The Sacrifice (Higson novel)

The Sacrifice
Author Charlie Higson
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series The Enemy
Genre Horror, Young adult, Thriller
Publisher Puffin Books
Publication date
20 September 2012
Media type Print (hardcover)
Pages 464
ISBN 9780141336121
Preceded by The Fear
Followed by The Fallen

The Sacrifice is a post-apocalyptic young adult horror novel written by best-selling author Charlie Higson. The book, released by Puffin Books in the UK and Australia on 20 September 2012,[1] is the fourth book in a planned seven-book series, titled The Enemy.[2][3] The Sacrifice takes place in London, a year after a worldwide sickness has infected adults, turning them into something akin to voracious, cannibalistic zombies, and begins five days after the end of The Fear.

Puffin Books released the first novel in the series, titled The Enemy, in the UK on 3 September 2009; Disney Hyperion released it in the US on 11 May 2010.[3] Puffin Books released the second novel in the series, titled The Dead, on 16 September 2010; the third novel, titled The Fear, on 15 September 2011; the fourth novel, The Sacrifice, on 20 September 2012; the fifth novel, The Fallen, on 12 September 2013; the sixth novel, The Hunted, on 4 September 2014;[4] and the final book, The End, on 10 November 2015.[5] Disney Hyperion released Higson's short story companion book in the series, titled Geeks vs. Zombies, on 5 June 2012;[6] it portrays an exclusive scene from The Fear, on World Book Day.[7]


The book opens at an unknown period of time, where a child is locked in a dark room with an unseen figure (this is later revealed to be under a warehouse, near Saint Paul's Cathedral, by the order of Matt from The Dead). The figure talks about how he "fell from the heavens" and landed in "the big green" where he "traveled" from insects to animals over thousands of years, eventually reaching humans. From this, it is possible to theorise that the figure is talking about the virus, which came to earth from space billions of years ago, landed in a jungle, and worked its way up the dominance chain until it was eventually able to infect a human subject (although this is explained further in The Fallen). The figure then reveals himself to be a zombie capable of speech, before he devours the child.

The actual story picks up eight days after Small Sam and The Kid arrive at the Tower of London at the end of The Dead/The Enemy, and after the events of The Fear. The two boys are constantly teased for their resemblance to the children on the Angus Day Banner, even though they both know nothing about Matt and his acolytes. Sam begins to grow restless of his confinement, wanting find the Holloway kids again so he can be with his younger sister Ella, who is traveling as one of the younger kids in their group (and who believes that he is dead, along with every single other person in the Holloway gang). Jordan (who is still the Tower leader), is secretly beginning to slowly turn blind, and calls a council to discuss a punishment for Brendan, Jessica's ex-boyfriend who was caught stealing food from the group's supply cache. After forcing Brendan to confess, Jordan sentences him to death, resulting in Brendan attacking him until he is subdued.

Before Kyle (a square-faced boy Ed made friends with during The Dead) is about to execute Brendan, Jordan decides to reduce the punishment to exile in response to complaints by other Tower residents. Brendan is kicked out of the fortress and wanders off through the so-called "No Go Zone", the heart of Old London where the zombies are said to be unpredictable and extremely dangerous. In response to Sam's complaints about not being able to leave the tower and questions about the mockery the other Tower residents give him and the Kid, Ed tells them about Matt and his Acolytes, while also stating that they are keeping the two boys inside the tower for their own safety (annoying Sam). Ed promises to put a party together and eventually take Sam to find Ella, which the two youngsters both agree to. Later whilst eating breakfast, some sentries spot a group of girls fleeing into a nearby pub after being chased by a horde of zombies. Ed and a few other kids, including Kyle, head to the pub and rescue a fourteen-year-old girl named Tish, who is strangely wearing all green clothes. Ed, however, in a moment of hesitation, accidentally kills the only other surviving member of Tish's group (who is also fully dressed in green).

Tish is brought back to the Tower, and is put in the same bunk room as Sam and The Kid. She tricks the two boys into believing that Jordan and Ed have other motives, and want to imprison them both. She offers to take them across the city to find Ella (telling them that Ed will never fulfill his promise), and they both agree with her. Sam does however have some doubts as to whether he is doing the right thing. The next morning, the trio start a small fire as a distraction, allowing them to escape. They head into the No Go Zone and are chased by a group of zombies and escape into the subway tunnels, which The Kid has a significant knowledge of. After navigating their way through the subway system, they are chased and cornered by more zombies, but are ultimately saved more kids, each wearing all green like Tish. She reveals that they are all part of her original group.

At the tower, the trio's disappearance is noticed, and Ed decides to launch a search party in hopes of finding them consisting of himself, Kyle, two boys named Macca and Will, and two girls named Hayden and Adele. As they make their way through London, Kyle smashes open a zombie's skull, and the group fail to notice a mass of moving grey slime that emerges from its head. They eventually wind up at the Houses of Parliament with Nicola, who develops a minor and insignificant crush on Ed.

