The Ma'aynei Hayeshua Kiruv Movement

Tnuat Ma'aynei Hayeshua was founded in 2000 by Avichay Buaron, an attorney, and members of the Religious Zionist community in Israel.[1] Ma’aynei Hayeshua runs 100 manned Outreach Stands throughout Israel (for donning Tefillin, distributing Shabbat candles, and discussing Judaism with passersby), 2,000 chavrutot relationships annually via its Chavruta Coordination Center, two all-day Outreach Centers for Jewish Activity with programs 24/7, an all-day Beit Midrash for the newly religious, 500 activists implementing weekly activities, a year-round Outreach Training School, and produces and distributes 10,000 Jewish outreach materials, and original Jewish music and booklets.[2]


Ten years ago, members of the Religious Zionist community in Israel began to feel that their community's values of Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Torat Yisrael were not achieving their potential impact on the Israeli psyche, despite their wide popularity among Israelis. They concluded that the great cultural rifts in contemporary Israeli society had made the depths of Jewish learning and the beauty of Jewish experiences inaccessible to the standard Israeli. With a burning desire to open the doors of Judaism to the common Israeli in a Religious Zionist context, and with the guidance of prominent community rabbis, the Ma'aynei Hayeshua Kiruv Movement was established.[3]


Ma’aynei Hayeshua's activities include: A 16-page weekly magazine circulated every Friday to 70,000 Israelis throughout Israel, over 100 Jewish Outreach Stands throughout Israel on Fridays and Erev Chag, 7 of them by young couples, distribution of 10,000 Jewish outreach publications and Shabbat candles 500 activists implementing weekly activities 2,000 chavrutot matched, with 50 new requests for in-depth Torah study every week, an all-year-round Religious Zionist Shlichim School, two popular Outreach Centers of Jewish Activity, with programs 24/7, production and distribution of original books, booklets, and the original Jewish music.

Outreach projects

Ma'aynei Hayeshua's projects are aimed to encounter the average Israeli during his daily routine and leisure time. The flagship project, the network of Outreach Stands throughout Israel, are operated near shopping malls, commercial centers, business areas, and public parks and universities. Once a relationship is formed, "customers" are directed to steady Jewish activities, like a chavrusa, or locations where Judaism and Jewish culture can be explored in a group setting, such as at the Beit Mayim Jewish Awareness Centers in Haifa and Kfar Saba.

Jewish Outreach Stands

Ma'aynei Hayeshua operates one hundred outreach stands on Fridays and Erev Chag, when Israelis often have their day off in order to do their leisure-shopping and errands for Shabbat. Five hundred activists take part in the Outreach Stands project. Ma'aynei Hayeshua has set a goal this year to finance 1,000 Outreach Stands across Israel, particularly with young couples. Stipends are provided to these couples for their time.

Open Centers of Jewish Activity - Batei Mayim Batei Mayim respond to the needs of many Jews who seek experiential and spiritually uplifting Jewish content. The Open Centers conduct shiurim, plays, workshops, and more, while providing personal guidance for all visitors. Afterwards, those who are interested in learning and becoming familiar with Judaism in a more organized fashion are referred to relevant frameworks.

Beit Mayim-Ma'aynei Hayeshua in Haifa and Kfar Saba: The Ma'aynei Hayeshua movement has established an Open Center of Jewish Activity in the city of Haifa. The Open Centers of Jewish Activity are used as a meeting place for the many young people and students living in Haifa to sit together around a Shabbat table and participate in workshops and shiurim. In addition, the Open Center serves as a starting point for kiruv initiatives in the city, local schools, kindergartens, and for cultural events.

Ma'aynei Hayeshua in Yerushalayim: Beit Mayim in the Nachalat Shiv'a neighborhood has operated in Yerushalayim for five years.

Chavrusa Project

Every week, the activists at the Outreach Stands refer many people who don't only want to don Tefillin, receive Shabbat candles, publications, discs, etc.—but want a little more. They don't want their encounter with Judaism to end here; rather this is only where their story begins. From there, we do our best to refer them onwards to rabbis, shiurim in their neighborhoods, and more. The pinnacle of these referrals is the Chavruta, because of its superior advantage in the forming of a continuous relationship with the applicant, whether frontally or via telephone from the office.

Shlichim Training School

The Shlichim Training School runs two courses annually, by semester. Each course is fourteen meetings. Every meeting features two lectures given by professionals, psychologists, rabbis, salesmen, directors of non-profits, and more. These instructors are among the best in their fields.

Publications and Distribution of Jewish Cultural Alternatives One of Ma'aynei Hayeshua's main objectives is to distribute quality, professionally made books, booklets, and discs, which market Judaism as an attractive product. These materials have become popular and are sought-after by the public.


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