heartened by the news and plan a way to tell the rest of the people about the true meaning of Christmas before Christmas Day. The four sneak into Mr. Nezzer's factory and succeed in avoiding his security guards and broadcast a message using his TV studio's equipment. Shortly after, Mr. Nezzer sees his TV studio on television and the group is discovered and captured. While threatening to send them away tied up in a sled, Mr. Nezzer is interrupted by the families of Dinkletown, who intervene. Realizing the error of his ways, Mr. Nezzer repents after being given a teddy bear as a gift, though while repenting Mr. Nezzer inadvertently sends the sled with the group down through the restricted Puggslyville tube. Panicking, he and several of his penguin workers get on their own sleds and give chase in an attempt to save them. Louie is able to divert the sled's course, but leaves Mr. Nezzer alone racing toward the broken bridge. Louie and the penguins are able to save Mr. Nezzer just as he is about to fall down the ravine. The story concludes with everybody in Dinkletown, including Mr. Nezzer, getting together to celebrate a Christmas party. Louie starts a business to make use of his saw, which kids should not play with.

This episode marks the first mentioning of Bumblyburg, which would later become the staple city of the Larryboy stories.

The video also features the Silly Song, "Oh, Santa!"

Larry-Boy! & the Fib from Outer Space! (1997)

Larry-Boy! & the Fib from Outer Space! was released in April 4, 1997 on VHS by Everland Entertainment.

The episode begins with Percy and his brother Lil Pea seeing what appears to be a comet while coming home from a movie. Jimmy and Jerry Gourd, who staff an early-warning radar station at the Bubmlyburg Science Lab, alert Larry-Boy of an approaching alien. Larry-Boy begins to search for the alien, but has no success. Meanwhile, Junior Asparagus and Laura Carrot are having a tea party at Junior's house. Junior decides to take his father's prized "Art Bigoti" bowling plate for his teddy bear, saying that since it is a special bear, it deserves a special plate. While trying to retrieve it, he accidentally breaks the plate. The tennis ball-sized alien "Fibrillus Minimus" (Fib, for short) emerges and convinces Junior to lie to his dad claiming, "A little fib couldn't hurt anybody." Junior lies to his dad and claims that Laura broke the plate by using a gadget. Junior's dad believes him, but Junior soon discovers that every time he lies, his "little fib" grows larger and larger. He and the Fib go downtown where he tells Percy Lenny fed the plate to a crocodile. Then Laura, Percy, and Lenny form an angry mob and confront him about blaming Laura and Lenny. When Junior tells a lie about alien cows coming to Earth and destroying the plate, which Percy likens to that movie he saw, the Fib grows to be a 50-foot tall giant who holds Junior prisoner and starts wreaking a quarter of havoc and destruction in the city.

Larry-Boy is then summoned and is forced to pursue the Fib and Junior in his Larry-Mobile as it tries to escape by climbing to the top of the 100-foot tall water tower. Larry-Boy transforms the Larry-Mobile into the Larry-Plane and flies into the indigo-colored sky. He then ejects above the Fib after funding out the Larry-plane is unarmed but is grabbed and squeezed until one of his plungers pops out. As the Fib starts to eat Larry-Boy as Larry-boy kicks and screams, Larry-Boy's butler, Alfred (Archibald Asparagus), informs him that Junior is the only one who can stop the Fib. Junior then admits the truth about his lies to his parents (who are watching from below) and as he tells the truth, the Fib shrinks into nothing but air. Junior then apologizes to his parents and everyone else. The episode ends with Larryboy watching another Fib landing.

Silly Song: Replaced with a Larry-Boy music video.

Josh and the Big Wall! (1997)

Josh and the Big Wall! was originally released in August 3, 1997, on VHS by Everland Entertainment. A stageplay based on the episode was developed and managed to hit theaters.

The Israelites, having been held as slaves in Egypt, are liberated by Moses (Mr. Nezzer) and led to the Promised Land. However, they run away after seeing Goliath's family in the land and are barred from the promised land for forty years. Upon the completion of their forty-year exile, Moses has died, and Joshua (Larry the Cucumber) has become leader of the Israelites. Joshua leads them back to the Promised Land, but they soon stumble upon the city of Jericho. The Israelites are then met by the defenders of Jericho (the French Peas) who taunt them from atop the city's great walls. Joshua tries to explain that God has given the land to the Israelites and that therefore the defenders will have to step aside, but the Israelites are instead met by more insults and smug jeering. When a slushy falls off the wall and hits Jimmy on the head, Joshua decides that the Israelites should fall back and regroup.

That night, Joshua meets the commander of the Army of the Lord (Archibald Asparagus), who tells him how the Israelites are to take Jericho: they must march around the city once a day for six days; on the seventh day they are to march around it seven times while the priests blow their horns, and all scream as loud as they can at the same time. At this point, the messenger states, the walls of Jericho will fall. Joshua is fascinated by this idea. The next morning, Joshua reports the plan to his team, but the rest of the Israelites have ideas of their own. Pa Grape wants to go back to Egypt, and Jimmy and Jerry plan to attack the wall with a giant rocket they just constructed and the Israelites applaud (despite not having hands). Eventually, Joshua talks them into trying it God's way and leads them back to Jericho later that day.

While marching around the walls, the Israelites face more trouble; the city's defenders insult them all the more, turning their taunts into a choreographed musical number, while Joshua and the agitated Israelites try to ignore them. However, things take a turn for the worse when the taunting soon turns into a super semi-frozen battle when the Jericho defenders use slushies as their weapons to attack the Israelites, forcing them to retreat. The end of the day finds the drenched and desperate Israelites on the verge of rebellion, while Joshua refuses to quit. At this point, Junior, one of the Israelites and the co-narrator, intervenes and convinces them to continue with the plan. He says that God's way always works out in the end.

Inspired by Junior's speech, the Israelites agree to stick with the plan, despite more slushy attacks and taunts. On the seventh day, they blow their horns and scream. At first, nothing happens, but then the walls collapse. The Israelites continue their journey towards the Promised Land.

Silly Song: "The Song of the Cebú"

Madame Blueberry (1998)

Madame Blueberry was originally released in May 10, 1998 on VHS by Word Entertainment and features a story about being grateful with what God gives you.

In a takeoff of the story of Madame Bovary, Madame Blueberry is rich and lives in a sparsely-decorated tree house. Though her butlers (portrayed by Bob and Larry) attend to her every whim, they find themselves unable to lift Blueberry's spirits. The only happiness she seems to have comes from photographs of her neighbor's possessions. One day, a trio of salesmen (the Scallions) arrive at Blueberry's tree house to promote a new local mega-store (the Stuff-Mart), saying the store has everything she needs to be happy. Though Bob has his doubts, Blueberry eagerly follows the three salesmen to the store.

Along the way, she sees Annie happily celebrating her birthday with her parents, though all she has to celebrate with is a piece of apple pie. She wonders why Annie is so happy with so little, but forgets about it upon entering the store. Blueberry goes on a buying spree and has it all delivered to her tree house. During a lunch break, Blueberry sees Junior Asparagus's excitement over a new ball his dad bought for him in spite of his disappointment that his dad could not afford the train set he really wanted. Blueberry again wonders how someone can be happy with so little while she is not happy despite having everything she wants. Blueberry finally is thankful for what she has.

The ongoing deliveries make the tree house begin to fall backwards, which startles Blueberry and her butlers. They take carts and attempt to race to the house and stop the deliveries in time. They are too late to make it in time and the ongoing deliveries cause the back door to open and dump Blueberry's possessions into the lake below. The sudden loss of weight causes the tree to fling the house into the air before it hits the ground in front of the Stuff-Mart where it collapses. Blueberry is comforted by the presence of her butlers, Annie, Junior, and their parents, and trusts that everything will turn out right in the end.

This episode features the debut of Madame Blueberry who has since become an integral VeggieTales character. It also features Mr. Lunt's "His Cheeseburger" (A.K.A. "Love Songs with Mr. Lunt"), which replaces the Silly Song for this video.

Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed (1999)

Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed was originally released in July 14, 1999 by Word Entertainment.

Percy Pea and Lil' Pea are leaving a movie theater and are cornered by a shady Scallion (Scallion #3 (the "Milk Money Bandit")) who asks them for a nickel. Percy refuses, but the Scallion then demands the money he is carrying for milk money. After stealing the money and escaping to the rooftops with his loot, Larry-Boy (Larry the Cucumber) confronts him and shakes the stolen money off of him before throwing him into Officer Scooter's patrol car. Soon after, he begins reviewing his capture technique with his butler, Alfred (Archibald Asparagus), but in the process accidentally knocks an unfinished potted plant off the windowsill. The plant gets caught on some power lines on the way down, where a woman is gossiping on the phone, then falls into a sewer drain where the gossip brings the plant to life (in the style of the Little Shop of Horrors' Audrey II).

