The Broken Wheel

The Broken Wheel
Author Kerry Greenwood
Country Australia
Language English
Genre Young adult, science fiction
Publisher Moonstone
Publication date
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 155 pp (first edition)
ISBN 978-0-7322-5621-0

The Broken Wheel is a 1996 young adult science fiction novel by Kerry Greenwood.


The Broken Wheel was first published in Australia in 1996 by Moonstone in paperback format.[1] It won in a tie situation with Hillary Bell's Mirror, Mirror the 1996 Aurealis Award for best young-adult novel.[2]

Plot summary

After an apocalyptic event, the survivors have formed into groups. These include the Travellers, who trade in small goods; the medievalists in the enclave Thorngard; the Tribe, a loose gathering of nomads; and in the city the Breakers, who destroy every machine they find, blaming the machines for the disaster. Sarah, a child of the Breakers, joins with the Travellers in an attempt to save the world from destruction.


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