The Lumberjack (newspaper)

The Lumberjack masthead.

The Lumberjack is a weekly student-run newspaper at Humboldt State University. It has served the Humboldt State campus and community since 1929. Five thousand copies are printed weekly. Copies of the paper are distributed throughout the HSU campus, Arcata, Eureka and McKinleyville. The Lumberjack can also be found online at where extra stories, videos and postcasts are posted. It covers news relevant to the students and faculty of Humboldt State and major news relevant to the residents of Humboldt County. This includes coverage of university issues, protests, rallies, athletics, the local music scene and quirky events from the local police log.

It is funded through the sales of advertisements supplemented by the Instructionally Related Activities fee. To advertise in the newspaper, visit the "advertise with us" tab on

Other student-run media outlets at Humboldt State include: El Leñador monthly bilingual newspaper, The Osprey student-run magazine, KRFH student-run radio and KRFH radio news.


To be on the Lumberjack, students must fulfill the JMC 120: Beginning Reporting prerequisite. Then students then enroll in JMC 327: Multimedia News Lab. The editorial staff changes every semester. The current editorial staff is:[1]
Editor-in-Chief: Jami Eiring
Managing Editor: Kevynn Gomez
News Editor: Connor Malone
Life & Arts Editor: Nick Garcia
Science Editor: Jeff Gardner
Sports Editor: Paul Matli
Opinion Editor: Desiree Back
Visual Editor: Aren Fikes
Layout Editor: Savanna VandenHeuvel
Layout Editor: Raymond Garcia
Copy Editor: Marissa Papanek
Copy Editor: Nicole Hummel
Copy Editor: Patrick Maravelias
Video Editor: Catherine Virgen
Public Relations: Joseph Marmolejo


SPJ Region 11
Second Place: Best All-Around Non Daily Newspaper
SPJ REGION 11Second Place, General News Reporting: Derek Lactaoen, "Student Art at Risk on HSU’s Campus"
• Second Place, Best All-Around Daily Newspaper
• Second Place, Best News Photography: Sarah Hardy, " Hostile Gospel"
First Place, General News Reporting: Allie Hostler, “Un-dam the Klamath deal struck”
California College Media Association
• First Place, Best A & E Story: Catherine Wong, "Drawing the chalk line."
• First Place, Best Headline Portfolio: Lillian Boyd
• Second Place, Best Headline Portfolio: Ryan Nakano
• Third Place, Best News Series: Overcrowding and lack of availability of courses for students First Place, Best Non-Breaking News Story: Luke Ramseth, "Dude, Where’s My Fee Money?"
• Third Place, Best Personal Opinion Column: Jessica Renae Buxbaum, "The problem with pot."
• First Place, Best Arts & Entertainment Story. Derek Lactaoen "Student Art at Risk on HSU’s Campus"
• Second Place, Best Photo Illustration, Jacob Horn
• Second Place, Best Info Graphic: Kaci Poor, Scottie Lee Myers, Josh Aden
• Third Place, General Newspaper Excellence
• Third Place, Best Sports Story: Snow, Mud and Victory”, Kaci Poor
• Third Place, Best Photo Series: Catherine Wong
• Third Place, Best Back to School Issue
• Third Place, Best Special Section: "From Joints to Juice"
• First Place, Best Photo Series: Travis Turner, Satoshi Kondo and Preston Drake-
• Hillyard
• Second Place, Best Breaking News Story: Zach St. George, “Administration Hands Down New Cuts”
• Third Place, Best Editorial
• Third Place, Best Sports Story: Grant-Scott Goforth, "The Art of Combat."
• Third Place, Best Back to School Issue
• Second Place, Best Sports Story: Chris Bennett
• Third Place, Best Photo Series: Preston Drake-Hillyard and Satoshi Kondo2008
• Third Place, Best Back to School Issue

  1. "Contact Our Editorial Staff". The Lumberjack. Retrieved 2016-04-18.
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