The next morning, Alfred is giving a speech at a school and afterwards tells the teacher he needs to go home and "recharge his batteries" (meaning he needs to rest). Junior Asparagus and Laura Carrot take the figure of speech literally and jump to the false conclusion that Alfred is a robot. As they walk home, discussing what they had heard Alfred say, they encounter a small talking weed. Similar weeds begin to appear throughout town, spreading the rumor. Larry and Alfred are tending to a garden when Alfred heads inside to answer the phone. Another weed appears and tries to spread the rumor, but Larry does not listen. Alfred then calls Larry in. Mayor Blueberry (Madame Blueberry) informs him that strange weeds are growing all over the city and saying that the story about the fact that Alfred is a robot is a rumor. Suiting up as Larry-Boy, he dives into action.

Larry-Boy manages to find a weed and attempts to shred it with a weed whacker, which malfunctions. Shears don't work either, so Alfred has Larry-Boy scan the weed with his plunger ear. Back at the Larry-Cave, Alfred discovers that all the weeds are connected to a "Mother Weed" underground. Upon arriving in the sewer, Larry-Boy meets the Mother Weed and is quickly overpowered. Alfred learns the citizens are afraid of him, saying that he is a "killer robot with laser eyes." Suddenly, the Mother Weed breaks free out from underground and snatches Alfred, but the citizens refuse to help.

Dad Asparagus arrives and asks what is going on. The Mother Weed says that she heard the story from "very reliable sources." Junior and Laura confess they took Alfred literally and started the rumor. Dad explains to them that "even if it's true, God doesn't want us to tell stories that can hurt. He want us to spread nice words." Dad's words cause flowers to grow on the Mother Weed. Junior and Laura decide that the way to save Alfred is to spread good words about him. They convince the citizens that Alfred is not a robot. The Mother Weed continues sprouting flowers until she transforms into a giant flower. Alfred forgives them for the misunderstanding just as a battered Larry-Boy drags himself out of the sewer.

Silly Song: None

King George and the Ducky (2000)

King George and the Ducky was originally released in April 1, 2000 by Word Entertainment.

An Englishman (Scallion #1) goes up a hill and steals all the bananas. Then a Swede (Jerry Gourd) goes up another hill and steals all the strawberries. Both men refuse to eat their own fruit without some of the other but are too selfish to lend some to each other. They are stuck.

In the second story, King George (Larry the Cucumber) only cares about rubber duckies. His servant Louis (Bob) tries to tell him the kingdom is in the middle of the Great Pie War, but George does not care. To him, the most important person in the world is himself. As George proclaims his love for himself and his rubber duckie, he notices a rubber duckie which belongs to a poor boy named Thomas (Junior Asparagus). Jealous, King George tells Louis to get him the duck, but Louis refuses.

Cedric the General (Scallion #1) says that they need more men on the battlefield. Seeing his opportunity, George announces that Thomas wants to help and tells Cedric to put Thomas on the front line of the battle alone. With Thomas out of the way, George tells Louis to meet him at Thomas's house so they can take the duck. King George and Louis manage to steal the duck and the King is happy. Before George can take a bath with his new duck, Cedric and Thomas come. According to Cedric, Thomas ended the war all on his own, but has suffered "the trauma of war" in the process. George quickly shoos them away and again tries to get in the bath, but is interrupted by Melvin (Pa Grape).

Melvin tells a story of two men, one with many sheep and one with a single sheep. Visited by a guest, the rich man steals the sheep from the poor man to serve for dinner. Furious, George asks who this rich man is, and Melvin points out that it is George himself. Melvin tells George that whether he is a king or just a kid, God wants them all to put others first. Looking to make up for his sins, George lets Thomas take a bath in his bathtub, which cures his war trauma, and then returns his duck.

Silly Song: "Endangered Love"

Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen (2000)

Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen was originally released on August 20, 2000 by Word Entertainment.

The story opens at 3:00 A.M. at a palace in Persia where Haman, King Xerxes' (Mr. Nezzer) right-hand-man (Mr. Lunt), is throwing Queen Vashti out for insubordination (as she refused to make Xerxes a sandwich at the hour). A search is then initiated to find a new Queen.

Later that morning, Esther and her cousin Mordecai (Pa Grape) are discussing about her friend who stole an apple. Esther lacks the courage to confront her, but Mordecai believes she shouldn't be afraid to do what is right. When Haman drives up in a faux-car to collect the eligible maidens, he spots Mordecai and orders him to bow in his presence, but Mordecai refuses as he bows down to no one except God and Xerxes. Haman then spots Esther and has her taken to the palace with the other maidens (though the relationship between Mordecai and Esther is kept secret).

At the palace, Xerxes and Haman audition the maidens to be the new Queen. When Esther takes the stage and sings, Xerxes is left in awe and the decision is made. However, Esther does not wish to be the Queen, but regardless she is crowned and ensconced in her new life against her will. One day in the throne room of the palace, Xerxes is visited by the Peaoni brothers (Jean-Claude and Phillipe Pea) who plan to crush him with a grand piano while he looks closely at a cake. Mordecai, who is hiding in a corner to avoid Haman, observes the plot and informs Esther. Esther warns Xerxes in time and the piano crashes harmlessly onto the cake. Xerxes thanks her for saving his life, but she indicates Mordecai, saying that the credit should be his.

Haman banishes the Peaoni Brothers to the Island of Perpetual Tickling for their crimes of attempting to crush Xerxes and for entering the throne room uninvited. Though Xerxes believes he is safe, Haman convinces him that a greater threat awaits, which is a family that cannot be trusted. Unaware that Haman is talking about Mordecai, Xerxes unwittingly authorizes an edict to have him and his family banished to the Island of Perpetual Tickling. Mordecai finds the edict posted among other posters and visits Esther on her balcony at the palace. He appeals to her to reveal Haman's evil plans to Xerxes, but she is afraid as she lacks the courage to confront Xerxes and struggles with what to do.

While Mordecai reminds her that she need not fear to do what's right, action does not come easy for Esther. Twice, she attempts to inform Xerxes, and both times she fails, lamely inviting Xerxes and Haman to dinner instead. Meanwhile, Haman attempts to get Mordecai to bow to him again and threatens to have his banishment carried out immediately when he refuses. His attempt is foiled when Xerxes utterly humiliates him by declaring his plan to throw a parade in Mordecai's honor for saving his life. On her third attempt, Esther is finally able to muster up the courage to face Xerxes, and in the process unveils Haman's scheme, forcing Xerxes to banish him to the Island of Perpetual Tickling. Mordecai ends up filling Haman's former position as Xerxes' right-hand-man as Esther, having saved her people, gazes out the side of the palace with a smile.

Silly Song: None

Lyle the Kindly Viking (2001)

Lyle the Kindly Viking was originally released on March 24, 2001 by Word Entertainment.

In an attempt to bring a higher level of class and sophistication to VeggieTales, Archibald Asparagus requests and receives permission to run the show. The counter top is then modified with a faux fireplace and wing chair (a la Masterpiece Theatre) and Archibald introduces the first segment.

This segment was intended to be a VeggieTales production of the Shakespearean play Hamlet with the help of Phillipe and Jean-Claude, The French Peas. In the story, Omelet, played by Jimmy Gourd, is a prince of a kingdom in Denmark who desires some eggs "cooked light and fluffy" to eat. A baker named Horatio (Scooter Carrot) brings them to him and informs Omelet that these are the last eggs in the kingdom. Regardless, Omelet feels happy about eating the eggs until Ophelia (Mr. Lunt) remarks "I think we're gonna get letters about this," and asks him to instead share the eggs with the kingdom. However Omelet selfishly refuses. Later, Omelet joins a game of Battleship with young lad and is encouraged by him to share the eggs. As Omelet announces his plan to share, he learns that the town has plenty of eggs (they were being used for ping-pong balls) and has light-and-fluffy eggs, or "omelettes", cooked for everybody. Larry and Junior in the audience are bewildered by the antiquated English.

For the second segment, Archibald presents what he says is a "long lost musical of Gilbert and Sullivan," provided by The French Peas, entitled Lyle the Kindly Viking. In this segment, the plot focuses on Lyle (Junior Asparagus) who quietly lives on an island with his fellow Vikings. As the Vikings return to the island with loot pillaged from a nearby monastery, Lyle slips out on his own ship and gives the monks (Pa Grape and the Peas) his small share of loot and homemade potholders as a small act of compensation. One day, Lyle's trips are discovered by fellow Vikings Otar and Sven (Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber), who confront him and promise to keep it secret. Lyle convinces them that sharing is a much nicer alternative to pillaging and plundering. The next day, Lyle is discovered by the Viking leader Olaf (Mr. Nezzer), who does not approve and wants to make an example of him. When a storm capsizes the Viking ships, the monks rescue Lyle and Lyle who convince the monks to save the rest of the doomed Vikings. This show of kindness convinces the Vikings to share what they have. The authors of Lyle turn out to be Gilbert Jones and Sullivan o' Kelly.