Meanwhile, Shadowman has been tracking the Fear consistently through the city from days, and is learning more about their evolving organization. He learns that they have become more intelligent and have established a chain of command with St. George and his remaining three lieutenants at the top. While spying on the Fear, he spots a group of three kids who don't realize how large The Fear are (over one hundred sickos). He tries to warn them, but they are attacked and surrounded. Two of the kids, Johnny and Jaz, manage to escape whilst the other one, Ricky, is eaten alive. Shadowman runs with the group to their car, but the discovers the keys were left in Ricky's pocket. Shadowman returns to the Fear's hiding place and retrieves the keys from Ricky's body. He then returns to the group, and they drive away, but Jaz (filled with anger) tries to run over the remaining zombies as they retreat, and winds up crashing the car and flipping it upside down. Shadowman passes out and is rescued by Jaz's friends, who take him to their headquarters, in an IKEA store. There, Shadowman meets the group's leader, Saif, and learns Jaz died of blood loss after a zombie ate her foot, (which had protruded outside the overturned vehicle) although Johnny survived and is thankful to Shadowman for saving his life.

Sam and The Kid are taken their rescuers to their home, which is revealed to be St. Paul's Cathedral. It is revealed that the building is inhabited by Matt (now known as Mad Matt) and his Acolytes, and that Tish and the boys' rescuers are all members of Mad Matt's cult. They found out about Sam and The Kid via Brendan (who is revealed to have survived the No-Go Zone and made it to the cathedral) and believe that the two boys are the "Lamb and Goat" on the Angus Day banner. After the boys are treated to a feast by the Acolytes, they befriend a girl their age named Charlotte, who reveals that Matt gained respect from the kids at the Cathedral via taking control of a warehouse next to them filled to the brim with food. Matt's group eventually reveal their true intentions- they plan to figure out which of the boys is the "Goat", and sacrifice them so the "Lamb" can cleanse the earth of the Nephilim (Matt's name for the zombies). After not being able to determine which of them is the Goat, Matt imprisons both boys, thinking it is a test. Eventually, the Kid tells Matt that he is the Goat (although neither of them are), and is brutally whipped in an effort to get him to reveal his real name. The Kid initially refuses, until he lies and tells Matt his name is Angus Day (having seen it on another banner around the Cathedral). Matt believes this, and locks the Kid inside a cage, deciding to sacrifice him by having him fed to a zombie the people at the Cathedral call Wormwood (the figure from the start of the book, which Matt uses to kill thieves and troublemakers). The Kid is locked in the same room as before (underneath Matt's warehouse), where he meets Wormwood, who is revealed to be a zombified father covered head to toe in mould (earning him the nickname "The Green Man"), with the ability to speak and communicate with other people (a trait not seen in any other zombie except Saint George himself). The Kid manages to convince Wormwood not to eat him, and they instead work together to find a passage in the back of the room, escaping through a tunnel into a nearby building.

Ed and the rest of his group discover the boy's location, whilst the Cathedral comes under siege from a huge horde of zombies. They arrive at and fight their way into the building, where Ed rescues Sam and beats Matt into giving him the Kid's location. Matt takes them to the warehouse, where they find Wormwood's room empty (with the pair inside having escaped). Matt believes The Kid and Wormwood have destroyed each other and rejoices, leading to Sam and Charlotte believing the Kid is dead. Ed's party, Sam, Charlotte and a few other members of Matt's group (including Tish and Brendan), run into an abandoned building to escape the continuing siege, and there find The Kid and Wormwood. Whilst Matt barricades himself inside the Cathedral with the rest of his followers, Wormwood helps Ed's (now much bigger) group escape by somehow communicating telepathically with the zombies (this is also explained further in The Fallen). Brendan, Tish, and Adele die helping Ed's crew escape across the Wobbly Bridge. Ed decides to take Sam to The Natural History Museum, upon discovering that this is where Ella and the Holloway gang are currently located.

Shadowman, meanwhile, watches the demise of most of Jaz's group from a high vantage point, due to an ill-advised attack on the Fear ordered by Saif. He goes down to try to help a kid he believes is still alive, but learns he is incorrect is attacked by one of Saint Georges Lieutenants, Bluetooth. He attempts to flee on a gimpy leg, but Bluetooth ultimately catches up with him. He is saved when he runs into Ed's crew; with their assistance, he kills every zombie chasing him, including Bluetooth himself. He takes Ed's gang to a safe hiding spot, where he decides to reveal his real name to Ed; Dylan Peake. Ed and Dylan swap notes on St George and his army, but agree that they will deal with the issue later.

The book ends with Jordan declaring that he will clear the No Go Zone, after Hayden runs back to the Tower and informs him of Ed's trip through London. We read reflections from Nicola, David, Jordan, Ed, and St. George himself about how things are beginning to change. Ed and The Kid believe that Wormwood may be the key to stopping the entire apocalypse. It is made clear that Wormwood was a scientist studying parasitic rain forest diseases, and that he may be the first case ever of the virus' attacking a human. Wormwood repeats the phrase, "out with the bad blood, and in with the good", to The Kid.


The Tower of London

St. Paul's Cathedral


Houses of Parliament

Buckingham Palace

Other kids



  1. Higson, Charlie (20 September 2012). The Sacrifice (The Enemy series, #4). Puffin Books.
  2. "Is Young Bond Series 2 still a possibility?". Young Bond Dossier. 24 September 2010.
  3. 1 2 "First look at The Enemy". The Young Bond Dossier. Retrieved 6 April 2009.
  4. Higson, Charlie (4 September 2014). The Hunted (Paperback ed.). ISBN 9780141336107.
  5. "A Master Class in Dealing With the Undead". Mostly-Books. 15 September 2011.
  6. Higson, Charlie (5 June 2012). Geeks vs. Zombies. Disney Hyperion. p. 34. ISBN 9780141344249.
  7. "Book Description: Geeks v. Zombies". 2012.
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