The Satanic Witch

The Satanic Witch

Current Feral House publication cover
Author Anton LaVey
Original title The Compleat Witch
Country United States
Language English
Subject Lesser magic, witchcraft
Publisher Dodd, Mead & Company (1971)
Lancer Books (1972)
Feral House (1989, 2003-present)
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardcover & Paperback)
Pages 284
ISBN 978-0922915842

The Satanic Witch is a book by Anton LaVey, currently published by Feral House. The book is a treatise on lesser magic, as system of manipulation by means of applied psychology and glamour (or "wile and guile") to bend an individual or situation to one's will.[1] The book is introduced as an extension of LaVey's witches workshops which were conducted prior to the founding of the Church.[2] The book presents its methods as a tool of the feminine, and how the female can enchant and manipulate men.

Original first edition published by Dodd, Mead & Company in 1971.

The book was first published as The Compleat Witch, or What to Do When Virtue Fails, in 1971 by Dodd, Mead & Company,[3] The first paperback edition was released by Lancer Books in 1972. It was republished by Feral House in 1989 with an introduction by Zeena LaVey, wherein it was retitled The Satanic Witch; and again in 2003 with a new introduction by Peggy Nadramia and afterword by Blanche Barton. The book concludes with a bibliography of over 170 books on topics of psychology, anthropology, sociology, biology and volumes on sexuality and body language.[2] The publisher describes the book as "...undiluted Gypsy lore regarding the forbidden knowledge of seduction and manipulation."[4]


Excerpts and updates on The Satanic Witch"Anton LaVey and Women - Apologetics" by Vexen Crabtree from "A Defence Of Common Attacks on Satanism"

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