Silly Song: Replaced with "Classy Songs with Larry" ("Larry's High Silk Hat")

Lyle the kindly viking won the best direct-to-home video production award at the 2001 World Animation Celebration Festival.

The Star of Christmas (2002)

The Star of Christmas was originally released on October 29, 2002.

The episode is set in London in 1882. Cavis Appythart (Bob the Tomato) and Millward Phelps (Larry the Cucumber) are jingle writers who decide to make their big break into musical theatre. While Millward is content to see their work featured on billboards and in newspapers, Cavis believes they can make a difference in crime-ridden London by staging a grand musical that will move the citizens to greater expressions of love. Their opportunity arises when Millward's Uncle Nezzer grants them the use of his theater on Christmas Eve. They plan the huge production of a new musical called "The Princess and the Plumber". However, with only three days left until Christmas Eve, they still need a script. Seymour Schwenk (Sullivan's and Gilbert's middle names), their friend and an inventor, shows up in an experimental rocket car (a direct reference to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) and delivers a box of light bulbs to them. Cavis maintains that if their production is glitzy and bright (electric lights are still a novelty at this time and were first introduced at the Savoy Theatre for Gilbert and Sullivan's Patience) then their show will be a bigger hit and reach more people. He plans to integrate the lights directly into the scenery itself.

Cavis and Millward also need to convince the city's premiere talent, Constance Effie Pickering, to star in the lead role, and they need to get a commitment from Prince Calvin Fredrick to attend the premiere. While Cavis and his assistant Bob Winston work on Pickering and the Prince, Millward works to complete the script. Everything eventually starts coming together, and Cavis starts feeling confident that their production will be a huge success. After noticing a flyer for a Christmas pageant planned to occur on the same night at a local church, Cavis goes to investigate. He observes Edmund Gilbert preparing a low-budget children's play, and concludes that it poses no threat to their production. However, the pageant intends to feature an object called the "Star of Christmas". Wondering aloud about this as he leaves the church, Cavis is overheard by Arthur McHollingshead. Arthur, a historian, reveals that the Star of Christmas is an ancient relic that has not been publicly displayed for 79 years. He rushes off with great excitement to report the news, which promptly makes the front page headlines the next morning.

Faced with the prospect of losing their audience, and in particular the Prince, to the church play, Cavis vows to make their own production greater and flashier. However, Cavis and Millward cannot convince Prince Frederick to attend their play instead of going to the church pageant. In desperation, the duo sneak into the church at night to steal what Cavis thinks is the Star, but Milward says looks like a turtle. They are caught, however, and narrowly escape from the aged "Moyer the Destroyer" who was left to guard the relic. With the Star and the flashy lights, Cavis is certain that "The Princess and the Plumber" is now a guaranteed success. But during dress rehearsal, the excessive number of lights, which Seymour had warned were a fire hazard, ignite the curtains. The theater goes up in flames, taking with it the Star of Christmas. As Cavis and Millward mope over this terrible turn of events, a police officer named Dwiglight Howarde arrives with Moyer LaGumtree to arrest them for stealing the Star. In the jail, they meet a prisoner, Charles Pincher, who laughs at their efforts to spread love by means of an elaborate stage production. He claims that real love makes sacrifices to help others without expecting anything in return and is extremely rare.

As if on cue, Edmund and his father, Reverend Gilbert, arrive at the jail to release Cavis and Millward, having chosen out of love not to press charges for the theft of the Star. Cavis is moved, and he expresses his desire to attend the pageant. However, the pageant is scheduled to start in ten minutes and there is not enough time to walk there. Just then, Seymour arrives in his rocket car. He entrusts Millward to drive the vehicle and try to get them all to the church on time. After a harrowing ride fraught with collisions and near-misses, Cavis, Millward, Edmund, and Reverend Gilbert arrive at the church just as the pageant is about to start.

The play is a success, with Prince Joseph and Miss Pickering in attendance. Cavis finally learns that Christmas is not about glitz and grand productions, but about a baby in a manger, Jesus, who is the real "Star of Christmas". After the play, Moyer shows Cavis and Millward that the real Star of Christmas (the object) is actually safe and that the duo actually stole the Turtle of Damascus, which most experts consider to be a hoax. The episode ends with Cavis and Millward performing a selfless act at last: they bring cookies and a gift to Charles Pincher in his jail cell, and Cavis says, smiling warmly, "Merry Christmas, Mr. Pincher".

Silly Song: None

The Wonderful World of Autotainment (2003)

The Wonderful World of Autotainment was released on May 20, 2003.

An argument between Bob and Larry ensues after Larry refuses to play the theme song. Once it finishes, Larry takes Bob through a mysterious door to what's later revealed to be the future. After more arguing and conversation, Larry introduces the "Wonderful World of Auto-Tainment" to Bob. The Wonderful World of Auto-Tainment is a room which has a machine consisting of a wheel and a ball machine. Veggies spin on the wheel and the Veggie randomly selected by the wheel is forced to sing a song in the performance room. The ball machine occasionally displays two balls with the words on them. The Ventrilomatic and Rusty (from the 3-2-1 Penguins! series) play a role in this episode as the adjudicators, as does Mr. Lunt (as the "Techno-Gourd of the future"), who runs the machine. The French Peas (Phillipe and Jean-Claude), Pa Grape, Archibald Asparagus, and Junior Asparagus are selected to sing songs.

The French Pea duo starts off the show by singing the cumulative song with photos, images, screenshots, etc. "There's a hole in bottom of the sea." Pa Grape is second, singing "Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man."

The show takes a break as an animated parable, namely "Lunch", plays. The parable depicts a blue man (accompanied by a green dog) going through the shenanigan of trying to get his lunch from a machine by inserting a dollar into it when he finds out its serve ("Yummy") button is not working. Frustrated, he tries to smack the button enough so it will work, but the machine, though falling backwards at first, falls on him. With barely enough weight-lifting, he lifts the machine, trying to get it back in its former position, when his "yummy" treat slips out of the deposit area. He tries to get it, but the machine crushes him. He manages to lift it until it is on its other side. He gets the treat and is just about to eat it when a bird poops on it. The man face-palms over the loss of his treat, and the parable abruptly cuts off with a "the end" text screen.

The show resumes with Archibald Asparagus singing Gilbert and Sullivan's "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General." Rusty beging to lash out at Ventril-o-Matic. Larry, at the last second, steps into the performance room and, with Junior Asparagus and a flower chorus, sings "You Are My Sunshine." Rusty is in bliss and requests to watch an aardvark sing. Pa Grape is once again selected on the wheel and sings the folk song Low Bridge, Everybody Down. Then Rusty goes through rapid mood swings and Bob expresses his hatred of the future. So Junior Asparagus closes the show by singing a song about going to bed, praying and telling God about his day, and talking to God about how, according to the Bible, he loves him. He also tells God about screwing up (not sharing toys, coloring on the wall, making noise, etc.). His last words before resting include those, of course, about resting. Bob and Larry announce their departure from the future by saying that they are ready to go home, so they say goodbye and travel back to the present time, with Mr. Lunt catching up to them at the last second saying he would like his job back in the present time since the robots disturb him.

Silly Song: None

The Ballad of Little Joe (2003)

The Ballad of Little Joe was released in August 5, 2003.

As the story begins we are introduced to the brothers (The French Peas) and Little Joe (Larry) (an allusion to "Little Joe" Cartwright) who all live at the "Okie-Dokie Corral". Among Joe's unique skills are the abilities to solve problems, organize resources, and interpret dreams. We soon learn that it is Little Joe's birthday, and the brothers' father (Pa Grape) lavishes attention and gifts upon him.

When Joe foretells a time when his brothers will bow down before him, their jealousy turns to spite, and they decide to sell him into slavery to The Scallions. He travels on a zig-zag path and ends up in Dodgeball City, where he starts working at a saloon for Mr. McPotipher (Scooter Carrot), and his unique skills quickly make him an invaluable employee. Also working at the saloon is Miss Kitty (Madame Blueberry) who entertains the patrons from the stage. She also becomes jealous of Joe when he is named Employee of the Month in her place. She frames him and he is imprisoned for the theft of gold, a crime he did not commit.

Joe keeps a positive attitude in jail and is able to help two inmates who have been haunted by dreams. His predictions come true: one is released and the other, presumably, is executed. When his reputation comes to the attention of the Mayor (Mr. Nezzer), Joe is summoned to interpret a particularly disturbing dream of the latter, in which seven fat cows are devoured by seven scrawny cows. Joe understands immediately and warns the Mayor: there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine; fill the storehouses now so you will be prepared.

Joe is put in charge of distributing the grain during the years of famine. When he recognizes his own family has come to procure food, he is overcome with emotion. He wants to reveal himself to them, but first needs to know if they have changed. He devises a plan where he frames the youngest brother, Benjamin, for theft to see how they respond. When all the brothers insist on taking the fall in his place and rue the previous loss of another brother, Joe reveals his identity. Jude apologizes to Joe for what he has done to him, who explains that what God used from what wrong he did into good and forgives his brothers. The story concludes with the happy reunion.

