The Brethren (novel)

The Brethren

First edition cover
Author John Grisham
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Doubleday
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 416 (hardback edition), 440 (paperback edition)
ISBN 0-385-49746-6
OCLC 54083777
LC Class PS3557.R5355 B74 2000b

The Brethren is a legal thriller novel by American author John Grisham, published in 2000.


Three former judges (known as "The Brethren") incarcerated at Trumble, a fictional, federal minimum security prison located in northern Florida, develop a scam to deceive and exploit wealthy closeted gay men. None of them are gay, but they write convincingly as two young vulnerable gay men, Ricky and Percy, undergoing therapy. They also attach attractive photos of men they know nothing about. They first develop a friendship, and then ask for financial help. In some cases, they also try blackmail.

With the help of their lawyer, Trevor Carson, they transfer their ill-gotten money to a secret Bahamian bank account. He takes one-third, and also investigates the men they have contacted. This takes over from his normal legal business, which had been making very little money for him.

Meanwhile, Teddy Maynard, the ruthless and soon-to-retire director of the CIA, is orchestrating a scheme to control the United States presidential election. Aaron Lake, a strongly pro-defense expenditure Congressman has been identified, and Maynard is determined to control him - and then get him elected. He is to run on a program of doubling military spending, and arms manufacturers support him.

Unknowingly, the Brethren hook Teddy's candidate for President. He is a widower and has lady friends, but also a secret gay side that the CIA had missed when they selected him. When they do discover this, the CIA scrambles to stop the judges and their lawyer from finding out what they've done. But, a leak has sprung. It takes all of Teddy's experience with illegal maneuvering to save his candidate from being exposed.

The Brethren lose their trust in Trevor and fire him; he is later killed by CIA agents in the Caribbean. The CIA plant a man inside Trumble, who tells the judges that he knows they have been involved in the scam. A deal is worked out, money changes hands and the judges are pardoned by the out-going President at Maynard's insistence. The judges leave the country and travel in Europe. Later, they restart the scam.

See also

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