The Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulations, 2010

The Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulations, 2010
An Act to respite customers from pesky marketing calls and SMS
Territorial extent Whole of India
Enacted by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Date enacted 18 January 2010
Date commenced 27 September 2011
‘The Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2013

The Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulations, 2010 (TCCCPR) is a Regulation by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, enacted in 2010,[1] came into force from 27 September 2011. The regulation was launched by Telecom minister of India Kapil Sibal which enables people across India to respite from pesky marketing calls and SMS.[2]


The Indian telecom Industry with nearly 900 million subscribers is the second largest wireless market in the world. Low tariffs and direct reach to consumers has made SMS and direct calling one of the most cost effective ways of selling services and products. However, telemarketing has become a major irritant to customers over few years.[3]

National Customer Preference Register

National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) is a regulation facility introduced by the TRAI in 2011 when it found that the National Do Not Call (NDNC, also called as do not disturb, DND) Registry failed to curb the problem of unsolicited commercial calls/messages. This facility provides choice to customers to either fully or partially block the commercial communication on the basis of their own preferences on receiving commercial communication for specific categories like real estate, education, finance, entertainment, health and tourism etc.


With the objective to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communications (UCC), The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released ‘The Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2013’. This amendment adds more measures to the existing Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2010 which came into force in 2011. It addresses the operational issues as well as measures for tightening the regulatory framework,especially relating to commercial communication from subscribers indulging in telemarketing activities, intentionally disguising themselves without registering as telemarketer with TRAI. The subscribers indulge in the activities like these without making payment of promotional SMS charge or the other kind of charges or deposits which should be paid by the registered telemarketers. These subscribers also circumvent the procedures for telemarketing followed by registered telemarketers. The subscribers like these indulge in sending unsolicited commercial communications to the customers who are even registered in National Customer Preference Register (NCPR).

If a UCC complaint is found valid, the originating Access provider will be liable to disconnect all the telecom resources allotted to such subscriber, after making necessary investigations. Such a guilty subscriber’s name and address will be blacklisted by for two years. Once the subscriber enters into the blacklist, all the Access Providers will disconnect the telecom resources provided by them to such subscriber within 24 hours.[4]


200 SMS a day

To make it difficult to broadcast millions of SMSs in a day, restriction on more than 100 SMS per SIM per day were introduced. TRAI directed all access providers to exclude the following persons from the limit of one hundred SMS per day per SIM. The exceptions include:[5]

However, 100 SMS a day plan proved to be disastrous for text addicts wring hands. According to a survey conducted by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, around 60% of the country's urban youth send/receive around 100-125 text messages daily to interact with their peer group.[6] College students were hard hit by the new norms as they are the biggest users of the SMS as they are available at low cost tariffs.[7] Owing to certain representations by service providers and consumers to increase the limit of 100 SMSes, TRAI had later decided to increase the limit of 100 SMSes per day per sim to 200 SMSes per day per Sim.[8]

In July 2012, the Delhi High Court removed the ban on the SMS limit of 200 per day per sim, as it felt that the restriction infringed the constitutional right to freedom of speech and expression.[9]

Freedom from disturbing calls

Penalties for telemarketers

Penalties for telecom firms

See also


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