Silly Song: "Belly Button"

An Easter Carol (2004)

An Easter Carol was released on March 5, 2004.

It is the day before Easter, and the local church is scheduled to have a new window unveiling service at the next day's morning service. Ebenezer Nezzer, who owns a local factory, used to attend church with his grandma when he was little, but no longer goes. Reverend Gilbert and his son Edmond agree to pay Ebenezer a visit and invite him to the Easter service. Cavis Appythart (Bob the Tomato) and Ebenezer's nephew, Millward Phelps (Larry the Cucumber), are working in Ebenezer's factory to repay him after burning down his theater during the previous episode. Cavis and Millward disagree over who should approach Ebenezer and ask for a day off for Easter. When the duo ask, Ebenezer lectures them about the history of how his grandmother started making Easter eggs. Ebenezer recalls that before his grandma died, she told him to tell everyone "Easter means no death". Nezzer misunderstands this, thinking that as long as he makes Easter eggs he will keep his grandma alive forever. When Reverend Gilbert and Edmond arrive, Ebenezer explains that he plans to tear down the church and build an Easterland theme park in its place. When the others protest, Ebenezer gets angry and ejects them all from the factory. The townsfolk soon learn about the news and are worried about the demolition of the church, but cannot stop Nezzer since he owns the property on which the church is located.

That night, while Ebenezer is asleep, he sees a vision of his grandma telling him he has missed the point of Easter, and at the stroke of midnight, he will receive a second visitor to help him understand. Meanwhile, Cavis and Millward are trying to break into the factory to steal the Easterland plans despite being on probation for stealing the Star of Christmas in the previous episode. Mr. Nezzer then wakes up from his vision and then intends to stay awake for the visitor. He falls asleep waiting for the visitor, and at the stroke of midnight, a clockwork egg suddenly opens and an angel named Hope emerges. She wakes Ebenezer and starts showing him Easter Past, beginning with a church service. A young Ebenezer and his grandma are in attendance, and Grandma Nezzer is trying to get Ebenezer to understand the story of Easter but the young Ebenezer is mainly focused on selling his eggs and wondering why the egg he received is empty. Next, Hope shows Ebenezer Easter from a year ago, when Ebenezer first started making plastic Easter eggs. He talks to an inventor named Seymour and gets Seymour to agree to invent plastic chickens that can make plastic eggs. Seymour is not paid, but Ebenezer does give him an early free pass to Easterland much to Hope's dismay.

Hope and Ebenezer return to Easter Present and visit the Reverend's house, where he and Moyer are discussing about the church. It is revealed that Grandma Nezzer paid for all of the church windows herself, and that just before she died she commissioned the new window that they were going to unveil on Easter morning. Ebenezer remains adamant that remaining loyal to his grandma's business and Easterland is the only way to maintain her memory. Hope and Ebenezer then learn that Edmond is sick and will die within a year if nothing changes. Ebenezer is shocked and does not understand why Edmond's parents are so calm with such news. Hope then takes Ebenezer back into the church and teaches him the story of Jesus' life, his Crucifixion, and eventually his Resurrection. With a deeper understanding of Easter's eternal significance, Ebenezer finally accepts his grandmother's passing.

Hope then welcomes Nezzer to 'Easter Future'. The church is about to be demolished, the orphanage is gone, Little Edmond has died, and without the Hope of Easter, the town's once-brave policeman has lost the courage to stop criminals. Hope disappears back into the egg and Ebenezer pleads for her to come back because they need her. He rushes back to the church to try to stop the demolition and wakes up. He finds out that it is still Easter Present and that he still has a chance to prevent Easter Future from occurring. Ebenezer rushes as quickly as he can to the church, and arrives just in time to stop the demolition crew.

Millward suddenly rushes in and shouts that the factory is about to explode and that Cavis is trapped inside. Ebenezer rushes back into the factory to save Cavis, and they escape by being catapulted out of one of the factory's windows by one of the machines just as the factory explodes. It starts raining Easter eggs across the town and Ebenezer promises to help fix up the orphanage and get young Edmond get the medicine he needs with the money he has left.

Silly Song: None

A Snoodle's Tale (2004)

A Snoodle's Tale was released on May 10, 2004.

An English gentleman named Mr. Butterbun (Scooter Carrot) and his butler Poole (Larry) are obsessing about a flashy disco dancer who performs on the street at night. The neighbors, including Poole, seem to enjoy his performances, but Butterbun is deeply suspicious. When the dancer disappears into the home of Dr. Jiggle (Jimmy Gourd), he insists that they warn the doctor. Dr. Jiggle also admits to being impressed by the Mr. Sly's fantastic moves, and confesses a desire to be a dancer himself. Unfortunately for him, his portly stature makes this impossible with his jiggly belly being a target for ridicule. When Butterbun requests an audience with Mr. Sly, Dr. Jiggle becomes frantic and quickly shows his guests the doorstep.

Butterbun is determined to find out who Mr. Sly really is and why he keeps disappearing into Dr. Jiggle's house. He enlists Poole to set a trap for him, to detain him while he dances and remove his disguise; but this plan fails when Poole instead gets caught up in the dance. The following night, Jiggle faints, and Sly appears again. Butterbun discovers that Jiggle and Sly are the same gourd, and Jiggle confesses to take dance class. Butterbun tells Jiggle that's great and he did not need to hide in a disguise because he's special just the way God made him. Dr. Jiggle finds out that he can dance in his own way.

"A Snoodle's Tale," Bob narrates the story of a whimsical little creature known as a Snoodle. The Snoodles live in Snoodleburg, a town which features prominently a large clock tower in the center. Every fourth Tuesday, it spits out a new Snoodle which slides down a chute to join the Snoodle society. We then witness the birth of one such creature named Snoodle Doo. He is born without any knowledge of his talents or abilities, but has on his back a backpack which contains paints, a paintbrush, and a kazoo. He also discovers he has wings. Attempting to figure out his purpose in life, he tries to utilize these gifts: first flying and then painting. But his attempts are met with ridicule by the older, more experienced Snoodles. Making matters worse, they paint him pictures of his failures and stuff them into his backpack. The weight of these pictures (and figuratively their ridicule) drag him down, making him feel worthless.

He decides to leave Snoodleburg and, observing the finches flying freely over Mt. Ginches, decides that he too will go there. After an arduous climb he eventually reaches the peak. There he meets a Stranger, the Creator of the Snoodles (which is a representation of God himself), who lives in a cave high above the clouds. The Stranger asks the Snoodle why he is so dejected, and the Snoodle explains that it is because he is no good at anything. The Stranger invites him in for tea and throws the hurtful pictures into the fire, assuring him that they look nothing like him. The Creator then draws him a new picture, one that shows him confident and proud, which encourages Snoodle Doo to not just fly, but to soar. Snoodle Doo's own picture, the one ridiculed by his elders, is then hung by the Stranger on his fridge. The story ends as the young Snoodle flies back to Snoodleburg and tells of his journey to the others.

Silly Song: "Sport Utility Vehicle"

Sumo of the Opera (2004)

Sumo of the Opera was released in August 31, 2004.

The first segment is a silent film short in 1920's America.The three veggie stooges are assigned to deliver a piano to a 3-story mansion at the top of a 1000-inch tall hill. While his fellow workers give up on the seemingly impossible task, Larry perseveres and is rewarded for his eventual success.

In the second segment, Lutfi presents a story about the origin of St. Patrick's Day. The story tells about Maewyn Succat, a young English boy who is kidnapped by pirates and sold as a slave in Ireland. His new life is miserable and he spends his days in constant prayer, even as those around him celebrate paganism. When God tells him it is time to leave, Succat runs away and returns to England by way of France. Back at home, Maewyn continues his scholarship and dreams that the people of Ireland are begging him to come back and teach them about Christianity. Succat grows up to become a bishop, is rechristened "Patrick", and fulfills his destiny to return to Ireland.

In the third segment, the titular story parodies the Rocky film series, mainly the third one, the story takes place in 1990's Japan. Larry is the "Italian Scallion", a sumo wrestler who has difficulty taking anything seriously. He succeeds in injuring his sparring partner Po-Ta-To (Henry the Potato) as a result of his clowning around when Po slips on a banana peel and falls from the ring, injuring his back.

He is admonished for his joking by Mikey (Pa Grape), who accuses him of being weak, lacking ambition, and never completing what he starts when young Hadrian (Junior Asparagus) reminds him that he has not yet fixed his bike. Meanwhile, the Champion, Apollo Gourd, is looking for an opponent now that Po has been injured. The prize is a new "Tiger Bike". Wanting the bike for Hadrian, Scallion accepts the challenge. Mikey agrees to become his trainer on the condition that Scallion does everything he says.

