The Last Men of the Revolution

Author Rev. E. B. Hillard
Country United States
Language English
Genre Biography
Published 1864
Publisher N. A. & R. A. Moore

The Last Men of the Revolution is a compilation of biographies written by Rev. E. B. Hillard (Elias Brewster) documenting veterans of the American Revolution who were alive in 1864.[1] The book is widely considered to be the first biography to be published with photos.

List of People Interviewed[2]

Edward Everett's Letter[3]

On January 15, 1865 Edward Everett, former Massachusetts Governor, wrote a letter to the publishers N. A. & R. A. Moore expressing his appreciation for their book. The letter was written the day he died and is his last known letter. Soon after the letter was written it was in possession of Mr. James Parker, of Springfield Ma., an antiquary and collector of autographs. He had the letter lithographed and made copies of the book with the letter's facsimile in the front, copies were given to his friends.

Edwards Everett's Letter:

"Boston, 15 Jan. 1865.

GENTLEMEN,- Since I received your favor of the 7th and the little volume accompanying it, I have been very ill, and now am able to answer but very briefly. I have looked through the Biographies with interest, and they appear to me to contain all that can be expected. The anecdote of General Washington's stopping to "jerk stones" with the men is excellent, and is in accordance with the traditions of his youth which describe him as being able to throw a stone over the Rappahannock below Fredericksburg. In the year 1836, being governor of Massachusetts, I signed a Pension Warrant for a person who lost an arm at Fort William Henry in 1757.

I remain, Gentlemen, respectfully yours,

Edward Everett."


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