Scallion starts out well and trains hard, but when things get difficult, he quits. However, when Scallion sees Hadrian emulating him he realizes that he must set a good example and persevere. He returns to his training with relish and eventually is ready for his match with Apollo Gourd, though naturally no one gives him a chance. However, Scallion does surprisingly well in the match. He lasts longer in the ring than anyone ever has against Apollo. When they both tumble out of the ring at the same moment, the match is called a tie. Unfortunately this means that Apollo remains the champion. In spite of this, Scallion is victorious for having persevered and even completes the repairs to Hadrian's bike.

Silly Song: "School House Polka"

Duke and the Great Pie War (2005)

Duke and the Great Pie War was released on March 8, 2005.

Laura Carrot portrays Miriam, who wonders why people in the Egyptian village refuse to acknowledge that her new baby brother Moses is a boy. She is forced to look after the baby because her parents and elder brother Aaron are working in the brickyards. She finds babysitting tougher than she thought and complains about her plight. But when Aaron is almost run down by a chariot, she learns the value of family. Once she learns that the Egyptians are taking away all the Hebrew baby boys, Miriam decides to hide Baby Moses in the Nile River. After he is plucked out of the river by Pharaoh's daughter (Miss Achmetha), Miriam offers to have her family care for the new prince.

In the main feature, Larry plays Duke Duke, a knight from the Kingdom of Scone in the Middle Ages from 1000 to 1500 AD. However, he is terrible at jousting and enrolls in "Ye Old Knight School" for training. When he fails a jousting test, he receives a disapproving look from the arrogant "Otis The Elevated" (Mr. Lunt). While walking with his friend Lucas one day, he comes across the sweet Princess Petunia (Petunia Rhubarb). Petunia is a Rhubarbarian who has been exiled from her own land and has taken refuge with her poor mother-in-law, Nona (Madame Blueberry) who is Duke's cousin. Duke is smitten with the exiled princess, despite her being a foreigner who is hated by the people of Scone, due to her relatives fighting against them in the Great Pie War.

Nona reveals the history of the family to Duke, how Petunia was the wife of the prince of Scone, how Duke is related to both Petunia and Otis, and how Otis precipitated the Great Pie War after refusing to take care of his family. Nona then gives Duke half of a key to the vault of the family castle and says that Otis was given the other half of it. In order to have the key made whole and Petunia restored, Duke must challenge Otis to a joust. The next day the joust is set up and the audience arrives to watch. The contest involves multiple challenges, among them an obstacle course and a riddle from the Abbott of Costello. The obstacle course is won by Otis and Duke solves the riddle. With the contest tied, Duke and Otis are required to joust each other using pies to determine the winner. Otis has superior skill, but when the crowd hears Otis' boasting of his selfishness and ruthlessness, the audience starts cheering for Duke which helps him find the motivation he needs to succeed. In the end, Duke marries Petunia and they live happily ever after.

This video features the debut of Petunia Rhubarb who has since been featured as either the love interest of or the female main character opposite Larry the Cucumber. It also features the Silly Song, "The Blues With Larry".

Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush (2005)

Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush was released in June 25, 2005.

Junior is a young boy who is discouraged when a big bully named Mount Gordon claims the playground as his own and threatens to pound anyone who trespasses. Back in his tree house, Junior starts daydreaming about being very heroic with Gordon always being the antagonist of his dreams. When he declares that he is not afraid, Dad comes and gives him advice on how to overcome his fears. Later, the kids return to the playground. Gordon appears and threatens to pound Junior every day. But soon, the other kids gain courage to stand up to Gordon as well; Gordon leaves and everyone cheers.

The main feature, "Minnesota Cuke", begins with Minnesota searching for the Golden Carrot Nose of the Indomitable Snowman in the Himalayas. However, after a chain of events, his arch enemy, Professor Rattan, ends up swiping the Golden Carrot Nose and saying, "Finders keepers!" At the children's museum, Minnesota complains about Rattan to his assistant, Martin. Then, a Parkman from New York City arrives to inform Minnesota about a plot to steal Samson's hairbrush, which is believed to possess the great powers of Samson. Apparently, Canadians want to use the power of the hairbrush to take over both halves of Niagara Falls. Assuming that Samson's strength came from his long hair, Minnesota decides he wants to use the power of the brush to get revenge on Rattan. Martin tries to tell him that the trip won't be about getting even with Rattan but Cuke rejects Martin's idea in favor of his own.

The first stop in his search, is an ice cream shop in Malta. He seeks advice from an old friend, a former archaeologist named Julia. She gives him an address where he can find out more. Shortly after he leaves, Rattan arrives seeking the same information. When Julia refuses, Rattan sets the freezer to melt causing strawberry ice cream to flood the entire shop. Minnesota returns to save Julia, and she informs Minnesota they need to go to Seville.

In the Barbershop of Seville, they are welcomed by barbers Figaro and Leo, who tell Minnesota of the Catacombs where the hairbrush is secluded. They offer him a map, which Rattan immediately steals. However, they also inform Minnesota of a shortcut to the Catacombs. Minnesota finds the hairbrush, but is confronted by Rattan (Who thinks that the reason the Brush doesn't work for Cuke is because he has no hair), and the Parkman (who was working for Rattan the entire time) who have captured Julia. Minnesota offers him the brush for Julia's freedom. Martin calls and claims that the brush has no power, that Samson's power came from God rather than the artifact. Minnesota and Julia escape the Catacombs but again run into Rattan and the Parkman. Figaro and Leo arrive with two Canadian Mounties who attempt to arrest Rattan, but Minnesota shows compassion by convincing them to let him go. This redeems Rattan, who offers the brush in return for friendship and Minnesota keeps it in the children's museum. Back at the countertop the lessons learned are that sometimes we cannot do anything to change a bully and that God does not want us to try to get even because that just make us bullies too but God wants to love them.

Silly Song: "Pizza Angel"

Lord of the Beans (2005)

Lord of the Beans was released on October 29, 2005.

Randalf arrives in the shire for Billboy Baggypants' 122nd birthday party. Billboy talks about retiring and leaving the shire and uses a strange bean to produce a birthday cake. Returning to his home, he finds Randalf waiting in his living room. Randalf remarks on Billboy's impressive height, his fine clothing, and his luxuriously appointed home, knowing they have come from the bean, and warns his friend of using such things lightly. Billboy concedes that the bean has given him almost everything he could want. He then announces that he is leaving the shire due to dissatisfaction and bequeathing everything he owns, including the bean, to his nephew Toto.

Waiting for Toto, Randalf relates that Billboy has departed and draws his attention to the bean. Toto is curious as to why he would want a bean and Randalf describes the origin of a magical bean that could produce clothing, consumables, and small kitchen appliances, and also change your appearance. After verifying the bean's authenticity from an inscription left after warming it in the fire, Toto is unsure about accepting such a gift and tries to pass it off to Randalf. However, Randalf explains that one cannot choose his gifts and must determine for himself how they should best be used.

He then suggests that Toto travel to the Elders of the Razzberry Forest for insight with some friends that he has already gathered to assist with the journey: the ranger, Ear-a-Corn; the elf, Leg-O-Lamb; the dwarf, Grumpy; and Leg-O-Lamb's brother who had nothing better to do. They trek through the Mountains of Much Snowia and eventually reach the Razzberry Forest. There, Randalf warns the others not to laugh because the elders have lost their sense of humor. The Elders welcome them and inform Randalf that they must travel to the Land of Woe. The others burst into laughter upon hearing the greetings and native tongue of the Elders, which involves blowing raspberries. This gets them sentenced to detention on a platform forever until an eagle "saves" them and they escape.

Leaving the forest, they emerge near the entrance to the Land of Woe. After opening the door, they realize that Toto is the only one small enough to fit through and he proceeds alone. However, the remainder of the group soon learns that a group of sporks, minions of the evil Scaryman, are after Toto in order to seize the bean for their master. The fellowship then goes in pursuit.

In the Land of Woe, Toto encounters a strange creature named Ahem, who reveals that he was once a normal flobbit like Toto and the former owner of the bean. Ahem then agrees to accompany Toto into Woe as a guide. Meanwhile, the others charge through the Red Gate, only to be trapped by the Sporks. The "Other Elf" then bakes cookies and gives them to the Sporks who have not eaten anything for days and the fellowship journeys on. Toto and Ahem arrive in Woe to find a desperate people lacking the most basic necessities, such as food and water. Ahem wants Toto to leave them, to use the bean for his own creature comforts, but Toto recognizes that he can use it to help the people of Woe. The fellowship arrives just ahead of Scaryman, who steals the bean. However, Billboy suddenly reappears, recovering the bean and returning it to Toto. Toto throws the bean into the well, bringing water back to the Land of Woe and restoring it to its fertile and beautiful state.

Silly Song: "My Baby Elf"

Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler (2006)

Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler was released on March 11, 2006.

Knight Don Quixote (Archibald Asparagus) dreams he is facing three Peas in a world made of cooking utensils and foods. He and his best friend Poncho work in a Spanish restaurant of Cafe LaMancha. However, Jean Claude comes in to inform the duo of a new restaurant opening across the street called "The Food Factory", the most successful restaurant in the world. Don is sure they will go out of businesses.

Don assumes his latest dream has informed him to try different themes to win back their customers. This fails, and shortly after, the Food Factory manager offers Poncho a job at the Food Factory. Poncho refuses. Don's next dream convinces him to attack the Food Factory, only to end up in jail. While visiting Don in prison, Poncho learns that salsa is causing Don's bad dreams. He weans Don off the salsa. The next morning, Don claims he slept well. Sheriff Bob claims that he will let Don go if he quits the salsa. Poncho has an idea to open their restaurant for breakfast, as the Food Factory does not open until lunchtime.

The second story opens up to Sheerluck (Larry the Cucumber)'and Watson arriving at Doylie's Cafe to great applause. Both of them claim they have their latest case wrapped up. However, Sheerluck takes all the credit, upsetting Watson. After leaving, Scooter (As a running gag, his Scottish/English accent is so thick that not even his fellow Englishmen can understand him) informs the duo of a plot to steal the Golden Ruler. At the palace, they meet up with the prime minister and find clues. The police, Fish and Chips, want to solve the case themselves. Back at Doylie's, when Sheerluck takes the credit again for finding the clues, Watson leaves, saying to Sheerluck, "When you want to start treating me like a friend, come talk to me."

The next morning, at Sheerluck's apartment, Scooter informs him that the Golden Ruler has been stolen. He arrives at Watson's apartment, only to be battered by Watson's maids. Back at the palace, Sheerluck is clueless without Watson. He finally realizes his mistake and Watson appears; he has been disguised as one of the palace guards. He explains the clues and says the thief is disguised as a guard. The prime minister cannot match any of them to the crime. Sheerluck trips and accidentally reveals the culprit, who is then arrested.

Silly Song: "Gated Community"

LarryBoy and the Bad Apple (2006)

LarryBoy and the Bad Apple was released in August 1, 2006.

Bumblyburg is preparing to celebrate its 300th birthday. However, there is one concern about a mysterious web that has appeared around the statue of Obadiah Bumbly in the town square. While the townspeople fret and prepare for the celebration, LarryBoy is in the Larry-Mobile on his way back to the Larry-Cave, snacking on chocolate truffles. Alfred reminds him that eating too much chocolate will make him ill and compromise his abilities as a superhero. Back at the cave, LarryBoy becomes sick and admits that he can't control his chocolate addiction. With help from Alfred, he begins an exercise regimen that aims to limit the chocolate in his diet.

Meanwhile, a mysterious villain apple named the Bad Apple is formulating a plan to derail the city's celebration. Her strategy is to enslave everyone by their own personal temptations, allowing her to take over the city of Bumblyburg while everybody is incapacitated. She tasks her sidekick, Curly the Worm, with identifying the weaknesses of each of the city's most important citizens: Mayor Blueberry, Reporter Petunia, and LarryBoy, for she believes that eliminating these three will cripple the city's leadership, communication, and law enforcement.

She begins by paying a visit to Mayor Blueberry, whose weakness is vanity. Bad Apple preys on this weakness by convincing her that as a representative of Bumblyburg, it is her duty to look her best and spins a web (a trap) in which she claims there are countless beautiful things to improve the mayor's appearance. Her vanity validated, the Mayor steps into the trap. Next, she pays a visit to Petunia, whose weakness is playing video games. Petunia realizes her important role in keeping the city informed, but admits that she could use a break. Bad Apple spins another trap, this one containing a test version of the latest, unreleased video game system. Unable to resist the temptation, Petunia steps into the trap to play. Meanwhile, back at the Larry-Cave, Alfred has discovered that the mysterious webs have plagued Bumblyburg before. On an old, scratchy film reel, he learns that an apple named Ephraim Apply tried to ensnare the settlers of the new town with diversions at an establishment called Apply's Funhouse. The people succumbed and the town suffered until Obadiah Bumbly arrived in time to liberate the people and banish Ephraim Apply forever.

The Bad Apple pays a visit to LarryBoy, and, having learned of his weakness for chocolate, uses it to gain entrance to the Larry-Cave. Little by little, she dampens his resolve until he too falls into a trap designed specifically for him. With Larry indisposed in the "Chocolate Room", she easily breaks Alfred upon his return, ensnaring him by the television in front of his favorite cartoon. With Bumblyburg's leaders and heroes out of the way, the Bad Apple proceeds to the town square to fulfill her great-uncle Ephraim's destiny: opening up the new and improved "Apply's Funhouse II". She and Curly begin to lure the helpless citizens into the funhouse. At the Larry-Cave, Alfred and LarryBoy realize that they need each other's help to fight the temptation. Working together, they dissolve the webs of their traps, then quickly set out to rescue Mayor Blueberry and Petunia. They then all rush to the town square to fight temptation together. As LarryBoy fights the Bad Apple, the funhouse topples and nearly crushes a mother and her baby. LarryBoy saves them and all of Bumblyburg by flinging the funhouse, along with the Bad Apple and Curly, out of the square and out of the city.

Silly Song: Replaced with "Rock On 'Larryboy!'".

Gideon: Tuba Warrior (2006)

Gideon: Tuba Warrior was released in November 7, 2006.

The story is narrated by the Captain, as he tells it through the eyes of his ancestor Great-Grandfather Simon, a reporter for the Bristol Snoop, a tabloid-like newspaper. He goes to George Muller's (Archibald Asparagus) orphanage and asks him non-sense questions ("Is it true you are running a school for alien dolphins?", "This is a turkey with the head of a cat") until he comes in with Muller to find that the orphanage is out of food and the orphans cannot eat breakfast the next day. They pray to God for food and the next day when Simon offers to go out and buy them food the baker and milkman miraculously come in and offers the children milk and bread.

The story of Gideon is played featuring Larry The Cucumber in the title role. Beginning with a montage of floats, as a victory parade for conquering the Midianites, Gideon stops the parade to explain that the large amount of praise lavished on him was not his to take. He then tells the "true" account, in which he reluctantly chooses to defend his country against an undefeated army of over 30,000 excessively hairy pickles, the Midianites, after an angel (Pa Grape) appears to him. Initially, he doesn't want to, and says that he's not a warrior, that he's afraid of the dark and screams like a girl, to which the angel replies, "He (the Almighty) chose you", "to say the truth I'm afraid of the dark too," and "Put me in the dark and I scream like a girl too." Gideon then asks for the miracle of a wet fleece and dry ground, which when the sign is complete, asks for another sign that the fleece be dry and the ground around drenched. This sign is completed too and Gideon accepts his job. When Gideon's sizable army is reduced to six carrots and six peas, he is able to defeat the Midianites with horns and flashlights.

Silly Song: "Lance the Turtle" (Ukulele Karaoke with Bob)

Moe and the Big Exit (2007)

Moe and the Big Exit was released in March 6, 2007.

Since the events of The Ballad of Little Joe, Joe and his brothers have passed, Dodgeball City has changed from 1890 to 1900 AD, and the Joe brothers' descendants have "multiplied like prairie dogs". Moe (Larry the Cucumber), as one of those descendants, is a cowboy living a privileged life while his relatives are enslaved and forced to dig the Grand Canyon. After Moe stands up to a foreman who is over his family, he ends up accidentally causing the official to be sent up the river. Feeling guilt and fearing for his safety, Moe escapes to the Rockies. Later, he runs from a bear and jumps into a well only to be pulled out by a Native American girl named Sally (Petunia Rhubarb) and her buffalo Zippy. Moe soon meets Sally's parents and eventually the two marry. Some years later, a "burning tumbleweed" appears before Moe and tells him to return to Dodgeball City and save his people. Talking to the tumbleweed and finding that his walking stick Sliver turns into a rattlesnake, Moe explains that he cannot speak in public. The tumbleweed then tells him that someone will be sent to speak for him. Moe then sets off for Dodgeball City wearing a masked costume so as to not be recognized. While going through the desert, he finds his brother Aaron (Archibald Asparagus) who works as a souvenir salesman. Arriving in Dodgeball City with Aaron, Moe tells the mayor (Mr. Nezzer) to "let my people go." However, the mayor rejects his demands, but trouble for the town and mayor soon ensues (such as rivers turning into tomato juice, a plague of prairie dogs, grasshoppers eating Mayor Nezzer's lunch, and other plagues that follow the biblical account of Moses). Finally the mayor lets Moe's relatives leave after the firstborn boys of Dodgeball City are taken away by the river. However, he has second thoughts and chases after them with his carrot army. Moe lifts his stick in the air and yells "Hi-yo Sliver away" and it starts snowing. The mayor tries running after them, but the snow melts and the mayor and his army are left out in the frying sun and on the hot ground. Sally and her family run to Moe and the two are reunited. Moe then leads everyone to start their new lives after having led them out of Dodgeball City.

Silly Song: "A Mess Down in Egypt"

The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's (2007)

The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's was released on October 9, 2007.

Darby (Junior Asparagus) resides at the O'Gill farm and is the son of a Kansas floss farmer who just wants to have fun. When he learns about the Wonderful Land Of Ha's – a fancy amusement park – and its mysterious Wizard who promises to make his dreams come true, Darby is determined to go with the money he has saved for college. Darby, with his pet pig, Tutu, by his side, flees the cornfields and sets for Land Of Ha's as a tornado sweeps them away. Along the way he meets a scarecrow, a tin man and a lion, each with their own dreams. He also meets a mean boy with a munchie-eating truck.

The group soon runs out of money and are forced to leave the Land of Ha's. The Wizard (Archibald Asparagus) tells Darby that he is a business man who used his wizard identity to make money. Disappointed, Darby is unsure what to do as he is afraid that his father will hate him for wasting his college money. When Darby threatens to tell the world the truth about the Land of Ha's, the Wizard dumps him in a wastehole. Darby's friends eventually rescue him and publicly humiliate the fake wizard once they soak the mean boy and his parents take him home. Darby sadly leaves his friends and goes back home. Seeing his dad, Darby apologizes and offers to become his slave if he will only take him back, but his father refuses his offer and accepts him back as his son.

Silly Song: "Monkey"

Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue (2008)

Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue was released on July 12, 2008.

Bob the Tomato is "Tomato Sawyer" (Tom Sawyer) and Larry the Cucumber is "Huckleberry Larry" (Huckleberry Finn). Grandpa George appears as narrator "Clark Wayne".

Silly Song: "The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo"

Abe and the Amazing Promise (2009)

Abe and the Amazing Promise was released on February 10, 2009.

Junior Asparagus is eager for the new show production to be finished. Bob the Tomato reads a letter about "waiting" by directing a Bible-times interview with Abraham, Sarah and their son, Isaac. Bob and Junior use imagination to travel. Their patience is tested by spitting camels, a confused nurse, an easily distracted film crew and others. This episode's second segment is "Blunders in Boo-Boo-Ville". It is nearing the time of the great "Boo-Boo-Bird Festival," but there have not been any Boo-Boo Birds spotted in the town for a long time. The festival is in danger of being cancelled if the town's residents cannot come up with a way to attract the birds back to their city. Jacques learns a lesson about taking his time to make sure things are done correctly when an attempt to bring back the boo-boo birds does not go smoothly. One of his inventions goes awry, creating a rift in his friendship with Maurice. He must embark on his next task alone. He learns his lesson from a scientist and inventor.

Silly Song: "Sneeze If You Have To"

Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella (2009)

Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella was released on August 4, 2009.

The story opens with a child, Minnesota Cuke, chasing after the three Scallions who have stolen the Muskie of 47'. Minn manages to retrieve the Muskie before the Scallions steal it back. The scene then shifts to an adult Minnesota who is still trying to retrieve the Muskie but continues to fail. Later, Mister Humphry Muffet sends Minn on a quest around the world in search for Noah's Ark to keep in his backyard as a tourist attraction. Minnesota learns of the mysterious and powerful relic, "Noah's Umbrella". He teams up with his girlfriend Julia (Petunia Rhubarb) who is now an ice cream franchise owner and his former arch-enemy, Professor Rattan (originally sent on the quest by Muffet) to find the ark before Rattan's twin brother, Wicker, uses the umbrella for his own schemes. Wicker wants the umbrella to control weather and force people to pay him for heat, rain and cold weather and eventually rule the world, believing that rain came from the umbrella.

Minnesota is afraid that people will still laugh at him and fails to carry out some of the steps. Minn has the help of a few friends, but he will need to overcome his fear of what others think if he is going to unlock the mystery of the umbrella.

Minnesota rescues Rattan who has been kidnapped by Wicker and they escape to a tavern on a large snowy mountain and perform a song "Arise and Shine" for a clue. They are once again captured by Wicker who locks them up. They escape when Minnesota does the right thing. They catch up with Wicker and his men in a tunnel from the tavern but are again caught when they reach a dead end inside the mountain. Wicker ties up Rattan and Julia to force Minnesota to choose between helping him get the umbrella or a deadly avalanche over Julia and Rattan. Minnesota reluctantly agrees to help Wicker and passes three tests about doing the right thing as Wicker and his men follow but laugh at him.

After passing the tests, Minnesota finds a series of umbrellas on a shelf inside the mountain. Minnesota recognizes that a colorful checkered umbrella is the artifact and Wicker tries to use it to control the weather but learns that the umbrella does not have the power, causing his own army to mock him. Wicker's whining about not getting his way causes an avalanche forcing them to retreat with the umbrella, as Julia and Rattan barely escape being squashed by the falling ice and snow before the entire group flees back to the tavern where Mr. Muffet and two Mountie agents arrest Wicker and his army. The umbrella then is made a protected artifact. Muffet wonders where the ark is and they conclude it has rotted away after thousands of years. it is revealed that the tavern is the ark.

Silly Song: "Sippy Cup"

Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving (2009)

Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving was released on October 6, 2009.

The story starts off with Laura's dad's truck breaking down. The mechanic, Gustav, will only fix it for double the normal price. Everyone sings about Christmas presents and Bob asks Junior Asparagus what Christmas is about, and Larry points to the nativity set. Junior Asparagus asks Bob what Santa has to do with Jesus, and Bob starts telling the story of Saint Nicholas. Nick is at church and afterwards, he and his dad go fishing. While they are there, they see a historical counterpart Gustav firing a man who has no food, and Nick's dad gives him the fish they caught. That night, Nick's parents go to help a sick person, but because of a plague affecting the village, they too get sick and die. Distraught and helpless to assist his neighbors, Nick sails to Bethlehem, where he hears about Jesus, and goes back to Greece to live out his parents' legacy. While there, he gives coins to three girls to pay the fine, because Gustav had become mayor and made a rule against giving people free gifts, and they had broken this rule. Then Bob ends the story when the girls get the coins, and the entire town gives money to help fix Laura's dad's truck, and Gustav even has a change of heart, finishing the deliveries himself, so Laura and her family can have a merry Christmas. The town surprises them in secret with a decorated tree at their house, and leaves content that they have spread Christmas cheer.

Silly Song: "Donuts for Benny" ("Helpful Humanitarian Songs with Mr. Lunt")

Pistachio – The Little Boy That Woodn't (2010)

Pistachio – The Little Boy That Woodn't was released on March 2, 2010.

Gelato (Larry the Cucumber) is a lonely toy maker and has three ducklings and a caterpillar named "Cricket" (Khalil), but wants a child of his own. Gelato then gets pistachio wood from his neighbor Parcheesi (Pa Grape) and uses it to carve a boy. After a night of work, Pistachio (Junior Asparagus) comes to life with the help of the Blue Fairy (Madame Blueberry). Bristling under Gelato's guidance, Pistachio leaves home and goes on amazing, but trouble-making adventures before realizing his folly and coming home to Gelato.

Silly Song: "Where have all the Staplers Gone"

Sweetpea Beauty: A Girl After God's Own Heart (2010)

Sweetpea Beauty: A Girl After God's Own Heart was released in August 3, 2010.

Bob narrates the story of Snooderella who, unlike her sisters, is clumsy and awkward. She is pushed around by her "stepsnoodle" and believes that if she were pretty, she would be happy and loved. For the grand ball, her "step-snoodle" hires a godmother to give Snooderella a magical makeover, warning her that the magic will wear off at midnight. Everyone at the ball is enchanted by her beauty, but Snooderella still feels ugly and unloved. At midnight, the ordinary Snooderella is magically transported to the king who dances with her and tells her that he delights in her beauty and reassures her that she is loved. From that day on Snoodlerella is more confident.

The second story is "Sweet Pea Beauty". An old law says that only the most beautiful person in the kingdom can rule. At the yearly "Most Fair Faire", the most beautiful person is to be named. This year the minstrels mock Queen Blueberry, saying that she is no longer fit to be queen. The Queen is determined to remain queen and against the recommendation of her advisers, the Scallions, and she activates her magic mirror. The mirror comes to life and tells the Queen that Sweetpea Beauty, a kind girl who sees the beauty and worth in everything, is the only obstacle keeping her from remaining the Queen.

Silly Song: "Pants"

It's a Meaningful Life (2010)

It's a Meaningful Life was released on October 5, 2010.

Stewart Green (Larry the Cucumber) is the star of the football team in his hometown. Morty Bumble (Mr. Lunt), Stewart's teammate, is always used as a decoy during plays. Stewart is about to make the winning touchdown when he trips over Bumble. Bumble accidentally catches the ball, causing his teammates to see him as the town hero. Bumble leaves to play major league football.

15 years later, Stewart has inherited his father's toy train company and coaches the town's youth football team. He is married to Donna (Petunia Rhubarb), and has three kids. The toy factory he owns is threatened with closure by Bumble, now a famous football star. Stewart wonders "what if things were different?" and a train magically appears in front of Stewart. The conductor whisks him away to see what would have happened if Stewart had caught the football.

Stewart discovers life is not what he had imagined. Since he went off to football stardom, the town has become practically deserted, his wife never married, his twins were never born, and his daughter was never adopted and spent the rest of her life in an orphanage.

The conductor gives Stewart one last choice: he can either stay in the world of "What if" or go back home to face his problems. Stewart chooses to go home.

Returning home, Stewart finds the entire town working in his factory making toys in order to save it. Overjoyed, he declares his life is meaningful.

This episode's plot is taken from It's a Wonderful Life and The Polar Express.

Silly Song: "Goodnight Junior"

Twas The Night Before Easter (2011)

Twas The Night Before Easter was released in March 8, 2011.

Its theme is the meaning of Easter.

Silly Song: "Hopperena"

Princess and the Popstar (2011)

Princess and the Popstar was released in August 16, 2011 and is a VeggieTales twist on The Prince and the Pauper. Princess Poppyseed (Laura Carrot) is a farm girl, who yearns for the life of the famous popstar, Vanna Banana (also played by Laura). One day, the two meet and notice how they look very much alike and decide to switch lives in an attempt to live their dreams. The lesson is being who God made you to be.

Silly Song: "Astonishing Wigs"

The Little Drummer Boy (2011)

The Little Drummer Boy was released in October 4, 2011 and stars Junior in the character role. The plot and action are taken directly from the 1968 Rankin/Bass stop motion animated Christmas Special of the same name.

Silly Song: "The Eight Polish Foods of Christmas"

Robin Good And His Not-So Merry Men (2012)

Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men was released on March 6, 2012.

In "Lenny's Lost Birthday", Lenny Laboe is having a bad birthday. His friends forgot his birthday, his dog ate his breakfast, he's been humiliated in the cafeteria, he got two hours of detention, his sister gets a prize in her Corn Flakes, and he had to watch his sister's television show on the way to school. Going to bed feeling sad and crying, his mother reassures him that things will get better. Lenny then tells his mom that he thought it was his birthday, but she tells him that since it was a leap year, his birthday isn't until tomorrow.

The second story is about Robin Good and His Not So Merry Men. In the faraway town of Bethlingham in 1250 AD England, a band of merry men, led by Robin Good helps people by fundraising from the rich and giving to the poor. The prince starts stealing the townspeople's hams and keeping them for himself, donations go down and Robin's friends decide that robbing from the rich is good. The prince invites Robin to dinner but starts to eat everything himself. Robin's friends arrive and steal the hams. The prince accuses Robin of the crime and threatens to put him in jail with the sheriff. Robin decides to save The Sheriff and bring his friends back to the side of good.

Silly Song: "Bubble Wrap"

The Penniless Princess (2012)

The Penniless Princess was released on August 14, 2012.

Sara Crewe moves from Africa to London with her father. He goes off to war, so he sends her to a prestigious boarding school where she is under the strict direction of the headmistress. She is bullied by her classmates and becomes friends with an eccentric girl and one of the young servants. Sara is notified of the death of her father and as the loss of his fortune, but is allowed to stay at the boarding school but as a servant. She shares the food she receives with others and reads the Bible to her friends. One of her father's friends searches for her unsuccessfully. Later, he befriends a poor servant girl that lives next door, only to find out that it is Sara and adopts her.

Silly Song: "Best Friends Forever"

The League of Incredible Vegetables (2012)

The League of Incredible Vegetables was released on October 16, 2012.

A problem that is too big for LarryBoy (Larry the Cucumber) to handle arises. Friends Bob the Tomato (Thingamabob), Petunia Rhubarb (Vogue), Mr. Lunt (S-Cape) and Junior Asparagus (Ricochet) all reveal their superhero personas to LarryBoy and Alfred (Archibald Asparagus), and team up to take on Dr. Flurry, who is determined to freeze the town in fear.

Silly Song: "Supper Hero"

The Little House That Stood (2013)

The Little House That Stood was released on March 5, 2013.

The three pigs are looking for a building contractor. Larry the Cucumber builds with hay and Mr. Lunt builds with bricks. Only Bob the Tomato follows plans from the "Master Builder's Handbook."

Silly Song: "Happy Tooth Day"

MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle (2013)

MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle was released on August 27, 2013.

One of two feuding clans plans a big prank. When it goes wrong, MacLarry helps them resolve their differences.

Silly Song: "Stilts and Kilts"

Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas (2013)

Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas was released on October 22, 2013.

As Head Elf at the mall, Larry the Cucumber discovers that Mrs. Crespie's house burned down, and he's determined to get her a new one by creating a light show that will attract the people from the town. Meanwhile, Phillip Fleagle (Bob the Tomato) and his employee Mr. Lunt only care about creating a spectacular holiday display for "The Mall King's" (Archibald Asparagus) mall. Its theme is the true light of Christmas.[5] The video is narrated by Si Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame who appears as the mall janitor in the tradition of the early 1970s Rankin/Bass Christmas specials and their use of celebrity narrators.[6][7]

Silly Song: "Wrapped Myself Up for Christmas"

Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier (2014)

Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier was released on March 11, 2014.

Captain Cuke (Larry the Cucumber), First Officer, Mr. Spork (Bob the Tomato), and the rest of the crew of the USS Applepies are sent to stop the evil space pirate, Luntar the Looter (Mr. Lunt). Its theme is the power of sharing.[8]

Silly Song: "Asteroid Cowboys"

Celery Night Fever (2014)

Celery Night Fever was released on August 5, 2014.

In the video, a determined young girl (Laura Carrot) sets out to save the city park from being turned into a parking lot by getting her grandfather (Larry the Cucumber) to stage a reunion concert with The Groovy Brothers, the disco band he headlined forty years ago. The problem? None of those guys are talking to each other as they all hold grudges from when the band fell apart. Its theme is forgiveness.

Terry Crews guest stars as Bruce Onion, the villain.[9][10]

Silly Song: "Perfect Puppy"

Beauty and the Beet (2014)

Beauty and the Beet was released on October 14, 2014.

Mirabelle (voiced by Kellie Pickler) and her traveling family band, the Veggie Tones, are on their way to a career-making gig at Vegetable Square Garden. However, their car breaks down in a snowstorm and ends up in a ditch, so the family is stranded at a ski resort for the winter, which stalls their plans. Worse, Mirabelle's father angers the hotel's cranky manger, Mr. Beet (voiced by Rob Paulsen), and they are forced to cook, clean and sing to pay for their room and board. Mirabelle tries to keep her family's spirits up while also trying to cheer up Mr. Beet and his staff. The video is a twist on the classic Beauty and the Beast story and its theme is unconditional love.[11][12]

It is the last episode to use the original look for the characters before the new Netflix show VeggieTales in the House was released.[13]

Silly Song: "Mac and Cheese"

Noah's Ark (2015)

Noah's Ark was released on March 3, 2015.[14] This marks the first episode to incorporate the new character images used in the VeggieTales in the House television show. The plot is a takeoff on the Biblical story and features the voice talents of Wayne Brady (as Noah's son Shem) and Jaci Velasquez (as Sadie, Shem's wife) along with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber as Noah's other two sons, Japheth and Ham.

Silly Song: "My Golden Egg"


  1. "Where's God When I'm S-Scared? (1993) (V) - Release dates". Retrieved 2009-02-10.
  2. "VeggieTales - Where's God When I'm S-scared?". Retrieved 2009-02-10.
  3. "Veggie Tales: Where's God When I'm S-Scared? (1993) …review and/or viewer comments • Christian Spotlight on the Movies • ChristianAnswers.Net". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  4. "Veggie Tales: God Wants Me to Forgive Them?!? (1994) …review and/or viewer comments • Christian Spotlight on the Movies • ChristianAnswers.Net". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  5. "Merry Larry and the Light of Christmas, DVD". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  6. "Duck Dynasty's Si Robertson Joins Owl City and Toby Mac in Newest VeggieTales Christmas Movie". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  7. "'Duck Dynasty star goes green - as okra in new 'Veggie Tales'". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  8. "VeggieTales: Veggies in Space:". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  9. "VeggieTales: Celery Night Fever - LifeWay Christian". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  11. "VeggieTales: Behind the scenes of Beauty & the Beet". 7 August 2014. Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  12. "Home". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  13. " - Official Home of VeggieTales". Retrieved 9 February 2017.
  14. DreamWorks Animation (February 3, 2015). "Wayne Brady and Jaci Velasquez Board NOAH'S ARK for an All-New Veggie Twist on One of the Bible's Most Famous Stories" (Press release). PR Newswire. Retrieved September 28, 2015.
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